
Monday 9 April 2012

Class 9 - Ch1 - French Revolution - Q & A

French Revolution - Q & A

Q1: Important dates related to French Revolution


  • 1774: Louis XVI becomes King of France.
  • 1789: Third Estate forms National Assembly. The Bastille is stormed., Session of Estates General
  • 1791: A constitution is framed to limit the powers of the monarch.
  • 1792-93: France becomes a republic. The king is executed. Directory rules France.
  • 1804: Napoleon becomes emperor of France.
  • 1815: Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo.
  • 1848: Slavery was abolished in all French colonies.
  • 1946: French women got the right to vote.
Q2: What principles were supported by the revolution?
Answer: Liberty, Equality and Fraternity

Q3: Important Terms to remember.
  1. First Estate: French society was divided into classes called Estates, The First Estate consisted of the Clergy which held vast land, wealth and was exempted from taxes.
  2. Second Estate: It consisted of the aristocracy and controlled all the top positions in the government. parliament and in the army and navy. They were also exempted from taxation and led an extravagant life.
  3. Third Estate: This comprised everyone who was neither nobility nor clergy and constituted almost 97% of the population. The wealthy upper middle class (merchants, bankers, doctors. lawyers), lower middle class, shopkeepers, craftsmen. and peasants comprised the Third Estate. This class lacked political power, social status and was heavily taxed.
  4. The Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen: In 1789. the French National Assembly adopted a set of basic principles called the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen. Proposed by Lafayette and based on the ideas of Locke, Montesquieu and Jefferson, this document stated that “men are born and remain free and equal in rights” and that the “source of power resides in the people”. It guaranteed all Frenchmen the basic rights of liberty, security, equal justice, fair taxes, religion, fair speech, and thought.
  5. Livre: Unit of currency used in France till 1794.
  6. Clergy: Group of persons invested with special functions in the Church.
  7. Tithe: A tax levied by the Church equal to one-tenth of the agricultural produce.
Q4: Write a short note on 'Reign of Terror'.
Answer:  The term 'Reign of terror' referred to the policy of severe control and punishment. This policy was adopted by Robespierre during his reign from 1793 to 1794. During this period, all of those whom he considered being enemies of the Republic (e.g. nobles, clergy, members of other political parties) were arrested. They were tried by a revolutionary tribunal and eventually
more then 15,000 persons including Queen of France were guillotined or executed. Meat and bread
were rationed. Peasants were forced to sell their grains at the prices fixed by the government. All citizens were forced to eat the equality bread i.e., a loaf made of whole wheat. Churches
were shut down and their buildings were converted into barracks or offices.

Q5: What role did women of France of the third Estate play in French revolution?
Answer: Women of the third estate of France played a crucial role in the revolution:
  • During Revolutionary years, women started their own political clubs and newspapers. They set up about sixty women clubs in different cities of France.
  • The most famous among them was the Society of Revolutionary and Republican Women.
  • They also demanded to enjoy the same political rights as men, i.e., right to vote, to be elected to the Assembly and to hold political office.
However, the women were disappointed because they were not given same political rights as enjoyed by the men of France.

Q6: In the context of France the volunteers from Marseilles sang the Marseillaise a patriotic song when they marched into Paris. Who composed this song?
(a) Maximilian Robespierre
(b) Marie Antoinette
(c) Roget de L'lsle
(d) Mirabeau

Answer: (c) Roget de L'lsle

Q7: What did the Red Cap worn by Sans Culottes in France symbolize? 
(a) Liberty 
(b) Brotherhood
(c) Love 
(d) Equality

Answer: (a) Liberty

Q8: What was the legacy of the French Revolution?
  1. It led to the decade of political changes in Europe.
  2. Three founding words of the French revolution i.e. 'liberty, equality and fraternity' reflected the coming of new democratic and social order in Europe and rest of the world.
  3. It inspired the Germans, Italians and Austrians to overthrow their oppressive regimes.
  4. It inspired struggling nations of Asia and Africa. E.g. India's struggle for Independence was inspired by the thoughts of French philosophers like Voltaire and Rousseau.
  5. French revolution put into the practice the idea that sovereignty comes from the people from below not from the above.
  6. It marked the beginning for the first time in history about active and institutionalized mass participation in the government. It inculcated the spirit of nationalism among the people.

