
Tuesday 24 January 2012

CBSE-Class 8 - Science -CH9 - NCERT Solutions: SOME NATURAL PHENOMENA


Select the correct option in Questions 1 and 2.
mature thunderstorm cell
Storm Cloud

Q1. Which of the following cannot be charged easily by friction?
(a) A plastic scale
(b) A copper rod
(c) An inflated balloon
(d) A woollen cloth.

Answer: (b) A copper rod.

Q2. When a glass rod is rubbed with a piece of silk cloth the rod

(a) and the cloth both acquire positive charge.
(b) becomes positively charged while the cloth has a negative charge.
(c) and the cloth both acquire negative charge.
(d) becomes negatively charged while the cloth has a positive charge.

Answer: (b) becomes positively charged while the cloth has a negative charge.

Q3. Write T against true and F against false in the following statements:

(a) Like charges attract each other (T/F) - False
(b) A charged glass rod attract a charged plastic straw (T/F) - True
(c) Lightning conductor cannot protect a building from lightning (T/F) - False
(d) Earthquakes can be predicted in advance (T/F) - False

Q4. Sometime, a crackling sound is heard while taking off sweater during winters. Explain

Answer: In general, Sweater is made of wool and the other inner clothes like shirts are made up of cotton and synthetic fibres. Due to friction among these, static charge gets accumulated on the sweater. While taking off sweater, an electric discharge occurs between sweater and the body which results in forming of sparks and crackling sound.

Q5. Explain why a charged body loses its charge if we touch it with our hand.

Answer: Human body is conductor of electricity. A charged body loses its charge when we touch it with hand because the charges get transferred from our body to earth. This process of transferring of charges from charged body to earth is known as earthing.

Q6. Name the scale on which the destructive energy of an earthquake is measured. An earthquake measures 3 on this scale. Would it be recorded by a seismograph? Is it likely to cause much damage?

Answer: Richter Scale measures the destructive energy of an earthquake. Seismograph can measure an earthquake of magnitude 3 on Richter Scale. It is of low intensity and will not cause any damage.

Q7. Suggest three measures to protect ourselves from lightning.

  • Safety Measures during Lightning:
  • Open space is dangerous. Take cover under a building
  • Thunder is an indication to rush for safer place
  • Once thundering stops, wait for some time before moving out to an open place

Q8. Explain why a charged balloon is repelled by another charged balloon whereas an uncharged balloon is attracted by another charged balloon?

Answer: The charged balloons have similar charges on the surfaces. Since like charges repel each other, that's why the charged balloon is repelled by another charged balloon. When an uncharged balloon is brought near a charged one, the uncharged balloon acquires some opposite charge. Since unlike charges attract each other, therefore a charged balloon attracts an uncharged one.

Q9: What causes lightning?

Answer: The process of massive electric charge between clouds and the earth or between different clouds causes lightning.
As water vapours evaporate in the atmosphere, due to friction they are also charges. Clouds carrying massive  water vapours accumulate electric charge. This accumulation of static charge leads to sparks between clouds of higher potential and clouds/earth of lower potential.


  1. In the case of a lightning taking shelter under a tree is extremely dangerous as trees conduct lightning. on seeing this many people may get seriously hurt and i ask you to change it immediately

    1. Fixed. You are right. Trees being taller objects have high chances that lightning fall on them.
      Thanks for point it.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. nice keep uploading
    and i have a doubt why it is difficult to charge a copper rod when held in a hand

    1. it is difficult to charge a copper rod when hold in hand because copper is a good conductor of electricity and it can be charged but the electricity could draw into the earth through our body so it would be difficult to charge it

  3. Please try to make short note on social sciences lessons. I believe it will be useful for most of the secondary school students(Class6-10)

  4. it is very useful

  5. how do we know that the glass rod gets charged positively when rubbed with a silk cloth?

    1. How I wish we could answer that question of pure Genius, Ananya...

    2. you can see by making an simple electroscope and test it

    3. Simple electroscope will just let us know whether it is just charged or not, not whether it is positively or negatively. But can you tell how exactly that happens??

  6. Where are the other questions?????????

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Do not take shelter under buildings. Maybe it may fall due to the tremor pls change it....

  10. where is Q.9 ,10 ,11 ,12
    plzz update it

  11. You should also not take an umbrella during lightning . Add this point please.

  12. 9,10,11,12 are missing
    pls update it

  13. i hv n doubt my daughter asked me, a tree has wood and leaves. hence it is a non-conductor. then why do you think it is not safe to stand under a tall tree during lightning?

    1. Air is also a poor conductor of electricity, still lightning passes through it and strikes on tall trees and buildings. The reason is lightning has very high voltage and current. When it falls on a tree, it can pass through the dead wood and electrocute us. You might have seen videos showing trees catching fire due to lightning.


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