
Wednesday 17 June 2015

CBSE Class 7 Science CH 8 Winds, Storms and Cyclones (MCQs)

Winds, Storms and Cyclones 

CBSE Class 7 Science CH 8 Winds, Storms and Cyclones (MCQs)
Weather Symbols (Can you guess?)
image credits: openclipart

Q1: When wind speed increases, air pressures

(a) increases
(b) decreases
(c) remains constant
(d) none of these

Q2: What is the name given to the wind blowing from sea to land?

(a) Thunderstorm
(b) Land breeze
(c) Sea breeze
(d) cyclone

Q3: Which one of the following statement is INCORRECT?

(a) When air gets heated, it expands.
(b) when air gets cooled, it contracts.
(c) The warm air is heavier than cold air.
(d) Air moves from high pressure region to low pressure region.

Q4: The direction of airflow is also affected by Earth’s rotation. It is called ________.

(a) Coriolis Effect
(b) El nino Effect
(c) La Nina Effect
(d) Greenhouse Effect

Q5: An instrument used to study the speed of winds is called _________.

(a) manometer
(b) anemometer
(c) ammeter
(d) speedometer

Q6: The word has been derived from Arabic word 'Mausam' which means season. The word is ________.

(a) Baarish
(b) Monsoon
(c) El Nino
(d) Typhoon

Q7: With increase in temperature, atmospheric pressure ___________.

(a) increases
(b) decreases
(c) remains constant
(d) can decrease or increase

Q8: Which one of the following is NOT recommended during Lightening or thunderstorm?

(a) Take Shelter in a bus or car.
(b) In a forest, seek shelter in a low area under a thick growth of small trees.
(c) Take shelter under isolated tree.
(d) Get away from tractors and other metal farm equipment.

Q9: Equator is a region of _______ pressure while poles are regions of ______ pressure.

(a) high, low
(b) low, high
(c) low, low
(d) high, high

Q10: The eye of a cyclone is 

(a) cloudy and highly stormy.
(b) full of strong winds.
(c) calm and cloudless.
(d) site with high atmospheric pressure.

1: (b) decreases
2: (c) Sea breeze
3: (c) The warm air is heavier than cold air.
4: (a) Coriolis Effect
5: (b) anemometer
6: (b) Monsoon
7: (b) decreases
8: (c) Take shelter under isolated tree.
9: (a) high, low
10: (c) calm and cloudless.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. wow! what a website! it will be very helpful to me

  3. wow! what a website! it will be very helpful to me

  4. q.9 answer is wrong..correct answer is (b) low,high


    2. No u r wrong in equator is much hotter than the polar regions was the polar regions are quite cool they have given the correct answer to check it first

    3. No u r wrong in equator is much hotter than the polar regions was the polar regions are quite cool they have given the correct answer to check it first

    4. How did u got low, high as the answer?

    5. you are wrong the website is correct. the answer cannot be[low,high]

  5. Very useful n very easy to understand

  6. So nice and helpful for me! All the tough questions I need are here. Thanks ! But next time include 20-25/25-30.

    Again thanks


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