
Thursday 5 July 2012

NTSE (Science) Quiz-12/Science & Technology Objective Test (Haryana Board)

Science & Technology Objective Test (Haryana Board)/ 
NTSE Sample Quiz-12 (Science) /Class 8 Science

Q1. Atomic number of sodium is 11 and number of neutrons is 12, then atomic mass will be
(a) 12
(b) 22
(c) 11
(d) 23

Q2: Which original particle of atom contains negative charge?
(a) On nucleus
(b) On proton
(c) On neutron
(d) On electron

Q3. There are nodules in the roots of some plants, found in them are
(a) None of these
(b) Nitrogen fixation bacteria
(c) Denitrifying bacteria
(d) Ammoniating bacteria

Q4: Which gas is filled in packet-packed snacks like potato chips
(a) Nitrogen
(b) Oxygen
(c) Neon
(d) Carbon dioxide

Q5: The formula of Potassium Chlorate is
(a) KCLO
(b) KCl
(c) KClO2
(d) KClO3

Q6. The formula of common salt is

(a) NaCl
(b) KCl
(c) NACL
(d) KClO3

Q7. Fire-extinguishing devices are used to put off fire, while using this which gas comes out

(a) Nitrogen
(b) Oxygen

(c) Carbon monoxide
(d) Carbon dioxide

Q8. In which solution gold is soluble

(a) In Aqua-ragia
(b) In acids

(c) In alkalies
(d) In silver nitrate

Q9. Tritium is isotope of which atom

(a) Of Carbon
(b) Of Oxygen

(c) Of Hydrogen
(d) Of Nitrogen

Q10. Which scientist discovered neutron
(a) James Chadwick
(b) John Dalton
(c) Rutherford
(d) J. J. Thomson

Q11. The sum of the protons and neutrons, present in the nucleus of any atom, is called
(a) None of these
(b) Mass number
(c) Atomic number
(d) Valency

Q12. The indicator of atomic number of any element is
(a) E
(b) Z
(c) A
(d) X

Q13. To save soil from erosion is called

(a) Soil pollution
(b) Soil formation
(c) Soil erosion
(d) Soil preservation

Q14: Air is a
(a) None of these
(b) Mixture
(c) Element
(d) Compound

Q15. Unit of pressure is

(a) Litre
(b) Newton
(c) Pascal
(d) Kilogram wt.

Q16. In how many allotropes is carbon mainly found
(a) Four
(b) One
(c) Two
(d) Three

Q17. Which scientist discovered safety lamp for the safety of miners
(a) Newton
(b) Sir Humphrey Davy
(c) Archimedes
(d) Niels Bohr

Q18: In water purification plant which is used to kill bacteria
(a) Potassium permanganate
(b) Salt
(c) Chlorine
(d) Insecticide medicines

Q19: The science, which is used to obtain metal from ore and purify them for various uses, is called
 (a) Process
(b) Metal filth
(c) Metal-work/metallurgy
(d) Metallography

Q20: Acid present in lemon is
(a) Hydrochloric acid
(b) Citric acid
(c) Picric acid
(d) Carbonic acid

Q21: The micro-particle of any element or compound, which is of free existence, is called
(a) Proton
(b) Atom
(c) Particle
(d) Molecule

Q22: Name the scientist who discovered electron
(a) James Chadwick
(b) John Dalton
(c) J. J. Thomson
(d) Rutherford

Q23: The soil, consisting of particles having radius from 0.005 mm to 0.05 mm, is
(a) Concrete
(b) Clay soil
(c) Mud
(d) Sand

Q24: The pH value of alkaline soil is
(a) None of these
(b) 6
(c) 7
(d) More than 7

Q25: To grow Xerophytic plants, is suitable
(a) Sand
(b) Mishroh
(c) Alluvial
(d) Glacial

1: (d) 23
2: (d) On electron
3: (b) Nitrogen fixation bacteria
4: (a) Nitrogen
5: (d) KClO3
6: (a) NaCl
7: (d) Carbon dioxide
8: (a) In Aqua-ragia
9: (c) Of Hydrogen
10: (a) James Chadwick
11: (b) Mass number
12: (b) Z
13: (d) Soil preservation
14: (b) Mixture
15: (c) Pascal
16: (a) Four
17: (b) Sir Humphrey Davy
18: (c) Chlorine
19: (c) Metal-work/metallurgy
20: (b) Citric acid
21: (b) Atom
22: (c) J. J. Thomson
23: (b) Clay soil
24: (d) More than 7
25: (a) Sand

(In progress...)

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