
Thursday 17 November 2011

Tips and Checklist before appearing for NTSE Stage-1 Examination

This Sunday, November 20, 2011 is all set for NTSE Stage 1 examination. You may get details about the NTSE examination from NCERT website.

Following are important Tips and  checklist before going for the test.

1. Photocopy your hall ticket for future reference. The original Hall Ticket is taken by the invigilators at the examination hall. Do not forget to bring your hall ticket other wise you will not be allowed to enter the hall.

2. Reach the examination center at least 45 minutes to 1 hour earlier.  Sometimes hustle and bustle occurs for finding the seats.

3. Most of the times, the examination venues chosen for NTSE examination are Government Schools. It might happen there are not proper desks and candidates have to sit on mats. You should bring your own card boards to write properly.

4. Carry 3-4 HB sharpened pencils, eraser, a sharpener and a pen. Don't forget to wear your wrist watch. Calculators in any form are not allowed.

5. Do not miss your breakfast, because you have to spend 3-4 hours at the center.  Bring your water bottle also.

6. NTSE examination is a time bound test. Try to answer those questions first in which your are confident.

7. Do not spend too much time on a particular question. If you don't understand it, leave it and answer the remaining questions. Once you have answered the remaining questions, re-look those questions you have  left earlier.

8. Read the questions carefully. Pay attention to negative words like 'not', 'never', 'none', 'neither' etc. Some times the question language is tricky e.g. Instead of asking which of the following is a false statement, it may ask "Which of the following is Not true"

9. Read the question carefully and all the alternatives (choices) Sometimes students do not read all the answers and just tick the first answer appears correct. This is one of the very common mistake done by students.

10. Apply elimination method to reach the correct answer. If you have any doubt about the answer, read all the choices and try to eliminate those which appear incorrect.

11. Sometimes backtracking helps (usually in maths problems). E.g. Determine x for a algebraic equation, try to fit the choices one by one and evaluate the result to find the answer, instead of simplifying or factorizing the equation. Note, this does not help all the time, only apply when you do not find other ways to solve it.

All the best for the examination.

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