Q9: Which of the following refers to the political body representing the three estates of pre-revolutionary France?
(a) Parliament of France
(b) National Assembly
(c) Estates General
(d) Estates Committee

Answer: (c) Estates General

Q10: The word 'Guillotine' during French revolution era refers to
(a) Beheading a person 
(b) Awarding a person
(c) Taxing a person 
(d) Threatening a person

Answer: (a) Beheading a person 

Q11: What is the importance of the document 'Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen'?
Why 'Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen' is considered as a revolutionary document in french revolution?

Answer: Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen is regarded as  a revolutionary document because:
  1. It abolished the privileges and power given to the French feudal classes i.e. First Estate and Second Estate.
  2. It provided equal distribution of the burdens of taxation and rights to public property among all citizens.
  3. The Declaration emphasized equality before law and freedom of speech and press.Every citizen has right to speak, print and express.

Q12 (CBSE 2010): Explain how did the freedom of speech and expression under the revolutionary government in France promote the ideals of Liberty and Equality into everyday practice.

  1. The Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen emphasized that freedom of speech and expression be established as established as ‘natural and inalienable’ right.
  2. The ideas of these philosophers were discussed intensively in salons and coffee-houses and spread among people through books and newspapers. 
  3. Newspapers, pamphlets, books and printed pictures flooded the towns of France from where they travelled rapidly into the countryside.
  4. Freedom of the press also meant that opposing views of events could be expressed.
  5. Plays, songs and festive processions attracted large numbers of illiterate people to help them grasp and identify with ideas such as liberty or justice that political philosophers wrote about.
Q13: What was the important aim of setting up Directory? What was the final outcome of appointing the Directory?

Answer:  After the fall of the Jacobin government, the two elected legislative Council appointed an executive of five members called Directory. The main objective of the directory was to work as a safeguard against the concentration of power in a one-man executive as under the Jacobins.

However, the Directors often clashed with the legislative councils, who then sought to dismiss them. The political instability of the Directory paved the way for the rise of a military dictator, Napoleon Bonaparte.

Q14: Who authored the book 'The Spirit of the Laws'? What was proposed in this book?
Answer: Montesquieu was the author of The Spirit of the Laws. In the book, he proposed a division of power within the government between the legislative, the executive and the judiciary.

Q15: Which cities became prosperous because of the slave trade?
Answer: Port cities like Bordeaux and Nantes prospered due to the flourishing slave trade.

Q16: What impact did French Revolution have on slave trade?
  1. During and after the revolution, there was little criticism of slavery in France. 
  2. It was totally ironical that National assembly held long debates about the rights of men but did not pass any laws to abolish slavery. 
  3. In 1794, a convention was passed to free all slaves in French overseas possessions. However, it turned out to be a short-term measure. Napoleon reintroduced slavery after 10 years of the ban.
  4. Slavery was finally abolished in French colonies in 1848.
Q17: What was the role of French philosophers and revolutionary thinkers in the French Revolution?
Answer: The 18th century witnessed the emergence of revolutionary thinkers such as John Locke, Jean Jacques Rousseau and Montesquieu. They didn't play an active role in the events of the revolution but their ideas inspired the revolutionary movement. Their revolutionary ideas encouraged people to fight for their rights.

