
Saturday 18 May 2013

CBSE Class 9 - English (C) - Lord Ullin's Daughter

Lord Ullin's Daughter

Q & A from CBSE Book

Q5 (a) Lord Ullin's daughter and her lover are trying to_____________.

(i) escape the wrath of her father
(ii) settle in a distant land
(iii) challenge the storm in the lake
(iv) trying to prove their love for each other

(b) The boatman agrees to ferry them across because_________.

(i) he has fallen in love with Lord Ullin's daughter
(ii) he wants to avenge Lord Ullin
(iii) he has lost his love
(iv) he is sorry for the childlike innocence of the lady

(c) The mood changes in the poem. It transforms from _________.

(i) happiness to fear
(ii) anxiety to grief
(iii) fear to happiness
(iv) love to pain

(d) The shore of Lochgyle has been referred to as 'fatal shore!' The poetic device used here is ________________.

(i) metaphor
(ii) simile
(iii) transferred epithet
(iv) onomatopoeia


(a) (i) escape the wrath of her father
(b) (iv) he is sorry for the childlike innocence of the lady
(c) (iv) love to pain
(d) (iii) transferred epithet

Q.6: In pairs copy and complete the summary of the poem with suitable words/expressions

A Scottish Chieftain and his beloved were (a) _____________from her wrathful father.
As they reached the shores, the (b) ____________ told a boatman to (c) ____________
them across Lochgyle. He asked him to do it fast because if (d) ______________found
them, they would kill him. The boatman (e) ________________to take them not for the
(f) _____________that the chieftain offered but for his (g) ____________. By this
time, the storm had (h) _____________and a wild wind had started blowing. The sound
of (i) _______________could be heard close at hand. The lady urged the boatman
(j) _____________as she did not want to face an angry father.
Their boat left the (k) ______________and as it got caught in the stormy sea,
Lord Ullin reached the deadly (l)_____________. His anger changed to wailing when
 he saw his daughter (m) ______________. He asked her to return back. But it was
(n) __________ as the stormy sea claimed his daughter and her lover.

(a) fleeing
(b) chieftain
(c) ferry
(d) Lord Ullin’s men
(e) agreed
(f) silver/money
(g) beautiful bride
(h) become more violent
(i) Lord Ullin’s men
(j) to make haste/to lose no time
(k) stormy shore
(l) shore
(m) having a close brush with death
(n) futile

Q.7: Why does Lord Ullin’s daughter defy her father and elope with her lover?

Answer: Lord Ullin's daughter being deeply in love with the Chieftain of Ulva, wished to be
united with him. However, her father's rigidity stood in her way. The girl was left with no
choice but to elope with her lover as she could not live without him.

Q.8: Give two characteristics of the boatman who ferries the couple across the sea.

Answer: The boatman was a man of great sympathy, valour and chivalry. Realising the situation
he took upon himself an almost impossible task of ferrying the young couple across Lochgyle
despite the storm. This bold and daring man was not prompted by the greed for money, but the
inner desire to help the lovers made him row the ferry in the face of the storm.

Q.9: “Imagery” refers to something that can be perceived through more than one of the senses. It uses figurative language to help form mental pictures. Campbell used vivid, diverse and powerful imagery to personify the menacing face of nature (for e.g. sea, sky, wind, land). Pick out expressions that convey the images of anger in the following stanzas:

Stanza 6
Stanza 7
‘Water-wraith was shrieking’
Stanza 9
Stanza 10
‘Stormy land’
Stanza 13
Stanza 14

Stanza 6: ‘the waves are raging white’
Stanza 7: ‘Water-wraith was shrieking’
                ‘the scowl of heaven’
Stanza 9: ‘raging of the skies’
Stanza 10:  ‘Stormy sea’
                  ‘Stormy land’
Stanza 13: ‘Stormy water’
Stanza 14: ‘the loud waves lashed the shore’

Q.10: Read the following lines and answer the questions that follow

“His horsemen hard behind us ride;
Should they our steps discover,
Then who will cheer my bonny bride
When they have slain her lover?”

(a) Who is ‘his’ in line 1? Who does ‘us’ refer to?

Answer: ‘His’ in line 1 is Lord Ullin. ‘Us’ refers to Lord Ullin’s daughter and her lover.

(b) Explain − ‘cheer my bonny bride’.

Answer: The lover is worried that after he is no more, there would be no one to console
his beautiful bride.

(c)Why would the lover be slain?

Answer: As Lord Ullin did not approve of this love affair and the lovers eloped against his wishes,
he ordered his horsemen to kill the lover.

Q.11: " The water-wraith was shrieking." Is the symbolism in the line a premonition of what
happens at the end? Give reasons for your answer.

