
Monday 2 July 2012

Unit 3: Future Time Reference (CBSE Class 9 English Comm. Workbook)

2. Look at sentences in Column A. Match them with the appropriate explanation in Column B.
1. Next Friday is the 29th of May.      a. emphasizing that something will happen very soon
2. I'll have left by the time you get here.    b. making a promise
3. I'm visiting my uncle on Sunday.c. predicting that something will be
true at a given time in the future
4. I'll send the photographs as soon as I can.    d. stating something which is a certainty
5. The lesson is about to start… hurry!e. reporting a decision made earlier
6. The population of our country will
increase in the next ten years.
f. making a prediction about future events.

Answer: 1-d, 2-c, 3-e, 4-b, 5-a, 6-f

3. Look at the following pictures/diagrams. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate sentence/phrase, using suitable future time reference. The first one has been done for you as an example.


1. Aarti is going to be a biologist.

2. The only bus in the afternoon is going to depart at 15.15

3. He is going to a doctor  at 9 am on Monday.  On Tuesday at 1pm, he is going to visit Hari. At 5pm on Wednesday, he is going to see the tutor.

4. Karnika promises she is about to go and meet her friend.

5. The airplane is going to take off.

6. Doctor to a patient, "Don't worry you will get well soon."

4. Simple Present and Present Continuous
Mr. Madan is going on tour next week. Look at his itinerary.

Mr. MadanTour of North India and Nepal
Mumbai 0630
Peace Conference
Delhi 0830
Tues8thDelhi 0730
Cultural Centre
Agra 1030


Agra 0930
Local School
Head Teacher
Varanasi 1330

Thurs10th    Varanasi 0800
Discuss Trade Unions
Patna 1830
Fri11thPatna 1400
Himalayan Project
Kathmandu 1700
Sat12thKathmandu 1100Delhi 1400

Describe Mr. Madan's schedule for next week. Use verbs from the table below.

  Time of arrival and departure  
     depart (from)
     get to
     fly (to)
     go by
  (Use Simple Present)  
  On Monday 7th
  he leaves Mumbai
  at 0630.

      Other arrangements          
  speak (about)
    (use present continuous)  
  He is speaking at
  the Delhi Peace


On Monday 7th Mr Madan leaves Mumbai at 0630. On next day i.e. 8th, he arrives Delhi at 0830. He is attending a Peace conference and is speaking about peace. On Tuesday, he departs from Delhi at 0730 and gets to Agra at 1030 the same day. There he is visiting Cultural Centre. On Wednesday 9th he leaves Agra and 0930
and arrives Varanasi at 1330. He is going to meet Head Teacher at Local School. On Thursday 10th, he leaves Varanasi at 0800 and gets to Patna at 1830. There he is having discussions with Trade Unions. Next day i.e. on Friday 11th, he leaves Patna at 1400 and flies to Kathmandu. He arrives there at 1700 and is visiting the Himalayan Project. On Saturday 12th, he leaves Kathmandu at 1100 and is returning Delhi by 1400.

6. Work in pairs. You and your partner are made in charge of your school. What will you change?

     Discuss and then write about the decisions you would make.

     Use the various verb forms available for future time reference.
e.g. Now we are in charge of the school, we shall...


Now we are in charge of the school, we shall churn out a plan to make our school the best in our zone. We shall embrace continuous improvement and value based programmes in our school. We shall encourage students to participate in co-curricular activities. We shall ask senior students to act as mentor for juniors. Mentors will help junior students in their weak subject areas. We shall buy more equipments for science projects and books for the library. We shall introduce new ideas to engage students in different creative activities. We will invite local artists to promote art among students. We shall also invite university faculty and research scholars to develop innovative class room ideas. We shall also adopt latest technologies to enhance learning. We shall also conduct various contests to promote science, sports and social culture in our school. We shall also take care of students welfare and health.

7. Be the Master of Ceremonies!
The Honey Bee Creative Club of your school is organising an annual cultural programme. You are the compere for the programme. Complete the following details by filling in with suitable modals and phrases. This will help you when you address a large audience.


Good evening, respected principal teachers and my dear friends. Welcome to the Honey Bee Creative Club Cultural programme. The guest __are about to_ arrive. Many events are going to be presented this evening.
We _shall begin_ the programme with an invocation.

The dancers are _going to_ entertain you by performing the bhangra. The school choir _will sing  a song on National Integrative. The programme _will end_ with a formal vote of thanks by the principal.

8. Future Perfect and Future Continuous

Look at the following sentences

In 20 years' time I shall have written a novel, 
(action complete in the future)
In 20 years' time I shall be living in my own house.
(action happening in the future)

Match words from the different columns to make reasonable predictions. Then write them down in the space below. One has been done as an example.

In         10





the ice caps 




the world's





will not        
have sent a person to the moon.

have become one country.

have reached 10 billion.

have become the world's
richest country.

have obtained equal
rights with men.

have discovered a cure for

be living on the ocean floor.

be doing all house-work.

have melted.


e.g. In 50 years' time the ice caps will have melted.

1. In 10 years time the world's population will have reached 10 billion.

2. In 10 years India have sent a person to the moon.

3. In 50 years time women won't be doing all house-work.

4. In 10 years time scientists will have discovered a cure for AIDS.

5. In 50 years time women will have obtained equal rights with men.

6. In 100 years China will have become the world's richest country.

7.  In 100 years  Europe will have become one country.

8.  In 1000 years  will be living on the ocean floor.



  1. really useful for my students

  2. it helped me alot thanks dude but from where do u get these answers or solve them your self

  3. me also very useful i will promote this blog its really help full for students

  4. really....
    its vry helpful
    plz upload unit 6 and 7

  5. it is very very help full ☺☺☺☺☺☺

  6. it really helps me a lot in gaining respect.............. salute u man or woman

  7. thx man it helped me alot
    do this work again and again

  8. it's awsm..really worked..thnk youhh :)

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  10. really helped a lot!!

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  14. It was really wonderfullllllll

  15. fabulous...
    it was helpful for me.i will tell my friends to visit
    this site:):):):):)

  16. Hi you are doing a great job! The answers are really helpful!thanks a 100 times

  17. Thanks to u Bro it really helped me a lot.but hey from where have you got all theseee stuffs or else you have done it all by yourself !?!?

  18. thank you soo much very helpfull answer

  19. Thank you so much
    It was very useful

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  21. wow good blog veery useful

  22. It is amazing buddy.very impressed and really helpful

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  24. every one say that it is v usefull today I know that how much it useful for us

  25. Q no-8 ) point 8 - " time humans " is missing....pls correct


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