
Tuesday 15 November 2011

NTSE MAT Quiz-1 (Series completion)

Complete the following series:

1.  6,12,21,___,48,66
 (a) 33      (b) 38       (c) 40       (d) 45

2.  125,80,45,20,___
 (a)  5        (b)    8     (c) 10        (d)12

3.  22,24,28,___,52,84

 (a)  30        (b)   36      (c)    42     (d) 46

4. 1,3,3,7,6,13,10,___,15,31

(a)  25        (b)   27      (c)    21     (d) 30

5. 3,1,7,3,13,7,21,15,31,31,___,63,57

(a)    39      (b) 41        (c)  38       (d) 43

6. a b c d e a b c _ a b _ _ b _

(a) d c d c
(b) d c a c
(c) d c a a
(d) d c c c

7. Pick the right choice which complete the series? 
    DF, JL, PR, ??
(a) ZX
(b) VX
(c) PQ
(d) OR

8. C, F, I, L, ?, R
(a) P
(b) O
(c) Q
(d) N


Answers: 1. (a) We get next term by adding +6,+9,+12,+15,+18,...
                  2. (a) We get next term by subtraction -45,-35,-25,-15,....
                  3. (b) We get next term by adding +2,+4,+8,+16,+32,....
                  4. (c) This series is made up of 2 series,having alternate terms
                            We get first series by adding +2,+3,+4,+5,+6
                             We get second series by adding +4,+6,+8,+10
                  5. (d)This series is made up of 2 series,having alternate terms
                            We get first series by adding +4,+6,+8,+10,+12,+14
                             We get second series by adding +2,+4,+8,+16,+32
                  6 (c) Here the pattern comes out as abcde abcd abc ab a
                  7 (b) The distance between the letters is 6 i.e. D is 4th alphabet, J is 10th and P is 16th. Similarly, F is  6th, L is 12th and so on. Hence the next term is VX.
                  8 (b) the difference is 2 between two consecutive letter.
                  9 (d) (hint see the 1st and 2nd terms, positions are exchanged left to right and so on.) 


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