
Friday 12 July 2013


(MCQs asked in APTET Examination on TEACHING APTITUDE) 
[You may get details about Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) its website and may get previous years papers also]


Q1: It is said that a teacher in the classroom is a
(1) Speaker
(2) Leader
(3) Friend
(4) Thinker

Q2: Some students are backward in studies. What will be your attitude towards them?
(1) Harsh
(2) Sympathetic
(3) Liberal
(4) Lovable

Q3: For harmonious development of the personality of the child, parent should
(1) overprotect the child.
(2) regularly compare the child with other children.
(3) provide conducive environment at home.
(4) engage qualified teachers.

Q4: Which of the following characteristics is most essential to make you a good teacher?
(1) Sympathy for students.
(2) Proficiency of language.
(3) Thoroughness of knowledge.
(4) Effective communication.

Q5: Identify the main objective of teaching
(1) To give notes to students.
(2) To prepare students to pass the examinations.
(3) To prepare students for jobs.
(4) To develop the thinking power of students.

Q6: Students achievement mainly depends on
(1) The use of good textbooks.
(2) The care taken by the parents.
(3) The teaching-learning process in the classroom.
(4) The discipline imposed in the school.

Q7: I praise the teacher who ....

(1) has pleasing personality.
(2) is friendly with students.
(3) has strict control over the students.
(4) knows the problems of students and helps them.

Q8: Absenteeism in the class can be minimised by ...
(1) Teaching effectively and regularly.
(2) Ignoring the fact of absenteeism.
(3) Punishing the students.
(4) Informing the parents.

Q9: The new millennium teacher is addressed as
(1) Guide
(2) Learning facilitator
(3) Friend
(4) Philosopher

Q10: If a student is aggressive in the class, the teacher should ...
(1) Inform police.
(2) Inform the headmaster.
(3) Advise him properly.
(4) Punish him.

1:  (2) Leader
2:  (2) Sympathetic
3:  (3) provide conducive environment at home.
4:  (1) Sympathy for students.
5:  (4) To develop the thinking power of students.
6:  (3) The teaching-learning process in the classroom.
7:  (4) knows the problems of students and helps them.
8:  (1) Teaching effectively and regularly.
9:  (2) Learning facilitator
10: (3) Advise him properly.

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