
Friday 1 March 2013

CBSE Class 7 - Our Pasts-ii - CH10 - Eighteenth Century Political Formations

Eighteenth Century Political Formations

Short Q & A

Q1: Who were Later Mughals?

Answer: The Mughal successors of Aurangzeb were known as Later Mughals. They were weak leaders and Mughal empire declined in their reigns.

Q2: During the period of Later Mughals, name the Iranian ruler who invaded Delhi?

Answer: Nadir Shah in 1739.

Q3: Name the Afghan ruler who invaded north India five times in Later Mughals period?

Answer: Ahmad Shah Abdali between 1748 and 1761.

Q4: The later Mughal emperors were puppets in the hands of which two powerful groups?

Answer: The Iranis and Turanis (nobles of Turkish descent).

Q5: Who was the founder of Maratha empire?

Answer: Shivaji

Q6: Who was the founder of the Sikhism?

Answer: Guru Nanak Dev

Q7: What were Watan Jagirs?

Answer: States that had enjoyed considerable independence under the Mughals as watan jagirs. These included several Rajput principalities (e.g. Jodhpur, Marwar).

Q8: Who was the the founder of Hyderabad state during Later Mughals?

Answer: Asaf Jah or Chin Quilich Khan who gave himself title as Nizam-ul-Mul.

Q9: The state of Hyderabad was constantly engaged in a struggle against which kingdoms?

Answer: The Marathas to the west, independent Telugu warrior chiefs (nayakas) of the plateau and the British of the Coromandel coast in the east.

Q10: Who found the state of Awadh after breaking up with Later Mughals?

Answer: Burhan-ul-Mulk Sa‘adat Khan

Q11: Who found the state of Bengal after breaking away from Mughal control?

Answer: Murshid Quli Khan

Q12: Under whose reignthe banking house of Jagat Seth became extremely prosperous.

Answer: Alivardi Khan

Q13: List the three common features found amongst Hyderabad, Awadh and Bengal during Later Mughals period.

  1. Mughal nobles were highly suspicious of some of the administrative systems that they had inherited, in particular the jagirdari system.
  2. Their method of tax collection differed. Rather than relying upon the officers of the state, all three regimes contracted with revenue-farmers for the collection of revenue (called ijaradari).
  3. All these regional states was their emerging relationship with rich bankers and merchants.

Q14: Who founded the institution of the Khalsa ?

Answer: Guru Gobind Singh against

Q15:  Who after the death of Guru Gobind Singh, led the revolt against Mughal empire?

Answer: Banda Bahadur

Q16: Who were Misls?

Answer: Sikhs organized themselves into smaller groups. These groups were called Jathas or Misls.

Q17: Who were deshmukhs?

Answer: Powerful Maratha warrior families were called deshmukhs.

Q18: What was Chauth?

Answer: It was 25 per cent of the land revenue claimed by zamindars. In the Deccan this was collected by the Marathas.

Q19: What was Sardeshmukhi?

Answer: Maratha Kings levied a tax on Deccan peninsula called Sardeshmukhi. It was 9-10 per cent of the land revenue paid to the head revenue collector in the Deccan.

Q20: Name the Jat king under whose leadership, Jats acquired the region between Delhi and Agra in 1680s?

Answer: Churaman

Q21: Name the Jat king under whose leadership the kingdom of Bharatpur emerged as a strong state.

Answer: Suraj Mal


  1. THANKKKKS for the anssser
    what a site

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  3. Gr8 Site ... im 13 and in class 7, gr8 site for getting precise answers,,

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  5. thanks i really helps me to learn in exams...

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  7. is anybody there from sri akilandeswari vidyalaya

  8. is anybody there from sri akilandeswari vidyalaya

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  10. एक्सीलेंट


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