
Tuesday 5 May 2015

NTSE - SAT (Maths) Quiz - 21

NTSE QUIZ 21 (SAT-Maths)

NTSE - SAT (Maths) Quiz - 21
Q1: Two trains starting at the same time from two stations 240 km apart and are going in opposite directions cross each other at 160 km from one of the stations. What is the ratio of their speeds?

(a) 2 : 1
(b) 2 : 2
(c) 1 : 3
(d) 1 : 4

Q2: A positive number is by mistake divided by 6 instead of being multiplied by 6. What is the % error on the basis of correct answer?

(a) 3
(b) 97
(c) 17
(d) 83

Q3: The ratio of two numbers is 3 : 8 and their difference is 115. The greater number is

(a) 69
(b) 115
(c) 184
(d) 230

Q4: A person has to cover a distance of 6 km in 45 minutes. If he covers half of the distance in the remaining time, to cover the remaining distance in the remaining time, his speed must be

(a) 6 km/h
(b) 8 km/h
(c) 12 km/h
(d) 15 km/h

Q5: At an examination in which maximum marks are 500, A got 10% less than B, B got 25% more than C, C got 20% less than D. If A got 360 marks, what % of marks was obtained by D?

(a) 60
(b) 72
(c) 55
(d) 80

Q6: Anil, a shopkeeper bought a shirt of list price Rs. 225 at a discount of 20%. If he wants a profit of 30%, then he should sell the shirt for

(a) Rs. 230
(b) Rs. 234
(c) Rs. 256
(d) Rs. 286

Q7: The wages of workers are increased by 20%. Then the increased wages are reduced by 20%. What is the net change in wages as a percentage of the original wages?

(a) 20% decrease
(b) 4% decrease
(c) 4% decrease
(d) 20% increase

Q8: A maths teacher tabulated the marks secured by 35 students of 8th class. The average of their marks was 72. If the marks obtained by Ashima was written as 36 instead of 86 then compute the correct average marks upto two decimals.

(a) 73.41
(b) 74.31
(c) 72.43
(d) 73.43

Q9: A solid cylinder of lead 8m high and 2m radius is melted and recast into a cone of radius 1.5m, What is the height of the cone?

(a) 16.67 m
(b) 21.35 m
(c) 42,67 m
(d) 31.35 m

Q10: Three men, four women and six children can complete a work in seven days. A woman does double the work a man does and a child does half the work a man does. How many women alone can finish the work in 7 days?

(a) 7
(b) 8
(c) 12
(d) None of these

1: (a) 2 : 1
2: (b) 97
3: (c) 184
4: (c) 12 km/h
5: (d) 80
6: (b) Rs. 234
7: (b) 4% decrease
8: (d) 73.43
9: (c) 42,67 m
10: (a) 7

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