
Monday 13 May 2013

CBSE Class 6 - Science - CH3 - Fibres to Fabrics

Fibres to Fabrics


Cotton Bolls
Q1: The fibres obtained from animals are made up of:

(a) proteins
(b) carbohydrates
(c) cellulose
(d) vitamins


Q2: The process of twisting fibres to make yarn is called:

(a) combing
(b) ginning
(c) spinning
(d) knotting


Q3: Weaving is done on devices called: 
(a) Takli
(b) Charkha
(c) Looms
(d) Needles

Q4: The process of removing seeds from the mass of cotton is called: 
(a) ginning
(b) weaving
(c) knitting
(d) shearing


Q5: Where was silk first produced in 3000 B.C.? 
(a) India
(b) America
(c) Australia
(d) China


Q.6: The process of growing silkworms on Mulberry trees to obtain silk from them is: 
(a) agriculture
(b) sericulture
(c) pisciculture
(d) horticulture


Q.7: 'Pashmina' wool is obtained from: 
(a) camel
(b) sheep
(c) rabbit
(d) goat


Q.8: What do you mean by 'Shearing'? 
(a) The process of sharing things.
(b) The process of making woollen fabric from fibre.
(c) The process of removing hair from the body of animals.
(d) The process of removing seeds from cotton.


Q.9 Which fibre is obtained from Flax seeds? 
(a) cotton
(b) Jute
(c) Linen
(d) Nylon


Q.10: Which of these fibres is non-biodegradable? 
(a) Cotton
(b) Jute
(c) Wool
(d) Nylon



1: (a) proteins
2: (c) spinning
3: (c) Looms
4: (a) ginning
5: (d) China
6: (b) sericulture
7: (d) goat
8: (c) The process of removing hair from the body of animals.
9: (c) Linen
10: (d) Nylon


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