  1. The idea of a society based on freedom, equal laws and opportunities for all were put forward by philosophers such as John Locke and Jean Jacques Rousseau. In his book Two Treatises of Government, Locke sought to refute the doctrine of the divine and absolute right of the monarch.
  2. Rousseau carried his radical ideas forward by proposing a form of government based on the social contract between people and their representatives.
  3. Montesquieu, in his book, The Spirit of the Laws proposed a division of power within the government between the legislative, the executive and the judiciary.
  4. Voltaire's ideas revolved around individual liberties. He believed that people should have freedom of expression.
The ideas of these philosophers were discussed and debated in salons and coffee houses and spread among people through books and newspapers. This founded the way to the revolution of 1789.

Q18: The French revolution took place on _________
(a) July 14, 1789
(b) July 14, 1788
(c) July 14, 1786
(d) July 14, 1785

Answer: (a) July 14, 1789 (Storming of the Bastille)

Q19: On what charges was Louis XVI guillotined?
(a) Cruelty
(b) Treason
(c) Absolute Role
(d) misgovernance

Answer: (b) Treason

Q20: The tax called tithe was collected from French Peasants by
(a) The Church
(b) The emperor
(c) The Nobles
(d) Chief of the Army

Answer: (a) The Church

Q21: Why was the subsistence crisis caused in France?
(a) The wages of the people were low
(b) There was widespread unemployment
(c) Increase in population led to rapid increase in the demand for food grains.
(d) The government imposed various taxes.

Answer: (c) Increase in population led to rapid increase in the demand for food grains.
Note: A ‘subsistence crisis’ is defined as an economic crisis which threatens the food supplies or, more precisely, the survival prospects of a larger population.

Q22: The Bastille was hated by all in France because:
(a) it stood for the despotic power of the king.
(b) it was a fortress prison
(c) Prison In charge tortured the inmates.
(d) it housed dreaded criminals.

Answer: (a) it stood for the despotic power of the king.
Note: A despot is a ruler or other person who holds absolute power, typically exercising it cruelly.

Q23: What were the different political groups operating in the Legislative Assembly during French revolution?
Answer: Following political groups were active within the Legislative Assembly during French Revolution:
  1. The Girondins:  It was the largest group who wanted war against all despots.
  2. The Jacobins: The most influential and ruthless group who were responsible for the reign of terror. They did not favour war.
  3. The Feuillants: They proposed constitutional monarchy.

Q24: What was the impact of the French Revolution in France?
Answer: The impact of the French Revolution in France can be summarized as:

  1. End of Monarchy: It marked the end of absolute monarchy and paved way for a republic government.
  2. Laid the foundation of Democratic Principles: It upheld the theory of sovereignty and laid the foundation of the democratic principles i.e. government decisions should be based on the consent of her citizens.
  3. Ideas of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity: The slogans of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity became the founding milestones for a democratic nation.
  4. Declaration of Rights and Equality: The declaration provided equality among the citizens for all public offices, freedom of speech and expression was granted and freedom from arrest without a proven cause was implemented.
  5. Abolition of Censorship: Mass media was allowed Freedom of the press was granted.
  6. Taxes to be paid by all: Taxes would be borne by all the people irrespective of their status. 
  7. Religious Freedom: It guaranteed the free exercise of religious worship and abolished the taxes collected by the churches.
  8. Reforms and New Initiatives: New initiatives and reforms were carried out in education, administration and judiciary domain.
Q25: Who were allowed to vote for the formation of the National Assembly?

  • Only men above 25 years of age and those who paid taxes equal to at least 3 days of a labourers wage were given the status of active citizens. And they were entitled to vote.
  • The remaining men and women were classified as passive citizens and were not allowed to vote.
  • To qualify as an elector and then as a member of the assembly, a man had to belong to the highest bracket of taxpayers.
Q26: What was Rousseau's concept about the state?
Answer: Rousseau, a thinker, is regarded as an inspiration behind the French Revolution.
  1. According to him, the society creates a Political state for a stable life.
  2. The state is not a divine creation but is the outcome of a sort of unwritten social contract.
  3. If the state failed to abide by the terms of the contract, people have natural and moral rights to overthrow the state authority.
Q27: Who was the president of USA during French revolution?

Answer: George Washington became the first president of USA at that time.

