
Sunday 16 February 2014

CBSE Class 7/8/9/10 - English - Test you Vocabulary and Grammar



Q1: The American season 'Fall' is known in England as

 (a) Spring 
 (b) Autumn 
 (c) Winter
 (d) Summer

Q2: The weather is atrocious. The underlined word means

 (a) Very pathetic 
 (b) Very artistic 
 (c) Highly automatic 
 (d) Very unpleasant

Q3:  A synonym of Metamorphosis is

(a) Great shape 
(b) Transformation 
(c) Superior organization 
(d) Irregular formation

Q4: Numismatics is a study of

(a) Stamps
(b) Leaves
(c) Coins
(d) birds

Q5: Choose the correct sentence:

(a) I am used to eat hotel food.
(b) I used to eating hotel food .
(c) I am using to eat hotel food.
(d) I am used to eating hotel food.

Q6: Which of the following is an opposite to the word 'Dearth'

(a) surplus
(b) scarcity
(c) abundance
(d) sufficiency

Q7: A misanthrope is one who hates

(a) Mankind 
(b) Animals 
(c) Birds
(d) Insects

Q8: What is the antonym of 'under'?

(a) Above
(b) Over
(c) Up
(d) Off

Q9: Pick out the word in the following that is different from the other options

(a) success
(b) frustration
(c) distinction
(d) achievement

Q10: Which of the following is the correctly spelt word?

(a) Defect 
(b) Deffect 
(c) Diffect 
(d) Difect

Q11: What is a young 'crow' called?

(a) Chick
(b) Crowette
(c) Crowling
(d) Gosling

Q12: Identify the part of speech of the underlined word in the following sentence.

John, as well as his wife has come.

(a) Conjunction 
(b) Preposition 
(c) Adverb 
(d) Adjective

1: (b) Autumn
2: (d) Very unpleasant
3: (b) Transformation 
4: (c) Coins
5: (d) I am used to eating hotel food.
6: (d) sufficiency
7: (a) Mankind 
8: (b) Over
9: (b) frustration
10: (a) Defect 
11: (a) Chick
12: (b) Preposition (a) Conjunction


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. As well as is a conjunction, not a preposition.
    Everything else is good Except this mistake.

  3. As well as is a conjunction, not a preposition.
    Everything else is good Except this mistake.


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