
Saturday 13 October 2012

CBSE Class 10 - FIT- XML Basics (MCQs)

XML Basics
xml quiz

Q1(FA Manual): What is the correct syntax of the declaration which defines the XML version?

(a) <xml version= "1.0" />
(b) <? xml version="1.0" ?>
(c) <?xml version="1.0" />
(d) None of these

Q2: Well formed XML document means:

(a) It contains only one root element
(b) Every start tag must have a matching end tag
(c) Empty tags must be closed using a forward slash (/)
(d) All of the above

Q3: Which of the following is not true about XML?

(a) XML is free and extensible
(b) XML can separate data from HTML
(c) XML is designed to display data
(d) XML is actually a meta language

Q4(CBSE): XML uses

(a) User defined tags
(b) Pre-defined tags
(c) Both pre-defined and user defined tags
(d) Extended tags used in HTML

Q5: In order to interpret XML documents one should

(a) Use standardized tags
(b) Have a document type definition which defines the tags
(c) Define the tags separately
(d) Specify tag filename

Q6: DTD definition is used along with XML to specify:

(a) The data types and other additional information about the contents of the XML document
(b) The presentation of the XML document
(c) The links with the other XML documents
(d) The data stored in the XML document

Q7(CBSE): A valid XML document means:
(i) The document must be well formed
(ii) The document must apply to the rules of the DTD

(a) Both i and ii are true
(b) Only i is true
(c) Only ii is true
(d) None of the above

Q8: Comments in XML document is given by
(a) < ?-- This is comment -->
(b) < !-- This is comment --!>
(c) < !-- This is comment -->
(d) < /-- This is comment -- >

Q9: XML is derived from

(a) HTML
(c) SGML
(d) VRML

Q10: SGML stands for

(a) Structured Graphics Makeup Language
(b) Structured General Markup Language
(c) Standard Graphics Mapping Language
(d) Standard Generalized Markup Language

Q11: XML stands for

(a) Extensible Markup Language
(b) Extensible Mapping Language
(c) Expandable Markup Language
(d) Extra Meta Language

Q12: Who is considered as 'Father of XML'?

(a) Donald Knuth
(b) Jon Bosak
(c) Charles Goldfrab
(d) None of these

Q13: Which of the following is a stream parser?

(a) SAX
(b) DOM
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these

Q14: Which of the following is tree view parser?

(a) SAX
(b) DOM
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these

Q15(CBSE): Which is not a correct name for an XML element?
(a) <xmldocument>
(b) <7eleven>
(c) <phone number>
(d) <root>

Q16(CBSE SQP): Is this a "well formed" XML document?   
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
         <to age="29">Tove</to>

(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Cannot be determined without the DTD
(d) None of the above

Q17: Is this a "well formed" XML document?   
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
         <class rollid="19">class 10</to>

        <marks> 30 </marks>

(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Cannot be determined without the DTD
(d) None of the above

Q18(CBSE): Is this a "well formed" XML document?   

 <?xml version="1.0"?>
         <class rollid=19>class 10</to>


(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Cannot be determined without the DTD
(d) None of the above

1: (b) <?xml version="1.0"?>
2: (d) All of the above
3: (c) XML is designed to display data
4: (a) User defined tags [Note: xml has no pre-defined tags]
5: (b) Have a document type definition which defines the tags
6: (a) The data types and other additional information about the contents of the XML document
7: (a) Both i and ii are true
8: (c) < !-- This is comment -->
9: (c) SGML
10:(d) Standard Generalized Markup Language
11: (a) Extended Markup Language
12:  (b) Jon Bosak    (Charles Goldfrab - Father of SGML, Donal Knuth - Father of Algorith Analysis or Modern Art Computing.)
13: (a) SAX
14: (b) DOM
15: (b) <7eleven>
16: (a) Yes
17: (b) No (xml tags are case-sensitive i.e. closing tag should be </subject>  not </Subject>
18: (b) No (xml attributes must be quoted i.e. rollid="19")


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