Answer: "The shrieking water- wraith" does create a feeling that something tragic is going to
happen. The rising water looks not only terrifying like a ghost but also its splashing sounds
like the cries of a ghost, indicate that something unlucky is going to happen. Since the
boatman is rowing the fleeing lovers in his boat in such a bad weather, such evil signs cause
concern in reader's  mind for them.

Q.12: The poet uses the words like 'adown', 'rode' which contains harsh consonants. Why do you think the poet has done this?

Answer: The poet used such words to show that it is the hardest time for the lovers. These words
express the mood of the poem. The stormy weather, the fleeing couple and their decreasing
distance with Lord Ullin and his men, creates a situation in which the use of such words with
harsh consonants look effective.

Q.13: In Stanza 10, the poet says-'The boat has left a stormy land,
                 A stormy sea before her,
(a) In both these lines, the word "stormy" assumes different connotations. What are they?

Answer: In both these lines, the word "stormy" stands for the land which was very dusty and stormy
because the Lord's armed men and horses were marching to capture the fleeing lovers.
In the second line, it stands for the tempest that made the sea so rough that it became very

(b)The lady faces a dilemma here. What is it? What choice does she finally make?

Answer: Lord Ullin's daughter has to make a decision between choosing the 'stormy land' or the
'stormy sea' that is, the fury of her father or the tempestuous weather. Mortally afraid of her
father's fury she chooses to venture into the stormy sea and run the risk of getting drowned in
the stormy sea.

Q.14: a) 'Lord Ullin reached that fatal shore' just as his daughter left it. Why is the shore
called fatal?

Answer: The shore has been called 'fatal' as Lord Ullin's daughter drowned in the sea along with
her lover. The tragic scene of death was watched from the shore by the unfortunate father,
Lord Ullin.

b) Why does Lord Ullin's wrath change into wailing on seeing his daughter?

Answer: The moment Lord Ullin reached the shore he saw his daughter having a close brush with death. He cried desperately in grief asking his daughter to come back and promising to forgive her

Q.15: 'One lovely hand she stretched for aid.' Do you think Lord Ullin's daughter wanted to reach out to her father? If yes, why?

Answer: Yes, the girl instinctively stretched her hand to her father in a desperate bid to save
herself and her lover. In the raging storm, her father and his men were the lovers only hope of
survival. It is a moving but an ironical situation in which a daughter seeks the help of the father
she is running away from.

Q.16: You are already familiar with the poetic device "alliteration". The poet makes extensive
use of the same throughout the poem. Pick out as many examples of alliterations as you can.

Answer: Examples of alliteration are:
water wild; bonny bride; storm and shade; water wraith; wrath wailing; row'd roar; waves white;
should steps; left lamenting.

Q.17: What is the rhyme-scheme of the poem?

Answer: The rhyme scheme of the poem is abab but in the last paragraph the rhyme scheme changes to abcb.

Q.19: Imagine that you are Lord Ullin. You bemoan and lament the tragic loss of your lovely
daughter and curse yourself for having opposed her alliance with the chieftain. Express your
feeling of pain and anguish in a letter to your friend.

Ullin Glen

16 May, 2013

Dear Lord Harold
Thank you very much for your message of condolence and solidarity. Juliette, as you know was a
lovely child indeed and the loss of such a dear daughter would be unbearable for any father. I
myself am guilty of driving the poor child and her lover to death.

I had ordered her never to see her lover. So, when I was informed that she had eloped with her
lover, I sent my men to pursue them and kill the chieftain. As they heard the horsemen arriving,
Juliette and her lover desperately plunged into the stormy sea.

I shall never be able to get over this pain and anguish. To be blessed with a daughter like her
was indeed a rare blessing. May her soul rest in peace.
Yours sincerely


  1. this is really awesome. but Q18 is missing

    1. i need the bishop's candlesticks 's question and answers
      it is too bad
      i hate it

  2. yeahh.... Q18. ia what i wanted

  3. Awsome but question 18 is missing!!!

  4. Awesome I got everything I needed though q18 is missing!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. where's the 18th question?

  8. Replies
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  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Q no.18 and 20 is missing by the way

  11. brilliant answers but Q- 18 and Q- 20 are missing

    please add the 2 questions please so the next generation would not be confused


  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. its damn where is ques.18..? :(

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Pleez can anybody give answer of Q20 ?? On my whatsapp 9811742052

  16. Pleez can anybody give answer of Q20 ?? On my whatsapp 9811742052

  17. In q.15 answer,the spelling of stretched in first line is wrong

  18. thank you very much even though you missed Q.18 & Q.20

  19. thank you very much even though you missed Q.18 & Q.20


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