
Tuesday 18 September 2012

CBSE Class 10 - Economics - CH1 - Development (MCQs)

Economic Development

Q1: Which method is used by the World Bank to classify the countries?

(a) Human Development
(b) Per Capita Income
(c) National Income
(d) Economic Development

Q2(NCERT): Which of the following neighbouring countries has better performance in terms of human development than India?
(a) Bangladesh
(b) Sri Lanka
(c) Nepal
(d) Pakistan

Q3(CBSE 2010): Per capita Income is also known as:

(a) Average Income
(b) National Income
(c) Gross Income
(d) Personal Income

Q4(CBSE 2011): If there are five persons in a family and their total income is Rs 20,000/- what would be the average income of each person. ? 

(a) Rs. 6000/-
(b) Rs. 4000/-
(c) Rs. 5000/-
(d) Rs. 10,000/-

Q5: Sustainable Development focuses on more use of 

(a) Renewable Resources
(b) Abiotic Resources
(c) Agricultural Resources
(d) Natural Resources

Q6(CBSE 2011): Which of the following do we get when we divide the national income of a country by its total population? 

(a) Per capita income
(b) Gross Development Product
(c) Human Development Index
(d) None of the above

Q7(CBSE 2010): According to the World Development Report a country is considered rich when the per capita income is more than which of the following figures?

(a) Rs. 24,000 per annum
(b) Rs. 37,000 per annum
(c) Rs. 4,53,000 per annum
(d) Rs. 5,43,000 per annum

Q8(CBSE 2010): Infant mortality rate refers to the number of children that die:

(a) before the age of year as a proportion to 1000 live births in that particular year
(b) before the age of five years as a proportion to 1000 live births in that particular year
(c) before the age of one year as a proportion to 100 live births in that particular year
(d) out of 1000 live births in the particular year

Q9(CBSE 2010): Which one of the following statement defines "Literacy Rate". : 

(a) Total literate population divided by the total population
(b) Total literate population divided by total illiterate population
(c) The proportion of the literate population in the 18 and above age group
(d) It measures the proportion of the literate population in the 7 years and above age group

Q10: A person is overweight if the body mass index is more than
(a) 18
(b) 20
(c) 22
(d) 25

Q11(CBSE 2010): In which state in India is the infant mortality rate lowest?

(a) Kerala
(b) Bihar
(c) Uttar Pradesh
(d) Punjab

Q12(CBSE 2010): Which one of the following has prepared Human Development Report?

(a) UNO
(b) WHO
(c) IMF
(d) UNDP

Q13(CBSE 2010): Which one among the following is a development goal for the landless rural labourers?

(a) To get electricity and water
(b) To educate their children
(c) More days of work and better wages
(d) To shift to the cities

Q14(CBSE 2011): Which of the following states of India has a low literacy rate? 

(a) Punjab
(b) Bihar
(c) Kerala
(d) Tamil Nadu

Q15(CBSE 2011): India's HDI rank in the world is :

(a) 125
(b) 115
(c) 126
(d) 134

1: (b) Per Capita Income
2: (b) Sri Lanka
3: (a) Average Income
4: (b) Rs. 4000/-
5: (a) Renewable Resources
6: (a) Per capita income
7: (c) Rs. 4,53,000 per annum
8: (a) before the age of year as a proportion to 1000 live births in that particular year
9: (d) It measures the proportion of the literate population in the 7 years and above age group
10: (d) 25
11: (a) Kerala
12: (d) UNDP
13: (c) More days of work and better wages
14: (b) Bihar
15: (c) 126


  1. Very helpful as exam point of view......

  2. nice questions , helpful for quick revision

  3. 15. (d) 134 is the correct answer.

  4. No the 7th answer is right (4,53,000)

  5. Good for quick revision....

  6. Nice but i want some unique questions

  7. Igot1rankinpt1thanq

  8. Very helpful for my social science c.b.s.e portfolio

  9. Very nice questions.useful for McQ tests and for quick revisions.But I want more questions for practice

  10. Please also add answer😑

  11. i need more questions and i need test like pattern

  12. thanks for this special

    training bro

  13. I need more questions and I need test like pattern

  14. Please put more questions these questions are good

  15. I wanted more questions to do more practice
    Please put some more questions

  16. Thank you for this πŸ˜ŠπŸ’œ


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