
Sunday 29 November 2020

CBSE Class 6 - Science - Chapter: Motion And Measurement Of Distances (Worksheet)(#eduvictors)(#class6Science)

Chapter: Motion And Measurement Of Distances (Worksheet)

CBSE Class 6 - Science

CBSE Class 6 - Science - Chapter: Motion And Measurement Of Distances (Worksheet)(#eduvictors)(#class6Science)

Direction: Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

1. _________ tells us how long an object is while _________ gives the information as to how far two things are.

2. 1m = ______ cm.

3. _________ is the standard unit (SI) of length

4. 1 kilometre = ________ metre.

5. Motion of an object or a part of it around a fixed point is known as ___________ motion.

6. The motion of a swing is an example of _________ motion.

7. A body repeating its motion after certain interval of time is in ________ motion.

8. Movement of tip of the minute hand of a clock in one hour is an example of _______ motion.

9. In rectilinear motion, the object moves ___________ along a line.

10. A moving wheel of a sewing machine is an example of _________ motion.

11. The motion described by a violin string is _________ motion.

12. Egyptians formulated a unit called ______. It was the base measurement for pyramids and is roughly equal to the length of stretch hand from elbow to the tip of middle finger.  

13. The distance between Delhi and Mumbai is usually expressed in units of ____________.

14. We cannot measure the length of a curved line directly by using a metre scale. To measure length of curved surfaces a measuring ________ is used.

1: Length, Distance
2: 100 cm
3: Metre
4: 1000
5: circular motion.
6: periodic
7: periodic
8: circular
9: straight
10: rotational / circular
11: periodic/vibratory/oscillatory
12: cubit
13: kilometres
14: tape

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