
Sunday 8 July 2012

NTSE SAT Quiz-13 (Maths) / Class 8 Maths

NTSE SAT Quiz-13 (Maths)

Q1: One third of a number is greater then one fourth of its successor by 1, find the number.

(a) 5
(b) 15
(c) 20
(d) 25

Q2: In a rhombus ABCD, A = 60° and AB = 6cm then length of diagonal BD in cm is ...

(a) 12
(b)  9
(c)  6
(d)  3

Q3:  The multiplicative inverse of 2/3 is
(a) 3/2
(b) -2/3
(c) -3/2
(d) 1/3

Q4(NTSE Stage I): x, y and z are three sums of money such that y is the simple interest on x. z is the simple interest on y for the same value of time and same rate of interest. The relation among three sums are:
(a) x2 = yz
(b) y2 = xz
(b) z2 = xz
(d) xyz = 1

Q5: If CP of an article is Rs. 200 and gain in percentage is 5%. Then gain is:
(a) Rs 5
(b) Rs 10
(c) Rs 15
(d) Rs 20

Q6: The factors of 2n2 – 6n are:(a) 2n and 6n
(b) (2n – 1) and (n – 3)
(c) 2n and (n – 3)
(d) (2n – 1) and (1– 3n)

Q7: The perpendicular distance  of a point from x-axis is called:
(a) Abcissa
(b) Ordinate
(c) Mantissa
(d) Coordinate

Q8. An ice-cream cone is an example of a
(a) cube
(b) cuboid
(c) pyramind
(d) sphere

Q9: There are 100 students in a dormitory. Food for all them is for 20 days. If 25 more students join them, then food available will last: 
(a) 4 days
(b) 16 days
(c) 20 days
(d) 25 days

Q10: What is the probability of a team losing a game if the probability of the team winning a game is 0.745?
(a)  1
(b) 0
(c) 0.255
(d) 1.255

Q11: In a triangle ∆ABC, AB+BC = 10 cm., BC + CA = 12cm and CA + AB = 16cm. Fin dthe perimeter of ∆ABC in cm.

(a) 19 cm
(b) 24 cm
(c) 32 cm
(d) 38 cm

Q12: The point equidistant from the vertices of a triangle is called its ...
(a) Cicumcentre
(b) Incentre
(c) Orthocentre
(d) Excentre

Q13: From the following integers, the largest integer is?
(a) -1111
(b) -111
(c) -11
(d) -1

Q14: Here is a list of numbers 42.2, 28.4, 47.0, 36.4, 33.2, 40.4, 36.1 and 32.3. If  the number 47 is replaced by 51 in the list, then the mean of the numbers is
(a) 37
(b) 37.5
(c) 51.5
(d) 38.5

Q15: What is the smallest number by which 13500 is to be multiplied to make the product a perfect cube?
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5

1. (a) 15
2. (c) 6cm  
3. (a) 3/2
4. (b) y2 = xz
5. (b) Rs 10
6. (c) 2n and (n – 3)
7. (b) Ordinate
8. (c) pyramind
9. (b) 16 days
10. (c) 0.255
11 (a) 19cm
12 (c) Orthocentre
13 (d) -1
14 (b) 37.5
15 (a) 2


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  2. Hey, could anyone explain to me how to calculate the solution of the 2nd one

    1. BD should be 6cm. (answer updated)
      In a rhombus all sides are equal. i.e. AB = BC = CD = AD = 6cm.
      See triangle ABD is an isosceles triangle. AB = BD. Thus ∠ADB = ∠ABD
      Since ∠A = 60, using angle sum property, ∠ADB = ∠ABD = 60.
      Thus triangle ABD is an equilateral triangle. Hence, BD = 6cm

  3. could anyone tell me, how to do no.10


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