
Sunday 9 June 2013

CBSE Class 8 - CH8 - Science - Cell Structure and Functions (MCQs)

Cell Structure and Functions

Q1: Who discovered cell first time by observing cork?

(a) Alexander Fleming
(b) Robert Hook
(c) Leeuwenhoek
(d) Isaac Newton

Q2: Who is known as father of microbiology?

(a) Alexander Fleming
(b) Robert Hook
(c) Leeuwenhoek
(d) E. Adams

Q3: The structural and function unit of life is called ___.

(a) cell
(b) tissue
(c) organ
(d) organism

Q4: Which of the following cells have irregular shape?

(a) White Blood Cells
(b) Amoeba
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these

Q5: The largest cell is of ___.

(a) bacteria
(b) human neuron
(c) egg of an ostrich
(d) egg of blue whale

Q6: A cell with a definite nucleus and nuclear membrane is called as ………….

(a) virus
(b) plant cell
(c) prokaryote
(d) eukaryote

Q7: Unit of inheritance is called ___.

(a) gene
(b) nucleus
(c) cell
(d) tissue

Q8: Living substance of cell is called ____.

(a) Cytoplasm
(b) Protoplasm
(c) Nucleus
(d) Chromosmes

Q9: Several small coloured bodies in the cytoplasm of the cells of Tradescantia leaf are called ___.

(a) Organelle
(b) Plastids
(c) Vacuoles
(d) Mitochondria

Q10: Which organelle is called power house of the cell?

(a) Centrosome
(b) Lysosomes
(c) Plastids
(d) Mitochondria

1: (a) Robert Hook
2: (c) Leeuwenhoek
3: (a) cell
4: (c) Both (a) and (b)
5: (c) egg of an ostrich
6: (d) eukaryote
7: (a) gene
8: (b) Protoplasm
9: (b) Plastids
10: (d) Mitochondria


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