
Thursday 23 April 2015

CBSE Class 12 - Computer Science (C++) Questions on Class Design

Computer Science (C++) - Class Design

Questions Asked in Board Papers on Class Design

Q1(CBSE 2013):  Define a class Tourist in C++ with the following specifications:
     Data Members:
  • CarNo - to store bus number
  • Origin - to store Place name
  • Destination - to store Place name
  • Type - to store Car Type such as 'E' for Economy
  • Distance - to store the Distance in Kilometers
  • Charge - to store the Car Fare
    Member Functions:
  • A constructor function to initialize Type as 'E' and Freight as 250
  • A function CalcCharge( ) to calculate Fare as per the following criteria:
    Type Charge
    'E' 16*Distance
    'A' 22*Distance
    'L' 30*Distance

  • A function Enter( ) to allow user to enter values for CarNo, Origin, Destination, Type and Distance. Also this function should call CalcCharge( ) to calculate Fare.
  • A function Show( ) to display the content of all the data members on screen.
 const int BUFFSIZE = 40;
 class Tourist
   // private data members
   int carNum;
   char origin[BUFFSIZE];
   char destination[BUFFSIZE];
   char carType;
   int distance;
   int charges;
    // member functions
    // constructor
     carType = 'E';
     charges = 250;

   // calculate charges
   void CalcCharges()
     if (Type == 'E')
      charges = 16*distance;
    else if (Type == 'A')
      charges = 22*distance;
    else if (Type == 'C')
      charges = 30*distance;

 // enter values
 void Tourist::Enter()
   cout << "Enter CarNo, Origin, Destination, Type, Distance:";
   cin >> carNum;
   cin >> carType >> Distance;
 // show/display details
 void Show()
   cout << "Car No: " << carNum 
        << "\nOrigin: " << origing 
        << "\nDestination: " << destination
        << "\nType: " << carType
        << "\nDistance: " << distance
        << "\nCharges: " << charges << endl; 

Q2(CBSE 2012): Define a class Flat in C++ with the following description:
     Private Members:

  • FNo       - Data member for storing flat number
  • FCatg     - Data member for storing flat category
  • FRate     - Data member for storing flat rate per square feet
  • Area       - Data member for storing Area covered.
     Public Members
  • FCost( )   -  A function to calculate and return cost of flat as follows:
    FCatg  FCost
    LIG FRate * Area
    MIG FRate * 1.5 * Area
    HIG FRate * 3 * Area
  • Register( )  - A function to enter values FNo, FCatg, FRate and Area
  • Display( )   - A function to display FNo, FCatg, FRate, Area and Cost [Cost to be displayed by calling function FCost( )]

 class Flat
    int FNo;
    char FCatg[5];
    float FRate;
    float FArea;

    float FCost( )
      float retval = 0.0;
      if (strcmp(FCatg, "LIG") == 0)
         retval = FRate * Area;
      else if (strcmp(FCat, "MIG") == 0)
         retval = FRate * 1.5 * Area;
      else if (strcmp(FCatg, "HIG") == 0)
         retval = FRate * 3.0 * Area;
      return retval;

     void Register()
       cout << "Enter Flat Num, Flat Category (LIG, MIG or HIG), Rate, Area:";
       cin >> FNo;
       cin >> FRate >> Area;

     void Display()
       cout << "Flat Number: " << FNo
            << "\nCategory: " << FCatg
            << "\nRate : " << FRage
            << "\nArea : " << FArea
            << "\nCost : " << FCost() << endl;

Q3(CBSE 2009): Define a class HOTEL in C++ with the following description:
      Private Members
              • Rno          -Data Member to store Room No
              • Name       -Data Member to store customer Name
              • Tariff        -Data Member to store per day charge
              • NOD       -Data Member to store Number of days
              • CALC     -A function to calculate and return amount as NOD*Tariff and
                                 if the value of NOD*Tariff is more than 10000 then as 1.05*NOD*Tariff
    Public Members:
              Checkin( )  -A function to enter the content RNo,Name, Tariff and NOD
              Checkout() -A function to display Rno, Name, Tariff, NOD and Amount [Amount to be displayed by calling function CALC( )]

 #include <iostream.h>
 class HOTEL
    unsigned int Rno;
    char Name[25];
    unsigned int Tariff;
    unsigned int NOD;
    int CALC()
      int x;
      x = NOD*Tariff;

    void Checkin()

    void Checkout()
      cout <<"Room No:" << Rno
           <<"Name :" << Name
           << "Tarrif: "<< Tariff
           <<"NOD: " << NOD
           <<"Amount:" << CALC();

 void main()
   HOTEL h1;

Q4(CBSE 2010): Define a class ITEM in C++ with the following description:
     Private Members:
  • Code of type integer (Item Code)
  • IName of type string (Item Name)
  • Price of type float (Price of each item)
  • Qty of type integer (Quantity of item in stock)
  • Offer of type float (Offer percentage on the item)
  • A member function GetOffer( ) to calculate Offer percentage as per the following rule:
    • if Qty <= 50     Offer is 0
    • if 50 < Qty <= 100    Offer is 5
    • if Qty > 100   Offer is 10
      Public Members:
  • A function GetStock( ) to allow user to enter values for Code, IName, Price, Qty and call function GetOffer( ) to calculate the offer
  • A function ShowItem( ) to allow user to view the content of all the data members
 class Item
   int ItemCode;
   char IName[25];
   float Price;
   int Qty;
   float Offer;
   void GetOffer( )
     if (Qty <= 5) Offer = 0.0;
     else if (Qty > 50 && Qty <= 100) Offer = 5.0;
     else if (Qty > 100) Offer = 10.0;
   void GetStock( )
     cout << "Enter Item Code: "; cin >> ItemCode;
     cout << "Enter Item Name: "; gets(IName);
     cout << "Enter Price: "; cin >> Price;
     cout << "Enter Qty: "; cin >> Qty;
   void ShowItem()
    cout << ItemCode << "\t" << IName << "\t" << Price << "\t" << Qty << "\t" << Offer;

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