Q28: Arrange the following events of French Revolution in chronological order (what happened next).
(i) Louis XVI is guillotined.
(ii) the Oath of the Tennis Court
(iii) The Bastille falls
(iv) French Republic is declared.
(v) The Great Fear

Answer: The correct sequence is (ii) - (iii) - (v) - (iv) - (i)

Q29: What was The Great Fear of French revolution?

Answer: After the storming of the Bastille, the National Assembly was busy at Versailles drafting a
constitution, the rest of France seethed with turmoil.
  1. In the countryside rumours spread from village to village that the royalists of the manor had hired bands of brigands who were on their way to destroy the ripe crops. 
  2. Rumours also spread that Kingsmen were planning to kill National assembly representatives. 
  3. Caught in a frenzy of fear, peasants in several districts seized hoes and pitchforks and attacked chateaux. They looted hoarded grain and burnt down documents containing records of manorial dues. 
  4. A large number of nobles fled from their homes, many of them migrating to neighbouring countries. 
This turmoil at that time is termed as The Great Fear.

Q30: When did the Assembly pass a decree abolishing the feudal system of obligations and taxes?

Answer: 4 August 1789

Q31: Who among the following proposed a division of power within the government?
(a) John Locke
(b) Jean Jacque Rousseau
(c) Voltaire
(d) Montesquieu

Answer: (d) Montesquieu

Q32: When did Louis XVI call for The Estates General? When was it convened last time?

Answer:  Louis XVI called for The Estates-General on May 5, 1789. It was called after a gap of 175 years since 1614

Q33: From where Jacobin's club got its name? Who was the leader of Jacobin's club?

Answer: It got its name from the former convent of St Jacob in Paris.Maximillian Robespierre was the leader of Jacobins.

Q34: What was the outcome of Battle of Waterloo? When did this battle occur?

Answer: The Battle of Waterloo was fought in 1815 between Napolean Forces and the allied army of Prussia, UK and Netherlands. In this battle, Napolean was defeated.

Nice and Detailed Presentation on French Revolution (posted by Griffel on Slideshare)
Chap11 Fr Rev
View more PowerPoint from Grieffel

Q35: What happened after the fall of Robespierre’s government?
Write a short note on the Directory.

Answer: After the fall of  Robespierre’s government, the prosperous and educated middle classes came forward to seize power. A new constitution was introduced which denied the vote to non-propertied sections of the society. It provided for two elected legislative councils. These then appointed a Directory, an executive made up of five members. This was meant as a safeguard against the concentration of power in a one-man executive as under the Jacobins.

However, the Directors often clashed with the legislative councils, who then sought to dismiss them. Thus, the Directory became the victim of political instability which paved the way for the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte.

Q 36: Describe the causes for the fall of Jacobin government in France.

(i) The Jacobin government in France was based on extreme measures. The period from 1793-1794 is referred to as the reign of terror. Robespierre followed a policy of severe Control and punishment.

(ii) All those he saw as being ‘enemies’ of the republic nobles and clergy, members of other political parties, even members of his own party who did not agree with his methods–were arrested, imprisoned and guillotined. This led to chaos and resentment among the people.

(iii)Robespierre’s government ordered shutting down of churches and converting church buildings into barricades or offices. Thus the clergy turned against the Jacobin regime and hastened its fall.

(iv) Robespierre pursued his policies so relentlessly that even his supporters turned against him. They began to demand moderation and a middle path. Finally, he himself was tried by a court in July 1794, arrested and guillotined.


  1. please can you give the answers to the activities given in the chapters

  2. i have a question -what did the bastille symbolised & how did the french people destroy it ?

