
Tuesday 7 July 2020



FOR NEET - IIT JEE and Other Engineering or premedical Entrance Examinations


Q1: A neutron with velocity v strikes a stationary deuterium atom, its kinetic energy changes by a factor of

(a) 15/16
(b) 1/2
(c) 2/1
(d) 8/9

Q2: AM radio band has carrier frequency from 500 kHz to 1500 kHz. Assuming a fixed inductance in a simple LC circuit, what is  ratio of highest capacitance to lowest capacitance required to cover this frequency range?

(a) 3
(b) 6
(c) 9
(d) 12

Q3: A screw gauge has 100 divisions on circular scale and pitch is 0.5 mm. When we fix a wire between it's jaws, it reads 2 divisions on main scale and 48 divisions on circular scale. If the screw gauge has no zero error, radius of wire is:

(a) 2.48 mm
(b) 1.24 mm
(c) 0.62 mm
(d) 0.31 mm

Q4:  The relation 3t= (3x) ½ +6; describes the displacement of a particle in one direction where x is in metre and t in second. The displacement, when velocity is  zero, is

(a) 24m
(b) 12m
(c) 8m
(d) zero

Q5: The temperature of a radiating body increases by 30%. Then, the increase in the amount of radiation emitted will be approximately

(a) 185%
(b) 285%
(c) 325%
(d) 245%

Q6: If rotating annular disc is heated, what happens to its angular momentum and angular velocity ?

(a) Angular momentum decreases, angular velocity decreases.
(b) Angular momentum remains constant, angular velocity increases.
(c) Angular momentum remains constant, angular velocity decreases.
(d) Angular momentum increases, angular velocity remains constant.

Q7: Two symmetrical double convex lenses A and B have same focal length, but the radii of curvature differ so that Ra = 0.9 Rb. If μA =1.63, find μB.

(a) 1.7
(b) 1.6
(c) 15
(d) 1.33

Q8: The frequency of an organ pipe closed at one end in fundamental mode is f. The frequency
of second overtone is:

(a) 2f₀
(b) 3f₀
(c) 4f₀
(d) 5f₀

Q9: When two spheres of equal masses undergo glancing elastic collision with one of them at rest, after collision they will move

(a) opposite to one another
(b) in the same direction
(c) together
(d) at right angle to each other

Q10: Rutherford's planetary model of atom was rejected because:

(a) this would suggest that atom was mostly empty.
(b) the accelerating electron would rapidly lose energy.
(c) such a nucleus cannot undergo b–decay.
(d) it cannot explain atomic spectra.

1: (d) 8/9 [Hint apply conservation of momentum and K.E. to find relation.]
2: (c) 9
3: (c) 0.62 mm
4: (d) zero [Hint differentiate v = dx/dt]
5: (a) 185%
6: (c) Angular momentum remains constant, angular velocity decreases.
7: (a) 1.7 [Use 1/f = (μ-1)(1/R1 - 1/R2)]
8: (d) 5f₀
9: (d) at right angle to each other
10: (b) the accelerating electron would rapidly lose energy.

☞ See Also:
Physical Constants
Types of Vectors
Simple Physics Quiz 

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