
Tuesday 16 November 2021

CBSE Class 10 English - Nelson Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom (MCQs)

CBSE Class 10 English - Nelson Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom (MCQs)

CBSE Class 10 English - Nelson Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom (MCQs)


Directions: Choise the correct opton from the choices given in each question.

Q1: 'Rainbow gathering of different colors' refers to

(a) rainbow in the sky

(b) symbolic of hope for future

(c) dignitaries from all over the world, of different races and colors, had gathered

(d) The sandstone amphitheatre was no longer a symbol of white supremacy

Q2: Why according to Nelson Mandela a society of which all humanity will be proud was being born ?

(a) Because the foundation of the society was laid on equality and freedom for all irrespective of caste, creed or colour.

(b) A society which prospers due to the natural resources of that country.

(c) A democracy 

(d) A country which had achieved political emancipation.

Q3. What had the Union Building in Pretoria been seat of for decades?

(a) Democratic government 

(b) White Supremacy

(c) Non-racial supremacy

(d) Black Supremacy

Q4.'The sun shall never set on so glorious a human achievement. Why was it a glorious human achievement?

(a) Because it was achieved after a long struggle.

(b) Because it put an end to racial discrimination, aparthied and White supremacy.

(c) Because it was a victory for a political party which had won.

(d) Because it had brought glory to the blacks of South Africa.

Q5. The apartheid regime was based on: 

(a) mutual hatred

(b) mutual trust

(c) mutual cooperation

(d) racial discrimination

Q6. What does Mandela mean by 'an extraordinary human disaster' ?

(a) A natural calamity had struck South Africa.

(b) It witnessed oppression and discrimination by one race over the other.

(c) It was an era of struggle.

(d) It was an era of economic slowdown.

Q7. How were the black people treated in South Africa earlier?

(a) as respectable citizens 

(b) as high class citizens 

(c) as privileged class citizens

(d) as the class of people out of the main stream

Q8. How was it a fairly and freely elected Government ?

(a) It was the victory of the people of South Africa.

(b) It was a democratically elected Government.

(c) Elections were not forced on the people of South Africa.

(d) They had chosen their own leaders and Government.

Q9. Why does Nelson Mandela say that South African Defence Force and the police would have arrested him rather than saluting him? 

(a) Because he was an outlaw.

(b) Because he had broken the law of the country.

(c) Because the White rulers considered him a threat to their rule over South Africa.

(d) Because he had disobeyed his White masters.

Q10. According to Mandela, the brave man is not he who doesn’t feel afraid, but he who: 

(a) conquers that fear

(b) withstands that fear

(c) runs away from that fear

(d) is ready to face that fear

Q11. What did the playing of two National Anthems symbolise ?

(a) The end of an era of discrimination.

(b) The surrendering of Whites and the victory of the Blacks.

(c) That all citizens irrespective of their color would live in peace and with dignity.

(d) People will like this blend of music.

Q12. What kind of a social structure did the Colonial Rulers create in South Africa ?

(a) They created a social structure which gave dignity to all its citizens.

(b) They created the most inhumane and harshest societies the world has ever known

(c) They treated all equally.

(d) They were just and fair rulers.

Q13. What does Mandela hope for the people of Africa?

(a) Freedom 

(b) Discrimination

(c) Suffering 

(d) Oppression of one by another

Q14: What did Mandela realise as a young man regarding freedom?

(a) That he was born free.

(b) That he was born with a hunger to be free.

(c) That his freedom had already been taken from him.

(d) That his boyhood freedom was an illusion.

Q15. What kind of freedom did Mandela yearn for ?

(a) Freedom for himself only.

(b) Freedom to go wherever he wanted.

(c) Freedom to stay out at night.

(d) The freedom not to be obstructed in a lawful life.

Q16. Why does Mandela think that an oppressor is also not free ?

(a) Because the oppressor is also a prisoner of hatred.

(b) Because the oppressor is inhumane.

(c) Because he takes away the freedom of another person.

(d) Because the oppressor instils fear in the oppressed to rule.

Q17. What did men like Oliver Tambos and Walter Sisulus possess?

(a) Courage 

(b) Wisdom 

(c) Generosity 

(d) All of these

Q18: Which flame can be hidden but never extinguished?

(a) Man’s love 

(b) Man’s natural way 

(c) Man’s goodness 

(d) None of these

Q19: Who was sworn in as first deputy president?

(a) Zenani 

(b) Mr De Klerk

(c) Thabo Mbeki 

(d) Nelson Mandela

Q20. From whom did Nelson Mandela learn the meaning of ‘courage’?

(a) From his childhood friends

(b) From his family

(c) From the comrades in the struggle

(d) From the oppressed people of his country

Q21. Why do you think Mandela mentions some freedoms as ‘transitory’?

(a) The freedoms are momentary and keep changing with time. 

(b) The definition of freedom is constant but perspectives differ. 

(c) Freedom means different things to different people. 

(d) Freedom is not that important after a certain age.


1. (c) dignitaries from all over the world, of different races and colors, had gathered

2. (a) Because the foundation of the society was laid on equality and freedom for all irrespective of caste, creed or colour.

3. (b) White Supremacy

4. (b) Because it put an end to racial discrimination, aparthied and White supremacy.

5. (d) racial discrimination

6. (b) It witnessed oppression and discrimination by one race over the other.

7. (d) as the class of people out of the main stream

8. (d) They had chosen their own leaders and Government.

9. (c) Because the White rulers considered him a threat to their rule over South Africa.

10. (a) conquers that fear

11. (c) That all citizens irrespective of their color would live in peace and with dignity.

12. (b) They created the most inhumane and harshest societies the world has ever known

13. (a) Freedom 

14. (c) That his freedom had already been taken from him.

15. (d) The freedom not to be obstructed in a lawful life.

16. (a) Because the oppressor is also a prisoner of hatred.

17. (d) All of these

18. (c) Man’s goodness 

19. (c) Thabo Mbeki 

20. (c) From the comrades in the struggle

21. (a) The freedoms are momentary and keep changing with time. 

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