    1. On the morning of July 14, 1789, when only seven prisoners were confined in the building, a mob advanced on the Bastille with the intention of asking the prison governor, Bernard Jordan, marquis de Launay, to release the arms and munitions stored there. Angered by Launay's evasiveness, the people stormed and captured the place; this dramatic action came to symbolize the end of the ancien régime. The Bastille was subsequently demolished by order of the Revolutionary government.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. The Bastille symbolized the despotic and cruel power of King.
      The parisians first attacked the soldiers guarding the Bastille, found gun powder, arms and cannons then fired at the Bastille, which was completely destroyed by then. The Bastille was entirely demolished and its stone fragments were sold in the market of France

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. what was the factors responsible for the outbreak of the french revolution ?

    1. Answer: Following are some of the causes which had responsible for the outbreak effect of revolution in France:

      (a) The war with Britain for an independent America: This war led to mounting debt on the French monarchy. This necessitated imposition of new taxes on the public.

      (b) Privilege based on birth: People got privileges and position based on their lineage and not on their merit. This led to resentment among common people.

      (c) Concentration of power among the privileged: People belonging to the first and second estate had all the power and money. Masses were at the mercy of this privileged class.

      (d) Subsistence Crisis: Rising population and less grain production resulted in demand supply gap of bread, which was the staple diet. Wages did not keep pace with rising prices. It was becoming difficult for people.

      (e) Growing Middle Class: Because of increased overseas trade a new class emerged. This class was wealthy not because of birth but because of its ability to utilize opportunities. People of the middle class started raising their voice for an end to privileges based on lineage.

      All of this led to a general sense of resentment among people. Certain thinkers of the period spread awareness through various media. Some from the privileged classes also advocated a switch to democracy. So, finally there was revolution in France.

    2. Mann u really r a GENIUS!!

    3. really good thanks alot

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. (1)French society in the eighteenth century was divided into three estates, and only the members of third estate paid taxes.
      (2)The members of first two estates enjoyed certain privileges by birth. These included exemption from paying taxes and feudal privileges. Peasants were obliged to render services to the lord.
      (3)Church too extracted its share of taxes called tithes from all the members of third estate.
      (4)The rose in population of France led to a rapid increase in demand of food grains. So the price of bread which was the staple diet of majority rose rapidly. But the wages of most workers did not keep pace with the rise in prices. This led to subsistence crisis.

  4. The Bastille was a prison in Paris. In 1789 it was seen as a symbol of all that was wrong with the Old Regime, so on June 14, 1789 a mob broke into it. There were only about a dozen inmates, but it was symbolic. The prison was soon torn down, and the French Revolution followed. The site is now a plaza (Place de la Bastille) at a street intersection, and a new opera house has been built on the corner. It is called Opera Bastille. June 14 became the national holiday of France.

    French people, especially Parisians were very wary at the presence of the king's foreign regiments, fearing the king would send them to quell the unrest about food shortage and high prices. Upon the rumors of an imminent attack by these regiments, the Parisians, aided by members of the National Guard (a French-staffed regiment), stormed the arsenal of the Invalides, where they found guns and cannons, but no gunpowder. Word spread that they could find powder and ammunition in the Bastille fortress. They didn't storm the Bastille to set the (seven) prisoners free or to take an anti-royal stance (the king was at the time very popular), but the crowd went mad after a volley of bullets was fired from the fortress, stormed it, and killed the governor

    1. What is the role of 3rd estate in the constitution

    2. Third estates are the people like merchants,administrative officials,etc.the king can only call the estate general assembly b, it was helded in. 1614 and then it was held in 5th may 1789
      The delegates were hosted in the respandent hall of Versailles . The first and second estate representatives were 300 and third estate has 600 representatives the first and second estates were sitting in front of each and the third estate people were standing back and those people should be prosperous the other were not allowed to enter like women,artisans and peasants they demands were wrote in a 40000 letters and those were carried by their representatives

