
Wednesday 25 July 2012

Class 9 - Maths - History of Indian Mathematics - MCQs

Aryabhatta - statute at
University of Astrophysics at Pune
image credits: wikipedia
History of Indian Mathematics - MCQs
(Questions taken from MP Board Question bank for class 9.)
(Answers are provided at the end)

Q1: Main branch of Mathematics is :
(a) Arithmetic
(b) Algebra
(c) Geometry
(d) Accountancy

Q2: Which is the base of scientific development?
(a) Physics
(b) Chemistry
(c) Mathematics
(d) None of these

Q3: The Arithmetic was scientifically developed during
(a) 500-1000 A.D.
(b) 1000-1500 A.D.
(c) 100-500 A.D.
(d) None

Q4: Who was become first among the world famous mathematicians in India during the period?
(a) Aryabhatt
(b) Varachmihir
(c) Brahmgupt
(d) Bhaskaracharya

Q5: Which mathematics was at its top during Gupt period in India?
(a) Arithmethics
(b) Astrological Mathematics
(c) Algebra
(d) All of these

Q6: The birth place of Aryabhatta is _____.
(a) Kusumapur
(b) Raipur
(c) Ujjain
(d) Deemapur

Q7: The Birth place of Varahmihir was Kapithika that is situated near:
(a) Bhopal
(b) Indore
(c) Ujjain
(d) Patna

Q8: Kapithya Gurukul was established by Acharya Varahmihir in the Memory of -
(a) his mother
(b) his father
(c) his guru
(d) his wife

Q9: Kapithya Gurukul is known as in history of Mathematics as
(a) Ujjain School
(b) Nalanda School
(c) Gurukul School
(d) None of the above

Q10: How were the "Hindu number system" reached to Arab -(a) by varahmihir
(b) by kank
(c) by anna sayeed
(d) by brahamgupt

Q11: Brahmgupta was known as great scholars of which subject ?(a) Astrology Astronomy
(b) Mathematics
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) Space science

Q12: Brahmgupt was born at which state?
(a) Rajasthan
(b) Madhya Pradesh
(c) Panjab
(d) Uttar Pradesh

Q13: Brahmgupt wrote the book is are:
(a) Brahmshphut Sidhant
(b) Khand Khadya
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Sidhant Shiromani

Q14: From what book the Arabians got knowledge of Indian mathematics and astrology ?(a) Written by Brahmgupt
(b) Written by Varahmahir
(c) Written by Aryabatt
(d) Written by Bhaskaracharya

Q15: In Arithmetic Brahmgupt wrote principals by which methods
(a) Zero
(b) Infinite
(c) Ratio
(d) All of the above

Q16: Bhaskaracharya was born at ___.
(a) Maharastra
(b) Panjab
(c) Rajasthan
(d) Madhya Pradesh

Q17: Who was the Author of Sidhant Shiromany -(a) Bhaskaracharya
(b) Brahmgupt
(c) Varahmihir
(d) Aryabhatta

Q18: Which of the following was written by Bhaskaracharya?
(a) Leelavati
(b) Ganitadhyay
(c) Goladhyay
(d) All of the above

Q19: What is explained in Sidhant Shiromany?
(a) Ganitadhyay
(b) Goladhyay
(c) both
(d) None of these

Q20: The descriptions of arithmetic, area, cube root, interest etc. are given in which book -(a) Sidhant shiromany
(b) Leelavati
(c) Brahmsphut
(d) All

Q21: Value of pie (π) is described in which book?
(a) Leelavati
(b) Sidhant Shromany
(c) Ganitadhyay
(d) Goladhyay

Q22: The book of Bhaskaracharya was translated into English by whom ?(a) Akbar
(b) Beerbal
(c) Kolbruck
(d) Taylor

Q23: How was geometry evolved in vedic period in India ?(a) To worship by the use of construction of different altars
(b) To worshipby the use of consturction of different fire pits
(c) To use special roap "Sulv" for measurment of altars
(d) All of the above

Q24: Zero was invented by what vedic sage?
(a) Gritsmad
(b) panini
(c) Pingal
(d) None of them

Q25: Zero was invented 1st by what conuntry ?(a) Arab
(b) India
(c) Japan
(d) China

Q26:  Which country named Zero as 'Hindusa' (हिन्दसा) ?(a) Arab
(b) India
(c) Italy
(d) America

Q27: Who is credited as a discoverer of decimal system -(a) Pingal
(b) Aryabhatta
(c) Nagarjun
(d) None

Q28: Beejganit (Algebra) is also known as -(a) Unknown ganit
(b) Known ganit
(c) Vernank ganit
(d) None

Q29: Who was the founder of the modern study of algebra -(a) Euclid
(b) Bhaskar
(c) Aryabatt
(d) Brahmgupt

Q30: How can reprecent the number '125' as in vernank system?
(a)  क ख ग
(b)  क ख
(c)  ख ग ध
(d)  च ज छ


1: (a) Algebra
2: (c) Mathematics (Mathematics is considered to be universal language).
3: (a) 500-1000 A.D.
4: (a) Aryabhatt
5: (d) All of these
6: (a) Kusumapur (a place near to Patliputra or Patna in Bihar).
7: (c) Ujjain
8:  ?
9:  ?(a) Ujjain School
10:  (d) by brahamgupt (Brahmagupta book, "The Brahmasphutasiddhanta" is the earliest known text to treat zero as a number in its own right, rather than as simply a placeholder digit.)
11: (c) both (a) and (b)
12: (a) Rajasthan
13: (c) Both (a) and (b)
14: (a) Written by Brahmgupt
15: (a) Zero
16: (c) Rajasthan
17: (a) Bhaskaracharya
18: (d) All of the above.
19: (c) both
20: (d) All
21: (a) Leelavati
22: (d) John Taylor
23: (d) All of the above
24: (c) Pingal (Pingala's Chandra Sutra mentions about shunya)
25: (b) India
26: (a) Arab
27: ? (b) Aryabhatta
28:  (a) Unknown ganit (अव्यक्त गणित)
29:  (d) Brahmgupt. (Note: Founder of modern Algebra is 'Al Khwarizmi' who coined algorithm).
30. (b)  क ख

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