
Wednesday 29 July 2015

CBSE Class 10 - Social Science - SA1 Question Paper (2014)


Class X Summative Assessment-I (September 2014) 

CBSE Class 10 - Social Science - SA1 Question Paper (2014)

Time Allowed: 3 hours                                                                   Maximum Marks: 90
(i) Question Paper has 30 questions in total. All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Marks are indicated against each question.
(iii) Questions No. 1 to 8 are very short answer questions and carry 1 mark each.
(iv) Questions from 9 to 21 carry 3 marks each. Answers of these questions should not exceed 80 words.
(v) Questions from 22 to 29 carry 5 marks each. Answer of these questions should not exceed 100 words.
(vi) Question No. 30 is a map question. Attach the map inside your answer book.
 Q1: Explain any five reasons for bringing in large number of new readers among children, women and workers during the late 19th century.
Identify the hero of the novel 'Indulekha'.

 Q2: In what broad category do the soils of Maharashtra fall?

 Q3: Which local body has a 'Mayor' as its head?

 Q4: What does the concept of patriarchy refer to?

 Q5: What is the language .spoken by the people residing in the Wallonia region of Belgium?

 Q6: How many days of guaranteed employment are provided under National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005?

 Q7: Give an example of a non-renewable resource.

 Q8: ATM is an example of which sector?

 Q9:"The relocation of industry to low-wage countries stimulated world trade and capital flows." Justify the statement.
Who were 'Gomasthas' How did they become good partners of the British management system?
Explain the benefits of London Tube railway for the population in the city.

 Q10: Describe the significance of silk-routes in the pre-modern period in the field of trade, cultural exchange and religion.
Why did industrial production in India increase during the First World War? Give any three lessons.
When and why was the Rent Act passed in Bombay during the British days? What was its outcome?

 Q11: In which three ways did the printed books at first closely resemble the written manuscripts?
Describe the brief about any two famous novels written by Charles Dickens.

 Q12:How did new forms of popular literature appear in print targeting new audience in the Eighteenth century? Explain with examples.
Who wrote the novel 'Saraswati Vijayam'? Highlight any two messages given to the people through the novel.

 Q13: Who proclaimed the dams as the Temples of modern India'? Explain any two reasons for it.

 Q14: How does red soil develop and in which part of India? What makes it look red and yellow?

 Q15: Assess the need for the conservation of forests and wild life in India.

 Q16: Why is decentralisation favoured in democracy? Identify any two reasons.

 Q17: Describe the three factors which determine the outcome of the politics of social divisions.

 Q18: India comes under which type of federation and why?

 Q19: One what basis the rich and low income countries have been categorized in the world? According to the World Development Report, 2006, India comes in which category? Give reason for the same.

 Q20: On the basis of which three indicators of HDI 2004 Sri Lanka has better rank than India?

 Q21: 'Conflicting goals can also be developmental goals'. Elaborate with examples.

 Q22: Describe any five effects of the abolition of 'Corn Laws' in Britain.
Explain any five ways by which new markets and consumers were created in India by British manufacturers.
Or Explain any five sources of entertainment for the common people of London in the nineteenth century.

 Q23: "Print not only stimulated the publication of conflicting opinions amongst communities, but it also connected communities and people in different parts of India." Elaborate the statement.
Who translated the novel "Henrietta Temple" written by Disraeli in Malayalam? Why did the author give up the idea of translating English novels? What did he do instead in the literary field?

 Q24: Explain any five main causes of depletion of forests in India since independence.

 Q25: Describe the three forms of power sharing among different organs of government in India.

 Q26: Explain the origins of social differences.

 Q27: Analyse how majoritarianism has increased the feeling of alientation among the Sri Lankan Tamils?

 Q28: 'There has been a big change in the three sectors of economic activities, but a similar shift has not taken place in the share of employment.' Explain the above statement on the basis of facts.

 Q29: Define tertiary sector. Describe about the different kinds of people employed in this sector in India.

 Q30: (i) One item A is shown in the given political outline map of India. Identify this item with the help of following information and write its correct name on the line marked on the map.
            (A) A Type of Soil
(ii) On the same political map of India, locate and label the following items with appropriate symbols.
          (B) Sunderban National Park
          (C) Tungabhadra Dam



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