
Friday 28 June 2013

CBSE Class 7 - Science - CH7 - Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals to Climate (MCQs)

Weather, Climate and Adaptations 
of Animals to Climate 

Life Cycle of Penguin

Q1: Which of the following is NOT an element of weather?
(a) Humidity
(b) Temperature
(c) Soil
(d) Rain

Q2: A carnivore with stripes on its body moves very fast while catching its prey. It is likely to be found in:
(a) polar regions
(b) deserts
(c) oceans
(d) tropical rainforests

Q3: Which of these is specifically an adaptation for cold climates?
(a) thick fur
(b) long ears
(c) sweating glands
(d) light bones

Q4: The special features and habits that help an animal survive in its environment are known as _______
(a) evolutions
(b) adaptations
(c) polymorphisms
(d) hibernation

Q5: In Western Ghats Of India, the Long tailed macaque is also known as _______

a) Indian Parrot
(b) Beard Ape
(c) Monkey
(d) Lemurs

Q6: Long Inactivity and metabolic depression of animals during winters is known as:
(a) aestivation
(b) migration
(c) evolution
(d) hibernation

Q7:  Birds are adapted to fly because of ___________,

(a) streamlined body
(b) light bones
(c) feathers and wings
(d) all of these

Q8: In India, rainforests are found in which of the following state?

(a) Andhra Pradesh
(b) Madhya Pradesh
(c) Assam
(d) Kerala

Q9: Water vapours present in the atmosphere is called

(a) humidity
(b) precipitation
(c) climate
(d) rain fall

Q10: Camouflage shown in polar bears is due to 

(a) thick fur
(b) padded feet
(c) white fur
(d) two layers of fat

1: (c) Soil
2: (d) tropical rainforests
3: (a) thick fur
4: (b) adaptations
5: (b) Beard Ape
6: (d) hibernation
7: (d) all of these
8: (c) Assam
9: (a) humidity
10:  (c) white fur


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