
Sunday 30 October 2011

Class 10 - Biology - How Do Organisms Reproduce? (Very Short Questions)

Very Short answer Questions asked in board examinations. 

Q1: Why simply copying of DNA in a dividing cells not enough to maintain continuity of life?
Q2: How does plasmodium undergo fission?
Q3: How spirogyra reproduces by fragmentation?
Q4: Which cells are responsible for budding in Hydra?
Q5: On which plant can you find buds on its leaves?
Q6: Write the scientific name of the bread mould,
Q7: Name the structure into which following develops : the plumule and radicle?
Q8: Where are the testes located in human beings?
Q9: For what specific reason have the testes specific location?
Q10: Correlate the rate of general body growth and maturation of reproductive tissue during

Q11: Where does the zygote get implanted?
Q12: Which two important chemical substances are delivered to developing embryo through
Q13: Name the tissue in mother's body that provides nutrition to developing embryo?
Q14: How change in hormonal balance prevents pregnancy?
Q15: Write one side effect of loop placed in uterus?
Q16: Which structures need to be blocked in males and females respectively to prevent pregnancy?
Q17: Write the ill effects of misuse of surgery?
Q18: Why is children sex ratio alarmingly declining in our country?
Q19: Name the chemical methods of preventing pregnancy.
Q20: Name some of the devices used as mechanical method for preventing pregnancy.
Q21: Write expanded form of AIDS
Q22: During spore formation in Rhizopus, which cells undergo reductional division?
Q23: Which of the two has faster rate : asexual or sexual reproduction?
Q24: Name the female reproductive part in center of flower?
Q25: Write the names of area where buds are found in leaves of Broyphyllum?
Q26: Identify the place in flower where zygote repeatedly divides forming embryo?
Q27: In which structures of flower are ovules present?
Q28: Name the two groups of living organisms which reproduce most commonly by fission.
Q29: Name the cell organelle in which most of the amount of DNA is concentrated.
Q30: Normally how many copies of DNA are fomed in a reproducing cell?
Q31: From which part of the flower do following develop the fruit and the seed?
Q32: Why reproduction is not referred as a life process?
Q33: What is the role of DNA in reproduction?
Q34: Name the structure so formed subsequent to fertilization of gametes.
Q35: Is the age of puberty for both male and female the same in humans.
Q36: Why is reproduction vital?
Q37: What is a niche?
Q38: Name the structure which protect the spores.
Q39: The two oviducts invite to form which structure?
Q40: Write the suitable term for the following :–
          (a) beginning of menstrual cycle
          (b) release of ovum from the ovary.
Q41: What is the functiom of mechanical barrier methods of contraception?
Q42: Why asexual mode of reproduction does not contribute to evolution?
Q43: Why do the gametes have half the number of chromosomes then any other cell of the body?
Q44: Define contraception.
Q45: Name one method which ensures population control.
Q46: Name a type of asexual reproduction that takes place in Leishmania.
Q47: State True or False. "The growing human embryo gets nourishment from the placenta."
Q48: Name any two sexually transmitted diseases.
Q49: ______ delivers the sperms to the urethra in human males.
Q50: The uterus opens into the vagina through the _____.


1 comment:

  1. where is the answers of dese questions to find either we are ryt or wrong.


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