
Tuesday 21 August 2012

CBSE Class 9 English (Comm). SA1- Grammar - Verb Forms

Class 9 English (Comm). SA1- Grammar - Verb Forms
(Q & A from CBSE Examination)

Q(CBSE 2011): Complete the following by choosing the correct answer from the options given below:

(a) In a new audio recording, the leader of the Yemen branch of Al Qaeda, __________ by the Obama administration‘s alleged decision to authorize the assassination of an American - born Islamic cleric linked to the Ft. Hood shooting and attempted Christmas Day airplane terrorism  plots.
(I) warned Americans they will be harmed
(II) had warned Americans they will be harmed
(III) has warned Americans that they will be harmed.
(IV) has been warned Americans, they will be harmed

(b) Indian Foreign Minister SM Krishna on Sunday informed that Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa __________ in the second week of June 2010.
(I) would be coming to India on a three-day visit
(II) will be coming to India on a three-day visit
(III) would be come to India on a three-day visit
(IV) will be come to India on a three- day visit

(c) Rima Fakih, who was crowned Miss Michigan, __________ to win the Miss USA pageant. (I) have become the first Arab-American woman
(II) became the first Arab-American woman
(III) become the first Arab-American woman
(IV) has become the first Arab-American woman

a: (III) has warned Americans that they will be harmed.
b: (I) would be coming to India on a three-day visit
c: (II) became the first Arab-American woman

Q9(CBSE 2011): Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate options from those given below.


Thu, May 20 Iraq war –veteran Indian –American doctor Manan Trivedi ____(a)______ the Democratic Party nomination to contest the November elections to the US House of Representatives from Pennsylvania Congressional district.

A doctor-turned war-veteran, Trivedi, 35, ___(b)______ Dough Pike, a former local journalist, ___(c)_____ margin of 672 votes; thus earning the right to challenge Republican incumbent Jim Geralch in the November polls for Pennsylvania seat for the US House of Representatives. Conceding his defeat, Pike in a statement supported Trivedi. The elections ____(d)____ Tuesday.

(I) won
(II) had won
(III) has won
(IV) was won

(I) had defeated
(II) been defeated
(III) was defeated
(IV) defeated

(I) through a narrow
(II) with a narrow
(III) to a narrow
(IV) in a narrow

(I) was held on
(II) were held on
(III) been held on
(IV) had been held on

(a) (III) has won
(b) (IV) defeated
(c) (II) with a narrow
(d) (II) were held on

Q3(CBSE 2010):  Edit the following letter by choosing the correct option from the options given below:
23 Civil Lines 
Gwalior April 20.. 
My dear Ravi 
I thank for your letter ___(a)___ told me to be your pen friend. I read it again and again and enjoyed it well I have always ___(b)__ want to write to someone in India. 

My name is John and I'm eleven. I __(c)__ lived in Warwick Shire which is about 30km from London. I live with my parents and a sister Suzie who is fifteen. I also have a __(d)___ small brother who is three years.

I __(e)__ visit to a city school and I'm in standard .. I don't like studies much. __(f)__ But I'm very good at rugby. Photography is my second best interest.

I ___(g)__ could stop now. I hope you will write me a long teller __(h)__ ask me all about you and your family.

yours Sincerely 

.         (i)                       (ii)                      (iii)               (iv)
(e)gowentgoingwill go
(g)shallshouldcanwill be

(a) asking
(b) wished
(c) live
(d) younger
(e) go
(f) however
(g) should
(h) telling

Q4: Complete the following passage by choosing the most appropriate option from the ones given below. Write the answer in your answer sheet : 

Research ___(a)___ that honey bees have a very strong nose that __(b)___  them smell a lot more than just sweet nectar. A company in Britain has made use of  this sense and __(c)___ to train bees ___(d)__ bombs and drugs. Soon  they will be put to work at the airport as well. 

(i) showed
(ii) showing 
(iii) shows
(iv) shown 

(i) helped
(ii) helps 
(iii) is helping
(iv) help 

(i) was managing
(ii) manage 
(iii) manages
(iv) managed 

(i) for detecting
(ii) to detecting 
(iii) in detecting
(iv) at detecting 

(a) (iii) shows
(b) (ii) helps
(c) (iv) managed
(d)  (i) for detecting

Q5(Pvt. School Test Paper): Write the letter of the alternative, which in your opinion, is the most suitable answer

Example: The sun ______________ now. (shine)
Answer: The sun is shining now.

1) We __________________ TV when it started to rain. (watch)
(a) was watching
(b) were watching
(c) watched
(d) will be watching

2) I __________________ to visit you yesterday, but you __________________
not at home. (want, be)
(a) wants, were
(b) wanted, was
(c) wanting, were
(d) wanted, were

3) Look! It __________________, so we can't __________________to the beach. (rain, go)
(a) rains, go
(b) rained, went
(c) is raining, go
(d) had rained, go

4) We… London so we …… a lot about the place. (live, know)
(a) lived, know
(b) have lived, knew
(c) have lived, know
(d) living, know

1) (b) were watching
2) (d) wanted, were
3) (c) is raining, go
4) (c) have lived, know


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