
Sunday 28 September 2014

CBSE Class 7 - Science - CH3 - Fibre to Fabric (MCQs)

 Fibre to Fabric 

Q1: Which of the following is NOT a Vegetable fibre?

(a) flax
(b) silk
(c) hemp
(d) jute

Q2: Vegetable fibres are made up of

(a) cellulose
(b) protein
(c) nylon
(d) rayon

Q3: Animal Fibres are made up of

(a) cellulose
(b) protein
(c) nylon
(d) rayon

Q4:  Which of the following process is NOT part of wool extraction?

(a) Shearing
(b) Scouring
(c) Sorting
(d) Reeling

Q5: Removal of wool from a sheep is known as __________.

(a) Rearing
(b) Sorting
(c) Shearing
(d) Scouring

Q6: Sericulture is ________________.

(a) rearing of silk worms
(b) rearing of sheep
(c) cotton plantation
(d) rearing of honey bees

Q7: Which of the following statements is NOT true?

(a) Workers in wool industry generally suffer from Sorter's disease.
(b) Bakhrwal is an Indian breed of sheep.
(c) Rayon is a natural fibre.
(d) Shearing is usually done in summer season.

Q8: Which country is the most producing silk in the world?

(a) China
(b) India
(c) Bangladesh
(d) Japan

Q9: The fleece are combed to remove _______

(a) Burrs.
(b) Dust.
(c) Low quality hair.
(d) None of these

1: (b) silk - it is an animal fibre
2: (a) cellulose
3: (b) protein
4: (d) Reeling - it is part of silk extraction.
5: (c) Shearing
6: (a) rearing of silk worms
7: (c) Rayon is a natural fibre.
8: (a) China
9: (a) Burrs


  1. Nice and good it is a sample paper for studys

  2. Interesting 😏 lovin' the feeling .....

  3. Yeahhhh youuuu areeee righttttt....

  4. this is a great hepl for those who are the last minute study types

  5. this is a great hepl for those who are the last minute study types

  6. Bakwas hai itni easy worksheet hahahahaha

  7. Thank you very much it was very usefull

  8. nice one its useful

  9. it is nice for studing students by sample paper

  10. thank u a lot this is how help me


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