      Voting system was always chosen by the king this time also he did the same but the third estate people demanded that one member of estate one vote and the king refused it the third eastatw people slowly walked out of the assembly and formed a group in tennis court of Versailles and swore they won't dispers until a constitution is made they were leaded by mira abbeu and abbeu sieyes , mira abbaeu was a nobleman and abbe sieyes was a third estate people
      Under the leadership of these two members constitution was made abbe sieyes wsa the 3rd estate person who played a major role in the making of constitution of France and national assembly was made to make the constitution rights in these constitutions made a lot of difference in France.Also philosophers like John Locke and Jean Jacques Rousseau and montestique were also third estate people's people through their knowledge they made lot of difference in government

    3. Third estates are the people like merchants,administrative officials,etc.the king can only call the estate general assembly b, it was helded in. 1614 and then it was held in 5th may 1789
      The delegates were hosted in the respandent hall of Versailles . The first and second estate representatives were 300 and third estate has 600 representatives the first and second estates were sitting in front of each and the third estate people were standing back and those people should be prosperous the other were not allowed to enter like women,artisans and peasants they demands were wrote in a 40000 letters and those were carried by their representatives

      Voting system was always chosen by the king this time also he did the same but the third estate people demanded that one member of estate one vote and the king refused it the third eastatw people slowly walked out of the assembly and formed a group in tennis court of Versailles and swore they won't dispers until a constitution is made they were leaded by mira abbeu and abbeu sieyes , mira abbaeu was a nobleman and abbe sieyes was a third estate people
      Under the leadership of these two members constitution was made abbe sieyes wsa the 3rd estate person who played a major role in the making of constitution of France and national assembly was made to make the constitution rights in these constitutions made a lot of difference in France.Also philosophers like John Locke and Jean Jacques Rousseau and montestique were also third estate people's people through their knowledge they made lot of difference in government

  5. French Revolution laid to democracy in against i want essay for debat,,,,,,,,pl

    "Social disparity is one of the main reasons\causes of the french revolution" justify the statement.

    1. Social Disparity was one of the main causes of the French Revolution as in France one section of the society was denied rights and the other sections of the society were favoured extravagantly. Hence, due to social inequalty, people of the third estate decided to bring up a revolution to bring justice.

  7. Plz can anyone gimme notes in a storywise form rather in the form of questions and answers...........plz i need urgent help as my ssc examinatons are going to be conducted very soon.Plz sent this in aword file or publish it in your blog
    My email

  8. This was really helpful. Thanks. =D

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  10. wht were the factors responsible for the out break of french revolution?

  11. wht r the social political and economic causes of the french revolution???

  12. what changes came inFrance after the storming of baistiile

  13. what were the political rights?

    1. 1. Right to life
      2.Freedom of speech
      3. Freedom of opiion
      4. Equality before law

      These rights were considered 'natural and undeniable', i.e., these rights were given to every citizen by birth and could not be taken away. It was the respnsibility of the government to ensure that these rights are not violated.

    2. (1)Right to equality
      (2)Right to freedom
      (3)Right to assemble and form union
      (4)Right to vote
      (5)Right to freedom of expression

  14. why did france help american colonies to fight against britain? if ur ans. is becoz it was their enemy then y france hated britain?

    1. France hated britain as they were rival enimies and britain had also captured france before so they became enimies, and france and britain were the 2 super powers of the world so they hated each other and thus france helped america.

  15. Gr8...nw I hav help to prepare fr my dreaded History exam...

  16. can u send me a copy of all the ques plsss...
    my email id -

  17. list the three french colonies .why was their a shortage a labour in the plantations? how was the demand met?name the french cities the flourished?

  18. explain the impact of french revolution in the world

    1. 1. Ideas of French Revolution spread all around the word, thus inspiring democratic rule.
      2. These ideas influenced people who brought up campaigns to bring down monarchy.
      3. Countries like India shared these ideas.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. write a short note on Directory Rule In France.?

