
Friday 26 July 2013

Class 10 - Science - CH13 - Magnetic Effects of Electric Current (MCQs)

Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
Magnetic field in wire loop


Q1: Inside the magnet the field lines run

(a) From south to north
(b) Away from north pole
(c) From north to south
(d) Away from the south pole

Q2: An electric charge in uniform motion produces:

(a) an electric field only
(b) a magnetic field only
(c) both electric and magnetic fields
(d) no such field at all

Q3: The magnetic field inside the solenoid is

(a) Non uniform
(c) same at all points
(d) zero

Q4: A free charged particle moves through a magnetic field. The particle may undergo a change in:

(a) speed
(b) energy
(c) direction of motion
(d) none of these

Q5: Two free parallel wires carrying currents in opposite directions:

(a) attract each other
(b) repel each other
(c) do not affect each other
(d) get moved to perpendicular to each other

Q6: The frequency of power supply used in India is

(a) 70Hz
(b) 60 Hz
(c) 50Hz
(d) 30Hz

Q7: A current is passed through a straight wire. The magnetic field established around it has its lines of force:

(a) circular and endless
(b) oval in shape and endless
(c) straight lines
(d) all of the above

Q8: Cyclotron is a device to:

(a) to accelerate neutrons
(b) accelerate electrons
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) none of these

Q9: The core of electromagnet is:

(a) soft iron
(b) nickel
(c) steel
(d) copper

Q10: Field inside a solenoid is:

(a) directly proportional to its length
(b) directly proportional to current
(c) inversely proportional to number of turns
(d) inversely proportional to current

Q11: A device used to test whether the current is flowing in a conductor or not is

(a) Ammeter
(b) Galvanometer
(c) Voltmeter
(d) magnetmeter

Watch Video Tutorial on Magnetic Effects Of Electric Current by NCERT

1: (a) From south to north
2: (c) both electric and magnetic fields
3: (c) same at all points
4: (c) direction of motion
5: (b) repel each other
6: (b) 60 Hz
7: (a) circular and endless
8: (c) both (a) and (b)
9: (a) soft iron
10: (b) directly proportional to current
11: (b) Galvanometer


  1. 5th answer is wrong...As the dirn of current is they will attract each other...So me the correct (a)

  2. Pcm video...😀😀😀...All my concepts r clear now..Thank u Ma'am for uploading this ocm video....😊😊


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