
Thursday 16 August 2012

CBSE Class 10 - Science - Sources of Energy (FA- Assignment)

Sources of Energy 
(Formative Assessment Assignment)

Q(FA Manual for Teachers): Read the clues given below and fill up the blocks with appropriate word/term to compete the crossword puzzle given below: One 'word' has been done for you. 

The Clues
   3  This principle is useful in solar cooker but can be harmful on earth (5, 5, 6)
   5   Element used to make solar cells
   6   A black surface ____________ heat.
   7   This fossil fuel mode industrial revolution possible
    8  A green house gas
   10 High rise structures constructed on rivers to produce hydro electricity

  1. Its construction, on River Ganga, was opposed
  2. Clean Fuel (abbreviation)
  3. Bio-gas is commonly called
  4. Nuclear power generation is based on this process
  9. This energy is converted to electrical energy in a thermal power plant


Electricity Generation: From Turbines to Transmission
Watch the you tube video below (credits:energynownews)

Wind Power:
Watch the you tube video below (credits:energynownews

Tidal Energy: How it is better than other non-conventional sources?
Watch the you tube video below (credits:tidalenergy


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