
Friday 28 December 2012

CBSE Class 6/7/8 - English Grammar - Degrees of Adjectives

Degrees of Adjectives 
CBSE Class 6/7/8 - English Grammar - Degrees of Adjectives

Q: Fill in the blanks with correct degree of adjective:

1. Mohan is _________ than Sohan (wise).
2. This bag is too big; do you have a ________ one? (small)
3. The pears are __________ than the plums. (hard)
4. Mohan is the _________ of the two boys. (tall)
5. Chinese is ___________ than English. (difficult)
6. Saina is one of the ________ badminton player in the world. (good)
7. This is the ___________ painting in the museum. (valuable)

8. As compared to that, this is the ________ option. (good)
9. Ram Babu is the ___________ of all men in the village. (wise)
10. The roses are _____________ than the sunflowers. (beautiful)
11. This shirt is  _________ that one. (superior)
12. I am the _____________ in the family. (young)
13. Health is ____________ wealth. (preferable)
14. Summer is the ____________ time of the year. (dry)
15. She is my ______ sister. (old)
16. Iron is _________ than any other metal. (useful)
17. This is the____________ part of the play. (sad)
18. Garima is a ________woman, but Radha is _______ than Garima, and Hema is the _______ woman in town. (rich)
19. Mars is ________ from the Sun. (distant)
20. Mount Everest is the _______ mountain in the world. (high)
21. She is as _____ as her sister. (bright)
22. The quicker you finish this project, the _________ it will be. (good)
23. Walk ________ if you want to keep up with me. (fast)
24. Prevention is _________ than cure. (good)
25. Sonakshi is ________ than Priya. (polite)

1. wiser
2. smaller
3. harder
4. taller
5. more difficult
6. best
7. most valuable
8. better
9. wisest
10. more beautiful
11. superior
12. youngest
13.  preferable to
14. driest
15. elder
16. more useful
17. saddest
18. rich, richer, richest
19. more distant
20. highest
21.  bright
22. better
23. faster (Note, faster here is used as an adverb)
24. better
25. politer or more polite


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