
Sunday 24 May 2015


(MCQs-7 - From CTET Feb 2014 Examination Paper)

Q1: In the progressive model of education as implemented by CBSE, socialization of children is done in such a way so as to expect them to

(a) give up time-consuming social habits and learn how to score good grades

(b) be an active participant in the group work and learn social skills

(c) prepare themselves to conform to the rules ánd regulations of society without questioning

(d) accept what they are offered by the school irrespective of their social background

Q2: Which of the following is based on Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory?

(a) Operant conditioning
(b) Reciprocal teaching
(c) Culture-neutral cognitive development.
(d) Insight learning

Q3: A teacher saýs to her clas, “As individual assignments are designed to help individual students learn more effectively, all students should complete assignments prescribed without any assistance." She is referring to which of the following stages of Kohlberg’s moral development?

(a) Conventional stage 4 — law and order
(b) Post-conventional stage 5 — social contract
(c) Pre-conventional stage 1 — punishment avoidance
(d) Pre-conventional stage 2 — individualism and exchange

Q4: Fourteen-year-old Devika is attempting to develop a sense of herself as a separate, sell-governing individual. She is developing:

(a) hatred for rules
(b) autonomy
(c) teenage arrogance
(d) maturity

Q5: In context of progressive education, which of the following statements is true according to John Dewey?

(a) There should not be a place for democracy in a classroom
(b) Students should be able to solve social problems themselves
(c) Curiosity does not belong to the inherent nature of students rather it is to be cultivated.
(4) Students should be observed and not heard in the classroom ;

Q6: A disorder related to language comprehension is

(a) apraxia
(b) dyslexia
(c) aspeechxia
(d) aphasia

Q7: Following are the critical views about the ‘Theory of Multiple Intelligences’, except

(a) it is not research-based
(b) different intelligences demand different methods for different students.
(c) gifted students usually excel in a single domain
(d) it lacks of empirical support

Q8: Theory of Multiple Intelligences’ cannot be legitimized as it

(a) is not possible to measure different intelligences as there are no specific tets
(b) does not place equal importance on all seven intelligences
(c) is based only empirical studies Abraham Maslow throughout his life
(d) is not compatible with general intelligence 'g', which is most important

Q9: The individual differences of students in a classroom are

(a) disadvantageous as teachers need to control a diverse classroom
(b) detrimental as they lead to student-student conflicts
(c) inexpedient as they reduce the speed of the curriculum transaction to the level of the slowest student
(d) advantageous as they lead teacher to explore a wider pool of cognitive structures

Q10: School-based assessment was introduced to  

(a) decentralize the power of Boards of school education in the country.
(b) ensure the holistic development of all the students
(c) motivate teachers to punctiliously record all the activities of students for better interpretation of their progress
(d) encourage schools to excel by competing with the other schools in their area

1: (b) be an active participant in the group work and learn social skills
2: (b) Reciprocal teaching
3: (a) Conventional stage 4 — law and order
4: (b) autonomy
5: (b) Students should be able to solve social problems themselves
6: (d) aphasia
7: (c) gifted students usually excel in a single domain
8: (a) is not possible to measure different intelligences as there are no specific tets
9: (d) advantageous as they lead teacher to explore a wider pool of cognitive structures
10:(b) ensure the holistic development of all the students

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