
Thursday 5 April 2012

Class 10 - Geography - Ch1- Resource and Development

Resource and Development
MCQs, Q & A
Q1: MCQs
(i) Which one of the following type of resource is iron ore?
 (a) Renewable
(b) Biotic
(c) Flow
(d) Non-renewable

Answer: (d) Non-renewable

(ii) Under which of the following type of resource can tidal energy be put?
(a) Replenishable
(b) Human-made
(c) Abiotic
(d) Non-recyclable

Answer: (a) Replenishable

(iii) Which one of the following is the main cause of land degradation in Punjab?(a) Intensive cultivation
(b) Deforestation
(c) Over irrigation
(d) Overgrazing

Answer:  (c) Over irrigation

(iv) In which one of the following states is terrace cultivation practiced?
(a) Punjab
(b) Plains of Uttar Pradesh
(c) Haryana
(d) Uttarakhand (Uttaranchal)

Answer: (d) Uttaranchal

(v) In which of the following states is black soil found?
(a) Jammu and Kashmir
(b) Gujarat 
(c) Rajasthan
(d) Jharkhand

Answer: (b) Gujarat

Q2:  Classify resources based on ownership along with examples.

Q3: Name three states having black soil and the crop which is mainly grown in it.
Answer: The three states having black soil are:
  • Gujarat
  • Maharashtra
  • Western Madhya Pradesh
The main crop grown in it is cotton.

Q4: Describe three stages of resource planning?
Answer: Resource planning involve the following stages:
  1. Identification and keeping inventory of resources across regions of the country.
  2. Evolve a well planned structure endowed with right technology, skills and
    institutional set up for implementing resource development plans.
  3. Matching the resources development plans with over all national development
Q5: What type of soil is found in the river deltas of the eastern coast? Give three
main features of this type of soil.

Answer: The soil found in river deltas of the eastern coast is Alluvial Soil and its main features are:
  1. Alluvial soil consists of various portions of sand, silt and clay. In river valleys soil particle appear somewhat bigger in size.
  2. In the upper reaches of the river valley i.e. near the place of the break of slope, the soils are coarse. Such soils are more common in piedmont plains such as Duars, Chos and Terai.
  3. Apart from the size of their grains, soils are also described on the basis of their age. According to their age, alluvial soils can be classified as: old alluvial (Bangar) and new alluvial (Khadar).
    The bangar soil has higher concentration of kanker nodules than the Khadar. Khadar has more fine particles and is more fertile than the bangar.
  4. Alluvial soils contain adequate proportion of potash, phosphoric acid and lime which are ideal for the growth of sugarcane, paddy, wheat and other cereal and pulse crops.
Q6: Name the five major soil groups in India.
  • Alluvial Soil
  • Black Soil
  • Red Soil
  • Laterite Soil
  • Arid Soil
  • Desert Soil
Q7: Which soil has the special property of "holding moisture"?
Answer: Black Soil

Q8: What steps can be taken to control soil erosion in hilly areas?
Answer: Steps taken to control soil erosion in hilly regions are:
  • Terrace Farming: Making terraces or steps along a slope of mountains is called terrace farming. Terrace cultivation restricts erosion and have been well developed in Western and central Himalayas.
  • Contour Farming: Ploughing horizontally along the contour lines can decelerate the flow of water down the slope and helps in minimizing soil erosion.
Q9: What are biotic and abiotic resources? Give examples
Answer: Resources on the basis of origin are classified as biotic and abiotic resources.

Q10: Mention the most satisfactory feature of landuse pattern of our country.
Answer: The most satisfactory feature of landuse pattern of our country is the Barren and Waste land has reduced from 12.01 % (1960-61) to 6.29% (2002-03).

Q11: Which is the most unsatisfactory feature of our landuse pattern of our country?
Answer: Forest area in the country is far lower than the desired 33 per cent of geographical area, as it was outlined in the National Forest Policy (1952).

Q12: Why has the land under forest not increased much since 1960-61?
Answer: Large scale development projects, industrialization, urbanization, quarrying and agricultural expansion have widely reduced forests in various parts of our country. Though afforestation and social forestry measures have been adopted, it has led to a marginal increase in forest area.

Q13: What is the importance of resource planning for India?
Answer: Importance of resource planning in India for the following reasons:
  • For judicious and optimum use of resources.
  • There is an enormous diversity in the availability of resources requiring well defined strategy.
  • There are regions which are rich in certain types of resources but are deficient in some other resources.
Q14: What problems do arise because of indiscriminate use of resources?
Answer: Resources are vital for human survival. unfortunately indiscriminate use of resources by humans has led to the  following problems:
  • Depletion of resources for satisfying greed of few individuals.
  • Accumulation of resources in few hands which in turn divide the society in two segments i.e. have and have nots (rich and poor).
  • Indiscriminate exploitation of resources has led to global ecological crisis like global warming, floods, ozone layer depletion, rising levels of pollution and land degradation.
Q15: Define the following terms
(a) Resource        (b) Soil Erosion      (c) Badland

(a) Resource: Everything available in our environment which can be used to satisfy our needs, provided it is technologically accessible, economically feasible and culturally acceptable can be termed as 'Resource'

(b) Soil Erosion: The denudation of the soil cover and subsequent washing down is described as soil erosion.

(c)  Bad land: The running water cuts through the clayey soils and makes deep channels as gullies. The land thus becomes unfit for cultivation and is known as bad land.


  1. what are the positive and negative aspects of land use pattern?

  2. thankz it really helped me do my homework

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanx Fr Hlpingg. vERY helpful

  5. thnax for helping for doing hw

  6. This so cool!!!!

  7. I was really mad with geo but now its ok

  8. Thanks a lot!! It helped me for my my exams....

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. This gives awesome tips

  11. Love the way you explain things...

  12. very good it helped me a lot

  13. What is the economic value of alluvial soil?

  14. What is the economic value of alluvial soil?

  15. Hell. Where are the other half of the EXERCISE QUESTIONS that i needed? -_-

  16. Hell. Where are the other half of the EXERCISE QUESTIONS that i needed? -_-

  17. It ws rlly useful..😊 Its awesome..

  18. It was really useful thanks.... I was going to get punishment my social teacher if I have not done the exercise... Thanks again its awesome

  19. This is good but there r not many questions

  20. The quetions ans i want is not here...😕😕

  21. The quetions ans i want is not here...😕😕

  22. Thank-you it is very nice and helpful also 😊😊😊😂


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