
Tuesday 30 May 2017

CBSE Class 12 - Computer Science / Informatics Practices - Computer Networking - Q and A (#cbseNotes)

Computer Networking 

Q and A
CBSE Class 12 - Computer Science / Informatics Practices - Computer Networking - Q and A (#cbseNotes)

Q1: What is a computer network?

Answer: A computer network is a collection of interconnected computers. Two computers are said to be interconnected if they are capable of sharing hardware, software and exchanging information.

Q2: Name the architectures that are involved in network design?

Peer to peer (P2P)
Client - Server
Hybrid of client-server and P2P

Q3: List the network components used to connect computers.

Network interface card (NIC) - A network card generally connected to or part of motherboard of a computer.
Network medium - A cable conncted to NIC.
Interconnecting device - It can be hubs, modems, switches, routers, and wireless access points.

CBSE Class 12 - Computer Science / Informatics Practices - Computer Networking - Q and A (#cbseNotes)
Network Cable

Q4: What are the advantages for Networking?

Answer: Advantages for Networking are:
Resource sharing
Cost factor
Communication medium
Central Storage of data

Q5(HOTS): What do you mean by a backbone network?

Answer: A backbone network is a network that is used as a backbone to connect the connect several LAN’S together to form a WAN. FDDI (Fiber Distribute Data Interface) is such a network. FDDI is a high performance fiber optic token ring LAN running at 100 Mbps over distances up to 200 kms with up to 1000 stations connected.

Q6: Define the following :
Data channel
Data channel: A data channel is a medium used to carry information or data from one point to the other.

Baud: Baud is the unit of measurment for the information carrying capacity of a communication channel.It is synonymous with bits per second.

bps: bits per second. It refers to a thousand bits transmitted per second.

Bps: bytes per second.It refers to a thousand bytes transmitted per second.

Bandwidth: It refers to the diffrence between the highest and lowest fequencies of a transmission channel.This term is also sometimes used to refer to the amount of information travelling through a single channel at any one point of time.

Q7: What factors affect data transmission?

Answer:  Several factors affect how data is transmitted. These include the following:
Transmission rate-Frequency and bandwidth
Line Configurations-Point to point versus multipoint.
Serial and Parallel transmission
Direction of transmission-Simplex, Half Duplex, and Full Duplex
Transmission Mode-Asynchronous and synchronous.
Circuit switching and Packet switching

Q8: List any three applications of networking.

Answer: Application of Networking:
① Sharing
② Access to remote database
③ Communication facilities

Q9: What is a MAC address?

Answer: It refers to the physical address assigned by the NIC manufacturer. A MAC address is a 6 byte address with each byte separated by a colon. For example: 22:B4:02:6C:2E:F1. The first three bytes refer to manufacturer ID and last three card numbers.

Q10: List the different switching techniques used in networking?

Circuit Switching
Message Switching
Packet Switching

Q11: Name the different types of transmission media commonly used in networking?

Twisted pair cable
Co-axial Cables
Optical fiber
Radio Waves
Microwave Communication
Satellite Link

Q12: What is RJ45 connector?

Answer: The RJ-45(Registered Jack) connectors are the plug-in devices used in the networking and telecommunications applications. They are used primarily for connecting LANs, particularly ethernet.

Q13: Define hub.

Answer: A hub is a hardware device used to connect several computers together. Hubs can be either active or passive. Hubs usually can support 8, 12 or 24 RJ45 ports

Q14: Define modem.

Answer: MOdulator-DEModulator (or Modem) is a device that connects telephone line to computer. It converts digital signal to analog signal and vice versa.

Q15: What is a switch? Which is faster between hub and switch?

Answer: Switch is an intelligent hub, which is used to segment networks into different sub network called subnets. Switch is faster and efficient over hub due to good traffic management capability.

CBSE Class 12 - Computer Science / Informatics Practices - Computer Networking - Q and A (#cbseNotes)
Wireless router

Q16: Define the following:

ⅰ Repeater: A repeater is a device that amplifies signals transmitted on the network. It is used in long network lines beyond 70m.

ⅱ Router: The device which connects two similar networks and can handle different protocols.

ⅲ Gateway: It is a device that connects dissimilar networks.

ⅳ Bridge: A device that connects two similar networks.

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