
Wednesday 9 December 2015

CBSE Class 6 - Social And Political Life- Chapter 4 - Key Elements Of A Democratic Government (Short Q and A)

Key Elements Of A Democratic Government

CBSE Class 6 - Social And Political Life- Chapter 4 - Key Elements Of A Democratic Government (Short Q and A)

Short Q & A based on NCERT Chapter

Q.1 What is apartheid?

Answer:  Apartheid means separation or discrimination on the basis of race. South African people were divided into white, black, Indian and coloured races.

Q.2 Which languages were spoken in South Africa?

Answer:  Zulu and Afrikaans were spoken in South Africa.

Q.3 What is the full form of ANC?

Answer: African National Congress. This party led the struggle against Apartheid or racism.

Q.4 Name a famous leader of ANC.

Answer:  Nelson Mandela

Q.5 How often elections are held in India?

Answer:  Elections are held after every five years.

Q.6 Name the dams on river Cauvery.

Answer:  Mettur, Krishna Raja Sagar

Q.7 Who is responsible for resolving conflicts between states or citizens?

Answer: Central government

Q.8 Which dispute is there between states of south India?

Answer:  The dispute was regarding the distribution of cauvery river's water.

Q.9 Write the ways of expression that people may use to protest against the government?

Answer: Dharnas, rallies, strikes and signature campaign

Q.10 What are the key ideas of democracy?

Answer:  The key idea of a democratic government is its commitment to equality and
justice. All citizens are equal in the eyes of law and it is the duty of a democratic government to ensure equality and justice to all the citizens of the country.

Q.11 When did Africa become democratic country?

Answer: 1994

Q.12 Which article of Indian constitution bans 'Untouchability'?

Answer: Article 17

Q.13 Why do conflicts occur in the society?

Answer:  Conflicts occur due to the difference in cultures, religion, regions or economic backgrounds of people. Due to this reason they do not mingle with each other and sometimes they are being discriminated against. They may use violent methods to resolve these differences.

Q.14  What laws were imposed on the different races in South Africa?

Answer:  The people of South Africa were divided into white, black, Indian and coloured races. These races were not allowed to mingle with each other.They could not live with each other and share common facilities.

Q.15 What is a democratic government?

Answer: A democratic government is a government of the people, by the people and for the people.


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