
Tuesday 9 October 2012

CBSE Class 9 - Social Science - CH4 - Electoral Politics

Electoral Politics

MCQs, Q & A

Q1(NCERT): Which of these is not a good reason to say that Indian elections are democratic?
(a) India has the largest number of voters in the world
(b) India’s Election Commission is very powerful
(c) In India, everyone above the age of 18 has a right to vote
(d) In India, the losing parties accept the electoral verdict

Q2(CBSE 2011/12): Who appoints the Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) of India?

(a) The Chief Justice of India
(b) The Prime Minister of India
(c) The President of India
(d) The People of India

Q3(CBSE 2011): What is the age of a person who can contest election for Lok Sabha in India? 

(a) 25 years
(b) 30 years
(c) 35 years
(d) 40 years

Q4(CBSE 2012): The number of Lok Sabha constituencies at present is:

(a) 541
(b) 546
(c) 543
(d) 540

Q5(CBSE 2011): Voter’s List is also known as:

(a) Election Number
(b) Voter Identity Card
(c) Electoral Roll
(d) None of these

Q6(CBSE 2011): Which of the following statements is against the democratic process of elections?

(a) Parties and candidates should be free to contest elections
(b) Elections must be held regularly immediately after the term is over
(c) The right to vote should be given to the selected people only
(d) Elections should be conducted in a free and fair manner

Q7(CBSE 2011/12): The number of seats reserved for Scheduled Castes in the Lok Sabha is: 

(a) 59
(b) 79
(c) 89
(d) 99

Q8(CBSE 2012): Which one of the following provisions fails to ensure fair and equal chance to compete  to candidates and political parties.

(a) No party or candidate can bribe or threaten voters.
(b) No party or candidate is bound by the model code of conduct.
(c) No party of candidates can use government resources for election campaign.
(d) No body can appeal to the voters in the name of caste or religion.

1. (a) India has the largest number of voters in the world
2. (c) The President of India
3. (a) 25 years 
4. (c) 543
5. (c) Electoral Roll
6. (c) The right to vote should be given to the selected people only
7. (b) 79
8. (b) No party or candidate is bound by the model code of conduct.

Q9(NCERT): Which of the following statements about the reasons for conducting elections are false?
(a) Elections enable people to judge the performance of the government.
(b) People select the representative of their choice in an election.
(c) Elections enable people to evaluate the performance of the judiciary.
(d) People can indicate which policies they prefer.

Answer: (a) and (c)

Q10: List all the different election related activities mentioned in the chapter and arrange them in a time sequence, beginning with the first activity and ending with the last. Some of these activities are given below:

releasing election manifestos; counting of votes; making of voters’ list; election campaign; declaration of election results; casting of votes; ordering of re-poll; announcing election schedule; filing nomination. 

Answer: Here is the sequence:
  1. making of voters' list
  2. announcing election schedule
  3. filing of nominations
  4. scrutiny of nominations by return office
  5. parties present their manifestos
  6. election campaign
  7. polling day: casting of votes
  8. ordering re-poll
  9. counting - declaration of election results.
Q11: What is an election?

Answer:  It is a process through which people choose their representatives at regular intervals and replace or re-choose them if they wish to do so to is called an election. Via election people judge the function of the ruling party.

Q12(NCERT pg 58): Why do democracies need to have elections?

Answer:  Elections are considered essential in our times for any representative democracy.
  1. It is only through elections people can judge the functioning of ruling party.
  2. In a democracy, representatives of the people rule. Those representative can only be chosen by an election process.
  3. To ensure people do not want a person to retain in power is by voting against him.
  4. It honours Universal Adult Franchise i.e. every citizen has right to vote. One vote and equal vote.
Q13(NCERT): Match the following

(i) It is necessary to keep the
voters list up to date because  
(a) there is a fair representation
of all sections of our society 
(ii) Some constituencies are
reserved for SCs and STs so
(b) everyone has equal
opportunity to elect their
(iii) Everyone has one and only one
vote so that
(c) all candidates must have a
fair chance of competing in
(iv) Party in power is not allowed
to use government vehicles
(d) some people may have moved
away from the area where
they voted last

