
Thursday 31 May 2012

CBSE - Class 10 - English (Comm.) Workbook - Unit 5 - Relatives


A-1 Match the items in A with their definitions.

1. A dermatologist is - c) a doctor who treats skin diseases.
2. A cassock is - d) a gown which is worn by a priest.
3. A thermometer is - a) an instrument which measures temperature.
4. A granary is - b) a place where grains are stored.
5. A widower is - i) a man whose wife is dead.
6. A tragedy is - g) a play which has sad or tragic ending.
7. Amnesia is - f) a disease which causes loss of memory.
8. An amphibian is - e) an animal which lives both on land and in water.
9. A microscope is - h) an instrument for viewing minute objects.

Now underline the relative (called a relative pronoun) in the sentences above.

A-2 Quiz
Working in pairs, make six questions like the ones given below:

1. What is the name of the tree which is worshipped?
2. What is the name of the island where Coral leaves are found?
3. What is the name of the person who invented school?
4. What is the name of the play which you watched last Sunday?
5. What is the name of the stadium where India won World Cup?
6. What is the name of the product which you asked for?

A-3 Read the following questions silently and then
a) underline the relative;
b) circle the word or phrase which the relative refers to;
c) in pairs, discuss why you think there are commas in four of these sentences.


1) An oculist is a person who treats eye diseases.

2) Ishita's brother, who is an architect, said the house needs a proper security system.

3) Copper, which is an element, is mixed with zinc to make brass.

4) The shed where aeroplanes are housed is called a hangar.

5) The Indian cricket team is flying to Chennai, where 2011 world cup's last league match is going to be played.

6) Chanakya, whose disciple was Chandragupta, was a teacher of Economics and Political science in Takshashila University.

7) The countries that export petroleum are planning to hike the price.

Sentences two, three, five and six have commas because they are non-defining relative clauses.

A-4 Use who*, whose, where, or which to complete each sentence below.


  1. That well built boy _who/whom__ I met at the sports meet is a famous hockey player.
  2. Aditya, _whose_ mother got an award for the best teacher, is my nephew.
  3. The great Bengal tiger, _which_ is found in India, is rapidly becoming a threatened species.
  4. Kailash Mansarovar, a holy place in Tibet and _where_ many Indian pilgrims go in May, is very difficult to get to.
  5. Teachers _who_ have taught Arnav say that he is an exceptionally creative student.
  6. Interviewers tend to prefer candidates _who_ have well rounded personalities.
A-5 Read the following sentences and punctuate them, using commas where necessary.

1. Tushar, who is my best friend, is studying in Cornell University, USA.
2. Konark, where we are going for our next excursion, is famous for its sun temple.
3. Mr Misra, who was in the US, has started his own business in New Delhi.
4. Yesterday I met Saina Nehwal who is a famous badminton player.
5. Popeye likes to eat lots of spinach which contains iron.

A-7 Read the following sentences. There are errors is some of them. Underline the error and write the word in the space provided. Put a if there is no error.

1. The bus who goes to the station is a low-floor bus.        __that__
2. The man which was here a little while ago is a minister. __who__
3. That's the house where the poet was born.                      _____
4. The bird whose lays the biggest egg is the ostrich.        _who___
5. Karn, where home is in Gurgaon, is studying in Manipal. _whose_

B. Reduced relatives

B-1 Read the following sentences aloud to your partner without the relative as shown in the example.

1. I found the book which I wanted to read.
2. The boy who I met at the hotel is a wonderful magician.
3. This is the best movie that I've ever seen.
4. The girl who is talking to Mr. Mallya is the pilot.
5. Silk sarees which are made in Banaras are popular all over the world.

B-2 The following newspaper article about Patliputra contains some errors correct the article (In some places relatives need to be added; in other places, reduced relatives can be used).

The fourth century BC city / is believed to have existed            A, which
between 320 BC and AD 550 was ruled by the Mauryan and      
later the Gupta dynasties.
Magasthenes / spent many years as an ambassador towho
Patliputra wrote a book who is titled 'Indika'. The city,which
who was encircled by a deep moat, had a fortified wall.which
Ashoka, / adopted Buddhism, providedwho
inns, hospitals and veterinary centres whomthat
helped the common people
This was which the first Buddhist monuments came to be built.        where

B-3 Salsette Island
You have been asked to write an encyclopaedia entry about Salsette Island. Study the following notes. The information is jumbled up. Put the notes in logical order and then link them together using appropriate relatives (or reduced forms), articles, verbs etc. Do not make your sentences too long.


1.  Salsette Island, a large island, lies on India's west coast of Maharashtra state, is the 14th most populous island in the world.

2.  It consists of several small islands. North part which faces Mumbai has Borivali national park in this island. Its South part which faces Thane district has national park which is the biggest city national park in the world.

3. Most of its area is hilly. The highest point is about 450 metres above sea level. The island which has many beaches, lies in an earthquake prone zone.


  1. Thank u sooo mch it helped me a lot................:-)

  2. Copied all the answers XD
    P.s - Ready for Tomorrow's Test xp

  3. Replies
    1. There is no need of that and book has also not given the space to do that

  4. i hve done my 2 units. now. only 2 are i can do my work faster. just copy it.

  5. its good and helpful..... interesting...

  6. its good and helpful..... interesting...

  7. Plz also upload the unit 2 as well

  8. Plz also upload the unit 2 as well

  9. Thanks. I could take screen shots and by cropping I could help my children and myself too.

  10. Good and useful resource! Thanks for the Wonderful Work!

  11. Thanks.
    I think is the best educational site for English studies.


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