
Saturday 20 June 2015

CBSE Class 12 Business Studies CH 7 - Directing (V Short Q and A)


CBSE Class 12 Business Studies CH 7 - Directing (V Short Q and A)

V Short Q & A

Q1: Define directing.

Answer: Directing refers to the process of instructing, guiding, counselling, motivating and leading people in the organisation to achieve its objectives.

Q2: List any two essential elements of Direction.

   1. Supervision
   2. Communication
   3. Leadership
   4. Motivation

Q3: What does Unity of Direction signify?

Answer: Unity of direction signifies the existence of only one head and one plan for a group of activities which have the same objective. It results from a sound organisation structure.

Q4: Every manager from the top executive to superior performs the function of directing.  Which characteristic of directing is referred to here?

Answer: It refers that directing takes place every level of management.

Q5: It takes place throughout the life of the organization irrespective of people occupying managerial positions. Mention the characteristic of directing high lighted here 

Answer: Directing is pervasive and it is a continuing process.

Q6: List any three factors of effective supervision.

   1. Skills and abilities
   2. Leadership position
   3. Nature of supervision
   4. Group cohesiveness

Q7: "To oversee the subordinates at work"  Which element of directing is referred to?

Answer: Supervision

Q8: Is directing is a pervasive function of management?

Answer: Yes, as every manager from the top executive to subordinates performs it.

Q9: Which element of directing help in inspiring subordinates to give their best to the organization?

Answer: Motivation

Q10: Define Motivation.

Answer: Motivation means incitement or inducement to act or move. It is a process of stimulating people to action to achieve the desired goal.

Q11: What is the motive?

Answer: A motive is an inner state that energizes, activates or moves and directs behaviour towards goals.

Q12: The common needs like shelter, food, education etc. constitute what type of needs according to Maslow theory?

Answer: Basic Physiological Needs.

Q13: Which need in the hierarchy theory of motivation refers to affection, acceptance and friendship?  

Answer: Belonging needs

Q14: Give examples of positive motivation.

Answer: Promotion and reward.

Q15: Give examples of negative motivation.

Answer: Warning, stopping increments.

Q16: List any two monetary incentives.

   1. Bonus
   2. Pay and Allowances
Q17: State two non-monetary incentives.

   1. Recognition
   2. Granting authority

Q18: In an XYZ company, under the incentives schemes employees are offered company shares at a set price which is lower than the market. Which incentive scheme is mentioned here? 
Answer: co-partnership or stock option scheme

Q19: Name the incentive which refers to ‘give more autonomy and powers to subordinates’.

Answer: Employee empowerment

Q20: "The activity of influencing people to strive willingly for group objectives". Which element of directing is referred to here?

Answer: Leadership

Q21: 'Hard approach to management under theory X', Which type of leadership style is mentioned here?

Answer: Autocratic style.

Q22: What is Laissez-faire style of Leadership?

Answer: In this style, the leader is passive and largely depends upon the group and its members for establishing goals and making decisions.

Q23: People create and exchange information with each other in order to reach a common understanding. Which element of directing is referred to here?

Answer: Communication.

Q24: Define the term 'Communication'

Answer: Communication is the process of transferring information and meaning between senders and receivers, using one or more written, oral, visual, or electronic media. It is defined as the exchange of thoughts, facts, opinions or information by two or more persons so as to bring about mutual understanding and confidence.

Q25: List the six steps of the communication process.

  1. Develop an Idea
  2. Encode
  3. Transmit
  4. Receive
  5. Decode
  6. Feedback
Q26: State the common means and ways of transmission of ideas.

Answer: Spoken words, written words, presenting diagrams and pictures, sending emails, chatting, gestures (handshake, smile) etc.

Q27: Mention one barrier to effective communication.

Answer:  Poor listening skills of people.

Q28: What is grapevine?

Answer: The network of informal communication is called the grapevine.

Q29: Name the grapevine network in which an individual communicate with only those people whom he trusts?

Answer: Clustered grapevine network.

Q30: Name the type of formal communication in which the persons of the departments, one at a higher position other at lower, communicate with each other. 

Answer: Diagonal communication

Q31: List any two psychological barriers to communication.

   1. Premature evaluation
   2. Loss by transmission and poor attention

Q32: List any two methods to overcome barriers of communications.

   1. Orientation of employees
   2. Developing proper interpersonal relationship.
   3. Feedback
Q33: Sita and Gita work in different departments of an organization. Both often meet at lunch and talk to each other. What type of communication is done here?

Answer: Informal communication.

Q34: What is ‘Noise’ in the process of communication?

Answer: ‘Noise’ is the disruption interference in the process of communication.

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