
Sunday 6 November 2011

NTSE SAT Quiz-4 (Books and Authors)

Q1. "Discovery of India" is
   a. a biography of Mahatma Gandhi
   b. an autobiography of Jawah Lal Nehru
   c. a biography of Indira Gandhi
   d. history book written by Jawahar Lal Nehru

Q2: Who wrote 'Artha Shastra'?
   a. Kautaliya
   b. Banbhatt
   c. Vatsayan
   d. Vagabhatt

Q3: Panchtantra was written by
   a. Ved Vyas
   b. Valmiki
   c. Vishnu Sharma
   d. Tulsidas

Q4: Meghdoot was authored by
   a. Kalidas
   b. Banbhatt
   c. Vishnu Dutt
   d. Kabirdas

Q5: Who is the author the book "Origin of Species"?
    a. Karl Mark
    b. Thomas Edison
    c. Charles Darwin
    d. Leo Tolstoy

Q6: Who wrote "Rajtarangini"?
   a. Kalhana
   b. Kalidas
   c. Charak
   d. Harshvardhan

Q7: Who is the author of "Anand Matha"
   a. Rabindra Nath Tagore
   b. Swami Vivekananda
   c. Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
   d. Chitranjan Das

Q8. Name the author who created fictional town of Malgudi
  a. R. K. Narayan
  b. R. K. Laxman
  c. S R Radhakrishnan
  d. O. P. Nair

Q9: Who is known as "Father of Modern Hindi"?
  a. Munshi Premchand
  b. Bhartendu Harshchandra
  c. Ramdhari Singh Dinkar
  d. Harivansh Rai Bachchan

Q10: Sursagar is compoed by whom
  a. Kabirdas
  b. Tulsidas
  c. Surdas
  d. Ravidas

Q11: Who is the author of "The Jungle Book"?
  a. Rudyard Kripling
  b. J. K. Rowling
  c. Charles Dickens
  d. R. K. Narayan

Q12: 'India Wins Freedom'  is wriiten by
  a. Mahatma Gandhi
  b. Indira Gandhi
  c. Maulana Azad
  d. Dr. Rajendra Prasad

Answers: 1-d   2-a   3-c   4-a   5-c   6-a    7-c   8-a   9-b  10-c   11-a   12-c

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