
Monday 13 July 2015

CBSE Class 6 Science - CH 15 - Air Around Us (MCQs)

Air Around Us 

MCQs based NCERT Chapter 

CBSE Class 6 Science - CH 15 - Air Around Us (MCQs)
Air is present inside the balloon as well as out side it.
How does it rises up? See answer here.
image credits: openclipart

Q1: The blanket of gases that surrounds the earth is called __________.

(a) air
(b) atmosphere
(c) lithosphere
(d) biospehere

Q2: Which one of the following has the major part in air?

(a) Nitrogen
(b) Oxygen
(c) Carbon Dioxide
(d) Helium

Q3: Identify the gas "Odourless, Colourless, Heavier than air, supports combustion"

(a) Nitrogen
(b) Oxygen
(c) Carbon Dioxide
(d) Water vapours

Q4: Which one of the following statement is TRUE?

(a) Air is opaque.
(b) Air is made of one substance only.
(c) Air contains water vapour.
(d) Air contains large amount of inert gases.

Q5: Which gas is produced by plants during photosynthesis?

(a) Nitrogen
(b) Carbon Dioxide
(c) Hydrogen
(d) Oxygen

Q6: A gas is colourless, odourless, heavier than air and extinguishes fire. Name the gas?

(a) Nitrogen
(b) Carbon Dioxide
(c) Hydrogen
(d) Oxygen

Q7: Which gas present in atmosphere allows substances to burn?

(a) Nitrogen
(b) Carbon Dioxide
(c) Oxygen
(d) Ozone

Q8: Clothes dry faster when there is ______ water vapour in air.

(a) less
(b) more
(c) either less or more
(d) none of these

Q9: Hot air balloon rises up in the air because?

(a) hot air is heavier than cold air
(b) hot air is lighter than cold air
(c) hot air does not play any role in rising up the balloon.
(d) hot air contains water vapours which push up the balloon.

Q10: Removal of water from plant bodies in the form of vapours is called _______.

(a) Photosynthesis
(b) Respiration
(c) Transpiration
(d) Condensation

1. (b) atmosphere
2. (a) Nitrogen
3. (b) Oxygen
4. (c) Air contains water vapour.
5. (d) Oxygen
6. (b) Carbon Dioxide
7: (c) Oxygen
8: (a) less
9: (b) hot air is lighter than cold air
10: (c) Transpiration


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