    1. 1. After Jacobian rule, middle class siezed powers.
      2. Legislature appointed Directory(5 members) to safeguard concentration of pwer in oe hand.
      3.However, legislatives and the Directory(executives) clashed often.
      4.This polotical instability resulted in the dominance of miliatary dictator 'Napolean Bonoparte' (1804-1815)


  22. can you give this answer plz:- name the philosopher and their work that influenced france during 18th century

    1. 1. John Locke: The Two Treaties of Government
      -> He rejected the theoy of divine rights of the monarch

      2. Rosseau: Social Contract
      -> He proposed a form of government based on a contract between that of people and the government

      3. Montesique: The Spirit of the Laws
      -> He propsed the division of powers between that of executive, legislative, and judiciary

  23. What were the economic condition of France prior to French Revolution?

    1. France before the French Revolution was under a great debt due to thw wars waged by the monarch against British to bring freedom to the 13 American colonies.

      Taxes were only paid by the weaker sections of the society, i.e. the Third estate.

      Subsistence crisis occured frequently

  24. Why was the bastil hated by all

    1. the bastille was hated by all because the bastille was owned by the king and all of them hated the king because rumours spread that he sent troops to fire on people.

    2. Bastille was hated by all because it reflected the domination and power of the Monarch and rumors were spread that it was the monarch who had sent brigands to destroy their(peasants') crops.

    3. The Bastille was hated by all because it stood for the despotic power of the king and that's why the it was broken down.

  25. what were the commodities supplied by the carrebean colinies?

    1. the commodities were coffee,tobacco,salt and indigo

    2. Explain the abolition of slavery in France.

    3. *Slave trade began in 17th century
      *slave trade started due to shortage of Slaves on the plantations.
      *Slaves were from the ports of bordeus of Nantes sailed to African coasts and then bought from local chiefs.
      *slaves were tightly packed in ships and travelled for 3 months from Atlantic to carribean islands and then sold to plantation owners.
      *national assembly could not ban slave trade fearing opposition from businessmen.
      *slave trade was banned in 1794 in France and it's colonies.
      *Slave trade was completely abolished in 1848.

  26. plz any one answer this
    What was National assembly? What was it's main object and how they implemented it?

    1. After the demands of the representatives of the Third estate were not accepted in the General Estates, they went out in protest and declared themselves the National Assembley.

      Their objective was to create a constitution which would limit the powers of the Monarch.

      They were able to do so by the help of implementation of constitutions and certain tights which would limit the powers of the monarch.

  27. In french revolution, If the equal rights were given to the third estate people, How they feel?

    Please reply for my question

  28. i have a question-what were the peculiar feature of Nazi thinking?

    1. According to the Nazi ideology, all other races except that of the nordic aryans were inferior and were the root cause due to which Germany wasn't dominating, and hence, they had no right to live.

  29. Explain the changes that took place in everyday life after the revolution in 1789 in france?

  30. Explain the changes that took place in everyday life after the revolution in 1789 in france?

  31. Why was the national assembly formed by the third estate?

  32. how were the ideas of liberty and equality brought into practise by revolutionary government?

  33. what was the main reason for the outbreak of french revolution

  34. Plz... answer this question
    Highlight the provisions of the constitution which were introduced after the fall of jacobin club.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Plz... answer this question
    Highlight the provisions of the constitution which were introduced after the fall of jacobin club.

  37. Plz... answer this question
    Highlight the provisions of the constitution which were introduced after the fall of jacobin club.

  38. Plz... answer this question
    Highlight the provisions of the constitution which were introduced after the fall of jacobin club.

  39. nice answer it helps me to prepare for my exams

  40. Thank you very much for providing these answers

  41. can i get the link to terminology of this chapter

  42. can u give the ans of :-) why did the people attack prison of bastille

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.


    2. Bastille reflect the treason and power of the monarch thus the third estate hated it. There were also rumours that the king would soon order the army to open fire upon the citizens as then king had commanded troops to move in the city.

    3. People attacked prison Bastille because it was hated by all as it stood for the despotic power of the king.

  43. I have a question Q. Describe the outbreak event of French revolution.

  44. What was the important aim of setting up the two treaties of government?

  45. Thanks but is these all really come in our nineth cbse board exam


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