
Saturday 27 October 2012

NTSE SAT Quiz-14 (History) / CTET (Social Studies)

NTSE SAT Quiz-14 (History)/ CTET(Social Studies)
CTET/ NTSE SAT Quiz-14 (Social Studies)

Q1: The most important text of Vedic Mathematics is:

(a) Atharva veda
(b) Sulva Sutras
(c) Sapta Sindhava
(d) Satapat Brahaman

Q2: Bengal became independent of imperial control after Aurangzeb’s death. Who among the following were its first rulers?

(a) Alivardi Khan
(b) Haider Jang
(c) Murshid Quli Khan
(d) Sirajudullah 

Q3(CTET Jan 2012): The division of the period of Indian History into 'Ancient', 'Medieval', and 'Modern' also has problems. Which of the following is one of the problems in it ?

(a) The concept has been borrowed from the West where Modern period was associated with science, reason, democracy, liberty and equality.
(b) Indian History seems to have clear lines of distinction between 'Ancient', and 'Medieval', and  'Medieval' and 'Modern' period
(c) Tripartite division . reflects gradual growth of the Indian State
(d) Three periods are insufficient to describe Indian History

Q4: The first Muslim ruler to introduce the system of price control was

(a) Iltutmish
(b) Jalaluddin Khalji
(c) Mullammad-bin-Tughlaq
(d) Alauddin Khalji

Q5(CTET Jan 2012): Pietra dura was a

(a) Style of decoration of buildings
(b) Role of succession
(c) Greek god
(d) Metallurgy technology

Q6(NTSE 2011): Mahatma Gandhi called off the Non-cooperation Movement after the Chauri Chaura incident because:
(a) he intended to avoid probable arrest
(b) Moplah peasants in Kerala opposed him.
(c) the movement had turned violent.
(d) of growing opposition to his leadership within Congress.

Q7: Which one of the following European trading groups first established its factory at Surat?
(a) The Portuguese
(b) The Dutch
(c) The English
(d) The French

Q8: Amir Khusrau was the famous poet in the court of :
(a) Akbar
(b) Shahjahan
(c) Alauddin Khalji
(d) Sikandar Lodhi

Q9: Who among the following advocated  ‘Gurilla war’ strategy: 

(a) Shivaji
(b) Prithvi Raj  
(c) Aurangzeb
(d) Babar

Q10(CTET Jan 2012): Which of the following combinations of kingdoms was engaged in tripartite struggle? 
(a) Chola, Rashtrakuta, Pala
(b) Pala, Pallava, Rashtrakuta
(c) Rashtrakuta, Pala, Gurjar-Pratihara
(d) Pala, Chola, Gurjar-Pratihara

Q11(NTSE 2010): If you lived in Agra during Shahjahan’s time what would you witness the most? 
(a) Rebellion of Rajputs 
(b) A lot of construction activity
(c) Peasant rebellions 
(d) Flourishing banking activities

Q12(CTET Jan 2012): Muhammad-Bin-Tughlaq shifted his capital from Delhi to Daulatabad

(a) to escape from Mongols
(b) to punish Southern rulers
(c) to control his empire effectively as Daulatabad was centrally located
(d) as he was not getting enough revenue from North India

Q13: Sirajuddaula lost his Mansab because of

(a) His weak army
(b) His religious army
(c) Widespread economic distress
(d) Intrigues and treachery at home

Q14: Hoysala monuments are found at
(a) Hampi
(b) Halebid
(c) Mysore
(d) Dharwar

Q15(CTET Jan 2012): Tanti, Momin and Devangs communities were engaged in 
(a) Leather works
(b) Weaving
(c) Wood works
(d) Pottery making 

Q16(CTET Jan 2012): Bidri was 
(a) a type of copperware produced in Bidar
(b) an inlay work in copper and silver done by the artisans of Bidar 

(c) a type of silk textile produced in Bidar
(d) a type of cotton textile produced in Bidar

Q17:  Which among the following causes was NOT the reason for the downfall of the Mughal empire? 
(a) The Mansabdari system had corrupted and demoralized the Mughal Army
(b) The Mughal nobility had degenerated
(c) The empire had financial crisis

(d) Aurangzeb had divided the empire among his sons

Q18(NTSE 2010): Surat and Masulipatnam were important trading towns in 17th century. However in the 18th century they lost their importance. Which of the following was NOT responsible for their decline?

(a) Loss of market and productivity because of the decline of the Mughal Empire.
(b) Control of sea-routes by the Portugese and competition from Bombay.
(c) Fierce competition among various trading groups like Golconda nobles, Persian merchants etc.
(d) Shifting of company trade centres to Bombay, Calcutta and Madras. 

1: (b) Sulva Sutras
2: (c) Murshid Quli Khan
3: (a) The concept has been borrowed from the West where Modern period was associated with science, reason, democracy, liberty and equality.
4: (d) Alauddin Khalji
5: (a) Style of decoration of buildings
6: (c) the movement had turned violent.
7: (c) The English
8: (c) Alauddin Khalji
9: (a) Shivaji
10: (c) Rashtrakuta, Pala, Gurjar-Pratihara
11: (b) A lot of construction activity
12: (c) to control his empire effectively as Daulatabad was centrally located
13: (d) Intrigues and treachery at home
14: (b) Halebid 
15: (b) Weaving
16: (b) an inlay work in copper and silver done by the artisans of Bidar 
17: (d) Aurangzeb had divided the empire among his sons
18: (c) Fierce competition among various trading groups like Golconda nobles, Persian merchants etc.

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