
Monday 22 July 2013

NTSE SAT (Science) Quiz-19 (Delhi Stage-1 2012)

NTSE SAT Quiz-19
NTSE SAT Quiz-19 (Delhi Stage-1 2012)

MCQs from Delhi Stage-1 2012

Q1: Which of the following gases is known as tear gas?

(a) Methyl isocyanide
(b) Sulphur dioxide
(c) Chloropicrin
(d) Nitrous oxide

Q2: Mitosis

(a) leads to recombinant daughter cells
(b) is a reduction division
(c) occurs in gametes
(d) leads to formation of parental type of daughter cells

Q3: Neurons have a unique property that makes them to communicate with other cells via:

(a) Nerve cords
(b) Glial cells
(c) Synapses
(d) Schwann cells

Q4: Wings of birds and insects are

(a) vestigial organs
(b) Homologous organs
(c) Paralogous organs
(d) Analogous organs

Q5: The electronic configuration of an ion M2+ is 2, 8, 14. If its mass is 56, the number of neutrons in its nucleus is:

(a) 30
(b) 32
(c) 34
(d) 42

Q6: Three equal resistors connected in series across a source of e.m.f. dissipate 10 watts of power. What will be the power dissipated in watts if the same resistors are connected in parallel across the same source of e.m.f.?

(a) 10 W
(b) 30 W
(c) 90 W
(d) 10/3 W

Q7: The type of radiation absorbed by CO2 molecule in atmosphere are

(a) X-rays
(b) Gamma rays
(c) Infra-red rays
(d) UV-rays

Q8: Mitochondria and Chloroplasts are similar because

(a) Both have nuclei
(b) Both have 80s ribosomes
(c) Both have DNA
(d) Both have single membrane envelope

Q9: Which layer of planet earth’s atmosphere protects it from the harmful UV radiations of the Sun?
(a) Stratosphere
(b) Ozonosphere
(c) Troposphere
(d) Ionosphere

Q10: Cut leaves remain green for longer time if dipped in
(a) Auxin
(b) Cytokinins
(c) Ethylene
(d) Gibberellins

Q11: Vegetative propagation refers to formation of new plants from:
(a) Stem, roots and leaves
(b) Leaves, flowers and seeds
(c) Stem, roots and seeds
(d) Fruits, seeds and spores

1: (c) Chloropicrin
2: (d) leads to formation of parental type of daughter cells
3: (c) Synapses
4: (d) Analogous organs
5: (a) 30
6: (c) 90 W
7: (c) Infra-red rays
8: (c) Both have DNA
9: (a) Stratosphere
10: (b) Cytokinins
11: (a) Stem, roots and leaves

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