
Friday 21 October 2011

English Reading Comprehension (Set-1) #class10English #eduvictors

Reading Comprehension (Set-1)

Q.1 Read the given passage carefully:                                                     (5 Marks)

My next pet was a pigeon, the most revolting bird to look at, with his feathers pushing through the wrinkled scarlet skin, mixed with the horrible yellow down that covers baby pigeons and makes them look as though they have been peroxiding their hair. Because of his repulsive and obese appearance, we called him Quasimodo.
Since he had an unorthodox upbringing, without parents to teach him, Quasimodo became convinced that he was not a bird at all, and refused to fly. He walked everywhere. He was always eager to join us in anything we did. He would even try to come for walks with us. So you had to either carry him on your shoulder, which was risking an accident to your clothes, or else you let him walk behind. If you let him walk, then you had to slow down your own pace to suit his, for should you get too far ahead you would hear the most frantic and imploring coos and turn around to find Quasimodo running desperately after you.

Q1. Read the questions given below and write the option you consider the most appropriate in your answer sheet.

1. The narrator describes the pigeon as a ‘revolting bird’ because
a)      he could not fly
b)      he had to be carried everywhere
c)      he had wrinkled skin covered with yellow feathers
d)     he was fat

2. Quasimodo got his name because
a)      he was fat and ugly
b)      he was attractive
c)      he could not fly
d)     he loves behaving like human beings

3. We know that Quasimodo was always eager to go on walks because
a)      he walked everywhere
b)      he did not know how to fly
c)      he complained loudly if he was not taken along
d)     he always copied whatever humans did

4. Quasimodo protested when he was
a)      left at home
b)      lifted on human shoulders
c)      taken for a walk
d)     left behind during walks

5. The phrase ‘risking an accident to your clothes’ means
a)      the bird pecked at their clothes
b)      there was a chance of the bird soiling their clothes
c)      the bird risked a fall
d)     the bird did not like their clothes


1.     (c) it had wrinkled skin covered with yellow feathers

2.      (a) he was fat and ugly

3.      (c) he complained loudly if he was not taken along

4.      (d) left behind during walks

5.      (b) there was a chance of the bird soiling their clothes

Q.2 Read the passage given below carefully                             (5 marks)

The idea of euthanasia, of hastening the death of someone from motives of compassion, covers two main situations. The first is when someone is close to death and can be kept alive briefly, with intensive medical care. The official reason for the use of every possible technique on patients, for whom there seems no hope, is that we never know that there is no hope of at least a brief recovery.
The second situation, in which it is proposed to end the life of someone who is not expected to die at once from natural causes, is more morally doubtful. In so far as the suggestion may be based on the notion of the ‘quality of life experienced by the patient, this is an inadequate approach to human beings. At one extreme we may be dealing with a birth that cannot be called ‘human’ at all: such a being likely to live at the most for only a few hours. Many feel that during this time it ought to be given ordinary nursing care. Bringing to an end of the life of say, a spastic child, by the deliberate refusal of the fullest medical care seems morally indefensible.

Read the questions given below and write the option you consider the most appropriate in your answer sheet:

1. Euthanasia means
a) a place in Asia
b) bringing about gentle and easy death
c) enthusiasm
         d) the youth in Asia

2. One reason for trying all possible measures to save a person is
a) death is horrifying
b) there is a possibility of recovery
c) doctors need to be compassionate
d) science may invent more sophisticated machines later

3. The people who argue for euthanasia advocate it saying
a) the patient is not living a qualitative life
b) we must not spend quality resources on a sick person
c) we should not bother about the ailing
d) it can be defended morally

4. The words ‘………………dealing with a birth that cannot be called ‘human’ at all’ implies
a) humans have no control over birth and death
b) the person may survive only for a very brief period
c) doctors are incapable of saving people
d) the patient may want to die

5. The writer finds it unpardonable to
a)      end the life of someone who is not expected to die at once from natural causes.
b)      end the life of a spastic child
c)      end the life of an infant who is likely to live only for a few hours
     d)  end the life of a human being

  1. (b) bringing about gentle and easy death 
  2. (b) there is a possibility of a brief recovery  
  3. (a) the patient is not living a qualitative life 
  4. (b) the person may survive only for a very brief period  
  5. (a) end the life of someone who is not expected to die at once from natural causes.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i don't think the answers r correct

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. the answer key should be:

  5. The question 4 of 1st para is wrong. In answers the sentence is different than that of the question

  6. Question number 3 of first passage is wrong,it will be (a) not (c)..

  7. Yup the answers are wrong I guess

  8. Yeah.. I too think that the answer the Q.3 of first passage is wrong and the right one would be (a) not (c)



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