
Saturday 20 September 2014

CBSE Class 10 - Social Science - SA1 - Sample Question Paper - 2014-15

Social Science - SA1 - Sample Question Paper - 2014-15


Time: 3Hrs    Max. Marks: 90

General Instructions:
1. The question paper has 31 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.
2. Marks are indicated against each question
3. Questions from serial number 1 to 10 are multiple chouce questions (MCQs). Each question carries one mark.
4. Questions from serial number 11 to 22 are 3 marks questions. Answer of these questions should not exceed 80 words each.
5. Questions from serial number 23 to 30 are 5 marks questions. Answer of these questions should not exceed 100 words each.
6. Question number 31 is a map question of 4 marks from Geography only. After completion attach map inside your answer book.

1 In which of the following years Great Depression occurred in the world?
(a) 1929 - 30
(b) 1935 - 36
(c) 1939 - 40
(d) 1941 - 42


Who among the following improved the steam engine produced by New Comen?
(a) Mathew Boulton
(b) James Watt
(c) Henry Ford
(d) Graham Bell


Which one of the following is correct about the Annual London Season?
(a) It was meant for wealthy Brishers only.
(b) Organised for the working class.
(c) Organised for the exchange of news.
(d) Organised for political action.
2. Which one of the following groups of the countries was known as the 'Central powers' in Europe?
(a) Germany, Russia and France
(b) Russia, Germany and Britain
(c) Germany, Austria-Hungary and Ottoman-Turkey
(d) Britain, Germany and Russia


Which of the following group of industries were the dynamic industries of England during its earliest phase of industrialization?
(a) Cotton and Metals
(b) Cotton and Silk
(c) Silk and Footwears
(d) Footwears and glass


After reclamation how many islands were joined together to develop the sity of Bombay (Mumbai)?
(a) Seven
(b) Five
(c) Three
(d) Ten
3. Which one of the following soil types is the most widely spread and important soil in India?
(a) Laterite soilds
(b) Black soilds
(c) Alluvial soilds
(d) Red and yellow soils
4. On which of the following rivers Sardar Sarvovar Dam is built?
(a) River Kaveri
(b) River Krishna
(c) River Narmada
(d) River Satluj
5. Which of the following minority communites is relatively rich and powerful in Belgium?
(a) French
(b) Dutch
(c) German
(d) English

6. Which one the following languages is spoken by the majority of the people of Sri Lanka?
(a) Tamil
(b) English
(c) Sinhalese
(d) French
7. The subject of Computer Software comes under which of the following lists?
(a) Union List
(b) State List
(c) Concurrent List
(d) Residuary List
8. Among the following criteria which one is the basis to measure the development of a country according to the World Bank?
(a) Per Capita Income
(b) Literacy Rate
(c) GrossEnrolment Ratio
(d) Life Expectancy
9. Which one among the following is a development goal common to all?
(a) Freedom
(b) Equal opportunities
(c) Security and respect
(d) High levels of income and better quality of life
10. Output of which of the following is included in GDP?
(a) Manufacturing
(b) Transport
(c) Agriculture
(d) all of these
11. What was the impact of technology on food availability? Explain with the help of examples? (3)


Why did the East India Company appoint Gomasthas in India?
12. "Access to books created a new culture of reading". Support the statement giving three examples. (3)


Explain the contribution of women writers on the writing of novels in India.
13. Explain any three steps taken to solve the problem of land degradation in India. (3)
14. Explain three reasons why we need to save the biodiversity of our planet? (3)
15. "Large multi-purpose projects also lead to land degradation." Explain (3)
16. Differentiate between commercial agriculture and subsitence agriculture. (3 each) (3)
17. Mention any three provisions of the Act which was passed in Sri Lanka in 1956 to establish Sinhala supremacy. (3)
18. Explain overlapping and cross cutting social differences with three examples. (3)
19. Explain any three factors that determine the outcome of politics of social division. (3)
20. What is per capita income? How is it calculated? (3)
21. What is Public Distribution System? Explain its two advantages. (3)
22. Why is tertiary sector becoming so important in India? Give reasons. (3)
23. Explain any four measures adopted by America for postwar recovery. (5)


"The modern industrialisation could not marginalise the traditional industries in England" Justify the statement with any four suitable arguments.


Why was the land reclamation in Bombay necessary? Mention any two land reclamation projects taken up in Bombay.
24. Write the Geographical conditions required for the cultivation of Rice and Tea. (5)
25. State any three achievements and any two problems of the Panchayati Raj system in India. (5)
26. Explain any four constitutional steps taken in 1992 towards decentralisation in India (5)
27. Explain the main features of National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA). (5)
28. How have human activties affected the depletion of Flora and Fauna? Explain any five reasons. (5)
29. Describe the geographical conditions required for the production of Rubber and Maize. (5)
30. Explain the steps involved in resource planning in India. (5)
31. Locate and Label the following on the given outline map of India.
(a) Salal Dam
(b) Corbett Riger Reserve
(c) Two major tea producing states of North East.
CBSE Class 10 - Social Science - SA1 - Sample Question Paper - 2014-15


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