
Thursday 21 October 2021

CBSE Class 12 Chemistry - Term 1 - MCQs (#class12Term1)(#chemistry)(#class12Chemistry)(#cbseTerm1)(#eduvictors)

CBSE Class 12 Chemistry

Term 1 - MCQs

CBSE Class 12 Chemistry - Term 1 - MCQs (#class12Term1)(#chemistry)(#class12Chemistry)(#cbseTerm1)(#eduvictors)

Q1: Which of the following is a network solid?

(a) SO₂(solid)

(b) I₂

(c) Diamond

(d) H₂O (Ice)

Q2: Which of the following shows anisotropy?

(a) Wood

(b) Sugar

(c) Glass

(d) Sodium Chloride

Q3: Which of the following is true about the value of the refractive index of quartz glass?

(a) Same in all directions

(b) Different in different directions

(c) Cannot be measured 

(d) Always zero

Q4: Graphite is a good conductor of electricity due to the presence of __________. 

(a) lone pair of electrons 

(b) free valence electrons 

(c) cations 

(d) anions

Q5: Of the following terms used for denoting the concentration of a solution the one which does not get affected by temperature is?

(a) Molarity

(b) Molality

(c) Normality

(d) Formality

Q6: Which of the following solutions is an example of negative deviation from Raoult's law?

(a) Acetone + Ethanol

(b) Carbon tetrachloride + Chloroform

(c) Acetone + Chloroform

(d) Water + Ethanol

Q7: Low concentration of oxygen in the blood and tissues of people living at

high altitude is due to _________.

(a) low temperature

(b) low atmospheric pressure

(c) high atmospheric pressure

(d) both low temperature and high atmospheric pressure

Q8: The van’t Hoff factor (i) accounts for

(a) degree of solubilisation of solute.

(b) the extent of dissociation of solute.

(c) the extent of dissolution of solute.

(d) the degree of decomposition of solution.

Q9: Fluorine differs from the rest of the halogens in some of its properties. This is due to

(a) its smaller size and high electronegativity. 

(b) lack of d-orbitals.

(c) low bond dissociation energy. 

(d) All of these.

Q10: When chlorine reacts with hot and conc. NaOH, the products formed are:

(a) Chloride

(b) hypochlorite

(c) chlorate

(d) a mixture of chloride and chlorate

Q11: Which of the following molecule does not possess a permanent dipole moment?

(a) H₂S

(b) SO₂

(c) SO₃

(d) CS₂

Q12: When XeF4 is treated with water, it forms –

(a) Only Xe 

(b) both Xe and XeO₃

(c) only XeO₃ 

(d) Both XeO₃ and XeOF₄

Q13: Fitting reaction can be used to prepare

(a) Toluene 

(b) Acetophenone 

(c) Diphenyl

(d) Chlorobenzene

Q14: Iodoform can be prepared from all except 

(a) butan-2-one 

(b) acetophenone 

(c) propan-2-ol 

(d) propan-1-ol

Q15: The conversion of an alkyl halide into alcohol by aqueous NaOH is classified as: 

(a) a dehydrohalogenation reaction

(b) a substitution reaction

(c) an addition reaction

(d) a dehydration reaction

Q16: Halogenation of alkanes is:

(a) An oxidative process

(b) A reductive process

(c) An isothermal process

(d) An endothermal process

Q17: When oxalic acid is heated with glycerol we get

(a) Formic acid 

(b) Acetic acid

(c) Lactic acid 

(d) Tartaric acid

Q18: Phenols are more acidic than alcohols because

(a) Phenoxide ion is stabilised by resonance

(b) Phenols are more soluble in polar solvents

(c) Phenoxide ion does not exhibit resonance

(d) Alcohols do not lose H atoms at all

Q19: Hydrolysis of sucrose gives

(a) Glucose only 

(b) Glucose + fructose

(c) Glucose and galactose

(d) Maltose

Q20: The simplest amino acid is

(a) alanine

(b) valine 

(c) glycine 

(d) leucine


1: (c) Diamond

2: (d) Sodium Chloride

3: (a) Same in all directions

4: (b) free valence electrons 

5: (b) Molality

6: (c) Acetone + Chloroform

7: (b) low atmospheric pressure

8: (b) the extent of dissociation of solute.

9: (d) All of these.

10: (d) mixture of chloride and chlorate

11: (d) CS₂

12: (b) both Xe and XeO₃

13: (c) Diphenyl

14: (d) propan-1-ol

15: (b) a substitution reaction

16: (a) An oxidative process

17: (a) Formic acid 

18: (a) Phenoxide ion is stabilised by resonance

19: (b) Glucose + fructose

20: (c) glycine 

👉See Also:

Solid State - Crystalline Solids vs Amorphous Solids
Chapter 2 - Solutions (Important Points)
Chapter 2 - Solutions (Very Short Q & A)

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