
Sunday 16 October 2011

CBSE Class 8/9/10 - English Paragraphs (Set-2) (#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)


A set of a few paragraphs recently being asked in school exams.

CBSE Class 8/9/10 - English Paragraphs (Set-2) (#cbsenotes)(#eduvictors)

No Legislation Can Stop Corruption 
But Conscience and High Moral Values

In our country corruption is something we all learn to live with. Corruption is a symptom of a disease that has its progenitors in form of non-transparency in government functioning and lack of accountability. Corruption thrives on opacity. Under its umbrella, billions of rupees get syphoned off before anybody notices anything amiss.  Many NGOs and socialites have been campaigning to bring more transparency and accountability by improvising legal system and administration. However, the basic fact remains that the common man cannot shirk responsibility. A common man being the building block of a society is equally accountable for boosting this monster. 

Since Independence, many leaders raised their voices to check the menacing corrupt practices. New laws were introduced to counter this devil. No doubt the common man stood behind these mass movements, still corruption spread its tentacles. We can wear “Gandhian Cap”, hoist flags or perform candle march but all these efforts are showy unless our conscience is clear. How many of us do not jump red-light traffic signal when there is no policeman watching us. This small traffic signal test is sufficient to judge our conscience and respect towards our constitution.

Laws and legislation are for those who respect them; otherwise, they fill the showcases of advocates in the form of big volumes. One can be punished for his unlawful actions but can't be executed in any court for sins committed through hearts and minds. Until and unless we change our attitude, no law or legislation can prevent the corruption.   Moral judgement and conscience is the mother of a corrupt free and progressive society.

Hiding behind computers, running away from society
Technology’s greatest invention is Computers. Computers have had a powerful impact on our society, both good and bad. People have come a very long way with computers. It is evident that computers are used in all spheres of life. Whether it railway reservation or computer-assisted medication or watching a movie on a DVD player, computers are used in one form or another. However, with everything good that comes, must also come to some harm, and computers are a prime example of that.

The use of personal computers has given us access to countless source information of knowledge, but it has made us “too personal”. With internet coming live on a personal computer, you can chat with your “unknown” friend from the USA for hours. But you don’t have few minutes to spend with your grandmother sitting next door. Earlier when there was no craze for personal computers or they were too expensive to buy for personal use, kids used to interact socially. They used to play, laugh, sing and dance together in the neighbourhood parks or compounds. Now computers have confined children to the virtual world. Many children would rather play games on computers than play sports and go outside. This has risen to obesity among children and often leading to chronic diseases like diabetes, heart problems etc.

No doubt computers have opened up the whole world in front of us. With a click of a mouse, you can find information on any topic, city or event. The epitome of information is overwhelming but unnecessary. Sometimes superfluous information adds anxiety and worry. Too many hours sitting on computers has made us lazy and lethargic. Personal computers have inculcated bad habits in children. Playing too many action games has made them aggressive and violent. Kids are becoming too individualistic and have forgotten the importance of teamwork. Computers have alienated our society.

In conclusion, I think the personal computer as technology is good for mankind, but it should be used judiciously. It is in our hands to control are we becoming computer-addicts or not. We should not forget that human relationships and societies are bonded with love, trust and friendship; dumb computers cannot take their place. We should remember there is a beautiful, colourful and vibrant world around us, which is real when we are behind the fake computer screens.

 Danger Of Idleness
Idleness is a great vice and a great danger. It is the father of all evils. There is a proverb which says that, “An idle man’s brain is the devil’s workshop.” This is very true. Having nothing to do, the idle man turns his attention to sin. A life of idleness is a life of sin. It brings with it misery and want. It is the root of all evils.

We sometimes think it would be nice if we had no work to do. We envy the rich who do not have to work for a living and have holidays from January to December. We wish to be like them in our life-styles too. But we should realise that if the rich had really been idle they may not have become rich. 

Again, an idle boy grows up to be an idle man. He makes no progress in life. He loses out on
some of the best chances in his life simply because of his idleness. The story of the hare and the tortoise is to the point. The hare who was proud of his speed was beaten by the slow-moving tortoise, s!mply because one idled away most of the race sleeping while the other one kept working hard.

It is improper for a youth to be idle. It eats away all his energies. It is a foolish person who says, “I have nothing to do.” There are so many things to do in the world. There are so many problems waiting to be solved. What can be more noble than trying to solve them? People who do not have to work for their livelihood are less fortunate than those who have to earn their living. The former will soon become discontented and miserable while the latter will always enjoy health, peace and happiness. Only an honest worker can enjoy respect and dignity.

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