
Friday 28 August 2015

CBSE Class 10 - Science - SA1 - Sample Question Paper (2013-14)

Class 10 - Science -
SA1 - Question Paper (2013)

CBSE Class 10 - Science - SA1 - Sample Question Paper (2013-14)

Time Allowed: 3 Hours                                                                                Maximum Marks: 90

General Instructions:
(i) The Question Paper comprises of two sections, A and B. Attempt both sections.
(ii) All questions are compulsory
(iii) All questions of Section A and all questions of Section B are to be attempted separately.
(iv) Question numbers 1 to 3 in Section A carry one mark each. These questions are to be answered in one word or in one sentence.
(v) Question numbers 4 to 6 in Section A are three marks questions. Answer each in about 30 words each.
(vi) Question Numbers 7 to 18 in Section A are three marks each. Answer each question not more than 50 words.
(vii) Questions 19 to 24 in section A are five marks each. Answer each question in not more than 70 words.
(viii) Questions numbers 25 to 33 in section B are multiple choice questions based on practical skills. Each question carries one mark.Select the most appropriate choice from the given choices.
(ix) Question Numbers 34 to 36 in Section B are questions based on practical skills and are two marks.
 Q1:Write the relation between electric power (W) of a device with potential difference (volt) across it and current (amp) flowing through it.

 Q2:Name two parts which constitute the central nervous system.

 Q3: Write the characteristic features of the micro organisms which help in the production of biogas in a biogas plant.

 Q4:Two solution A and B have pH 3 and 5 respectively. Which of the two solutions has more hydrogen ion concentration and which one is more acidic? Give reason for your answer.

 Q5: Give reason for the following:
(a) Sodium metal is kept immersed in kerosene.
(b) Blue colour of copper sulphate solution disappears when some aluminium powder is added in it.

 Q6: Give two reasons why different electrical appliances in a domestic circuit are connected in parallel. 2
 Q7: (i) Give reason ,”Magnetic field is strongest near the pole.”
(ii) Describe an activity to show that magnetic field is strongest near poles of a bar magnet.

 Q8: Solid calcium oxide was taken in a container and water was added slowly to it.
(i) State two observations made in the experiment.
(ii) Write the balanced chemical equation of this reaction.

 Q9: Write balanced chemical equations for the following reactions
(a) dilute sulphuric acid reacts with aluminium powder.
(b) dilute hydrochloric acid reacts with sodium carbonate.
(c) Carbon dioxide is passed through lime water.

 Q10: (a) Why is it necessary to balance a chemical equation?
(b) Write balanced equations for the following reactions:
   (i) Natural gas burns in air and combines with oxygen to form carbon dioxide and water.
   (ii) During respiration glucose combines with oxygen and forms carbon dioxide and water along with release of energy.

 Q11: Mention the rules for writing a chemical equation illustrating with the help of example.

 Q12: Explain the effect on the magnetic field produced at a point in a current carrying circular coil due to:
    (i) increase in the amount of current flowing through it
   (ii) increase in the distance of point from the coil.
   (iii) increase in the number of turns of the coil.

 Q13: (a) Draw the nature of V-I graph for a nichrome wire. (V –potential difference, I – current)
 (b) A metallic wire of 625 mm length offers a 4 Ω resistance. If the resistivity of the metal is 4.8 x 10‾7 ohm-metre then calculate the area of cross-section of the wire.

 Q14: An electric lamp and a conductor of resistance 4 Ω are connected in series to a 6 V battery. The current drawn by the lamp is 0.225A. Find the resistance of the electric lamp.

 Q15: (a) With the help of a meat labelled diagram show how amoeba captures its food?
(b) What is the mode of nutrition in amoeba?

 Q16: Define the following:
(a) Reflex action
(b) Synapse
(c) Phototropism

 Q17: (a) What happens to the heart when muscles work harder?
(b) Which body system is directly affected when a person has heart disease?
(c) Which cells increase in number during infection?

 Q18: Mohan has a piece of agricultural land in a village. He decides to set up a brick factory on it. His friend Shyam persuades him to change his decision in the interest of village because presence of a factory would severely affect the health of villagers as well as agricultural produce of others. Mohan understands and abandons his plans.
 (a) Mention the values exhibited by Shyam.
 (b) explain how these values helped Shyam to save interests of his village?

 Q19: (a) Explain how geothermal energy is harnessed to produce electricity?
(b) Why is energy of flowing water in a river considered to be an indirect form of solar energy?

 Q20: (a) Study the following chemical equation:
CaSO₄.2H₂O --373K----> CaSO₄. ½ H₂O+ 3/2 H₂O
Name the reactant and the product and mention one use of the product.

(b) The following salts are formed by the reaction of an acid with a base:
     (i) Sodium Chloride       (ii) Ammonium nitrate   
Identify the acid and the base and tabulate your answer in the format given below:

 S No. Salt Acid Base Nature
 (1) Sodium Chloride
 (2) Ammonium Nitrate
 Q21: You are provided with a container made up of aluminium. You are also provided with solution of dil HCl, dil HNO₃, ZnCl₂ and H₂O. Out of these solution, which can be kept in the aluminium container? Name the type of reaction taking place.

 Q22: (a) Define electric resistance of a conductor.
(b) List two factors on which resistance of a conductor depends.
(c) Resistance of a metal wire of length 1 m is 104 Ω at 20° C. If the diameter of the wire is 0.15mm, find the resistivity of the metal at the temperature.

 Q23: (a) Two identical resistors each of resistance 10 ohm are connected:
    (i) in series
    (ii) in parallel, in turn to a battery of 6V. Calculate the ratio of power consumed in the combination of resistors in the two cases.
(b) Establish the relationship between 1 kWh and SI unit of energy.

 Q24:  (a) Compare the length of small intestine in herbivore and carnivore animal.
(b) Mention any two structural modifications in small intestine which helps in absorption.

 MCQs are schools specific...

 Q34: A student performed the experiment of heating ferrous sulphate crystals in a boiling tube. He smelt fumes of a pungent gas and saw colours of ferrous sulphate disappear.
(i) write the chemical formula of the pungent gas.
(ii) Why does the colour of crystal disappear? (iii) Identify the nature of this chemical reaction.

 Q35: A student prepared a temporary mount of a leaf peel and observed some green dots.
(i) Name these green dots and name the pigment present in them.
(ii) State the function of this pigment.

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