
Monday 22 April 2013

CBSE Class 10 - Science - NTSE (Biology) Quiz - 18

NTSE Biology Quiz-18

Q1: We found heterotropic mode of nutrition in which of the following:
(a) Opuntia
(b) pistia
(c) Vallisneria
(d) Drosera

Q2: Which of the following is an example of insectivorous plant?
(a) Orobanche
(b) Rafflesia
(c) Cuscuta
(d) Drosera

Q3: Insectivorous plants
(a) are heterotropic
(b) can get supplementary protein food
(c) cannot manufacture their food other than carbohydrates
(d) cannot manufacture their own proteins

Q4: Dionaea muscipula is commonly known as
(a) Venus flytrap
(b) Butterwort
(c) Water flytrap
(d) Bladderwort

Q5: The element which is required in largest quantities by plant is:
(a) Phosphorous
(b) Nitrogen
(c) Calcium
(d) Sulphur

Q6: Which of the following is a macro nutrient?
(a) Mn
(b) Mg
(c) Cu
(d) Zn

Q7: Which of the following is a micro-nutrient?
(a) copper
(b) phosphorous
(c) magnesium
(d) calcium

Q8: An element is called micro essential which

(a) is less important than the major essential elements.
(b) is more important than the major essential elements.
(c) is present in very small quantities in the soil.
(d) is needed in very small quantity but is as important as major essential element.

Q9: Potassium deficiency in plants causes

(a) decreased apical dominance
(b) increased apical dominance
(c) increased secondary growth
(d) increased monopodial growth

Q10: Chlorophyll contains

(a) potassium
(b) iron
(c) magenese
(d) magnesium

Q11: Deficiency of iron in plants causes

(a) decrease in protein synthesis
(b) bended leaf tip
(c) reduced leaves and stunted growth
(d) inter veinal chlorosis first on young leaves

Q12: Potometer is used to measure

(a) Transpiration
(b) Photosynthesis
(c) Root pressure
(d) Ascent of sap

Q13: The difference between RNA and DNA is
(a) Base
(b) Sugar
(c) Sugar and base
(d) Phosphate

Q14: In plants Auxin is used for
(a) division of cell
(b) elongation and division of cell
(c) root growth inhibition
(d) ripening of fruits

Q15: Which are sensitive to sulphur-dioxide pollution?
(a) Algae
(b) mosses
(c) lichens
(d) ferns

Q16: Initiation of flowering happens in
(a) auxillary bud
(b) leaf tissue
(c) leaves
(d) apical bud

Q17: Commercial cork is produced from
(a) Hevea Brassilinsis
(b) Flax
(c) Jaglans regia
(d) Quercus suber

Q18: Who discovered double fertilisation?
(a) Emerson
(b) Strasburger
(c) Nawaschin
(d) None of these

Q19: In sickle cell anemia RBC becomes
(a) sickle shaped
(b) more flexible and strong
(c) no change in shape or size
(d) is genetically inherited

Q20: Which one is not produced in aquaculture?
(a) frog
(b) oyster
(c) silkworm
(d) singhara

Q21: Secretion of gastric juice is stimulated by:
(a) renin
(b) gastrin
(c) rennin
(d) secretin

Q22: Liver,muscle and adipose tissue are affected by:
(a) progestrone
(b) glucagon
(c) androgen
(d) insulin

Q23: Pellagra is caused due to the deficiency of:
(a) B1
(b) B5
(c) B12
(d) B2

Q24: Haemodialysis help in the case of patient having:
(a) Anaemia
(b) Goitre
(c) Diabetes
(d) Uremia

Q25: X-ray is used in
(a) CT-scan
(b) EEG
(c) ECG
(d) Endoscopy

1: (d) Drosera
2: (d) Drosera
3: (c) cannot manufacture their food other than carbohydrates
4: (a) Venus flytrap
5: (b) Nitrogen
6: (b) Mg
7: (a) copper
8: (d) is needed in very small quantity but is as important as major essential element.
9: (a) decreased apical dominance
10: (d) magnesium
11: (d) inter veinal chlorosis first on young leaves
12: (a) Transpiration
13: (c) Sugar and base
14: (b) elongation and division of cell 
15: (c) lichens
16: (c) leaves
17: (d) Quercus suber
18: (c) Nawaschin
19: (a) sickle shaped
20: (c) silkworm
21: (b) gastrin
22: (d) insulin
23: (b) B5
24: (d) Uremia
25: (a) CT-scan

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