Answer:  (i) - (d),  (ii) - (a),  (iii) - (b),  (iv) - (c)

Q14(NCERT): Surekha is an officer in-charge of ensuring free and fair elections in an assembly constituency in a state. Describe what should she focus on for each of the following stages of election:

a Election campaign
b Polling day
c Counting day

a. Election Campaign:
  1. Political parties canvass in peaceful manner. Law and order is not being violated.
  2. No party is allowed to canvass based on religion or caste or language.
  3. No party is allowed to misuse government machinery in her campaign.
  4. No party member is bribing (offering money to vote in someone's favour or against) or any other corrupt practices.
  5. No candidate is free to spend as much s/he likes. Spending should be within limits as set by the Election commission.
  6. Any kind of threatening to voters is not permitted.
b Polling Day:
  1. Law and order is maintained to conduct polling peacefully.
  2. Canvassing has stopped 48 hours before the polling day. No canvassing allowed within the prescribed premises during polling day.
  3. Sufficient forces are employed to check anti-social elements to rig or capture poll booth or create any disturbance.
  4. Voter must be identified before he or she casts his/her vote. Impersonating any voter is not allowed.
  5. No party is allowed to lure voters (e.g. offering money, food and refreshments, lifts to reach polling station).
c Counting Day
  1. Proper police arrangement  at counting centres to check any disturbance. It should be ensured nobody is allowed to tamper voting machines or ballot boxes.
  2. Only authorised counting agents are allowed to enter.
  3. Counting is done in the presence of counting agents of different candidates.
  4. Results are declared on time once counting is done.

Q15(): What are the conditions which make an election democratic?
Q: What are the minimum conditions required for a democratic election?
Q: What makes an election democratic?

Answer: The necessary conditions required for a democratic election are:
  1. Everyone should be able to choose i.e. everyone should have one vote and every
    vote should have equal value. Voters list is reviewed and revised time to time.
  2. There should be something to choose from. Parties and candidates should be free to contest
    elections and should offer some real choice to the voters.
  3. Elections must be held regularly after every few years.
  4. The candidate preferred by the people should get elected.
  5. Elections should be held in a free and fair manner where people can choose as they really wish.
  6. No bogus or biased voting is allowed. e.g. voter identity cards are issued to check bogus voting.
  7. There exists an independent Election Commission in the country to conduct free and fair elections.
Q16: What is a voter list? Why it is important?

Answer: In a democratic election, the list of citizens who are eligible to vote is prepared before the commencement of elections. This list is officially termed as 'voter list' or 'Electoral Roll'. It is important because it is the first step towards a fair democratic election.

(In progress...)


  1. can you please answer my question..
    Are Elections Too Expensive For Our Country...?

    1. no,elections are not too expensive as compared to the commonwealth games and coal scam as they decide the future of our country!! JAI HIND

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Yes it is very expensive 3000 cr for 1 election........but 1 submarine costs 3000 cr...nd we hav 6 submarines our country can spend 3000 cr for election as it is conducted every 5 yrs....nd it is for the benefit of the people

  2. no electiions are not too expensive for our country

  3. The last question is utterly foolish... Please give a correct answer for the question.........

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. thanks.....
    and more ques plz

  5. answer to Q9 is only option c......please check it out

  6. It is very expensive. They can conduct all the elections simultaneously. This will reduce a lot of the expenses.

  7. nice but plz add more questions plzzz........

  8. only dis much isn't enough ................. plzz add some more ................

  9. can u plzz answer my question..
    why there is pension system ??
    if it is given to the president then why not all the employeees of government??
    is it democratic??

  10. What points are required to have democratic elections? Can rpresentatives be chosen without elections? How?

  11. What points are required to have democratic elections? Can rpresentatives be chosen without elections? How?


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