
Saturday 9 July 2022

Class 8 Science - Force and Pressure - Question Bank #class8Science #physics #eduvictors

Class 8 Science - Force and Pressure - Question Bank

Class 8 Science - Force and Pressure - Question Bank #class8Science #physics #eduvictors


Q1. Which physical quantity is required to change the state of motion of a body? 

Q2. Give an example in which force is required to slow down the speed of a fast-moving object.

Q3. Define force


Q4. In lifting an object, do we require any force? Explain using an example.

Q5. Give an example of a force acting on an object.

Q6. Mention any two effects of force.


Q7. Give two examples in which push is required to move a body.

Q8. What is the minimum number of objects that must interact for a force to come into play?

Q9. When we pull a dog by some force, does the force of our also acts on us?


Q10. What will happen to a block if it is pushed by two equal and opposite forces?

Q11. Why has it become easier to push a bench by two or more students in the same direction rather than pushing alone?

Q12. What do you mean by net force?


Q13. What happens if the net force acting on an object is non-zero?

Q14. Can the application of force increase the speed of a moving object? Explain using an example. 

Q15. What happens if the force is applied in the direction of the moving object?

Q16. In what direction will you apply a force to stop a moving body? 

Q17. What do you mean by state of motion? 

Q18. Give an example of the state of zero speed.

Q19. Does the application of force always result in a change in the state of motion? Explain with an example.


Q20. What happens when we apply force to a rubber ball by pressing it between our palms? 

Q21. Give two examples in which force is required to change the shape of an object. 


Q22. What kind of force is responsible for lifting a bucket full of water? 

Q23. What do you mean by muscular force? 

Q24. Give two examples in which animals make use of  muscular force to carry out their physical activities 

Q25. Give two examples in which we make use of muscular force to carry out physical activities?

Q26. Define contact forces. 

Q27. Mention any two types of contact forces. 

Q28. Define friction. 

Q29. Give two examples where friction acts on an object. 

Q30. What is the direction of frictional force? 

Q31. Give an example to show that frictional force is a contact force. 

Q32. Does fluid oppose the motion of an object moving in it? Explain using a suitable example.

Q33. Why does a ball stop by itself when rolled on the floor?


Q34. Define non-contact forces. 

Q35. Mention any two examples of non-contact force.

Q36. How can you say that the magnetic force is a non-contact force?

Q37. What do you mean by magnetic force?

Q38. What happens when two magnetic poles are brought closer to each other?

Q39. State whether the force exerted by a magnet on a piece of iron is a contact or a non-contact force. Explain your answer.

Q40. What do you mean by an electrostatic force? 

Q41. How can you say that an electrostatic force is a non-contact force?

Q42. What happens when a straw is rubbed with a sheet of paper?

Q43. Is electrostatic force always repulsive? Explain your answer.

Q44. What do you mean by gravitational force?

Q45. How can you say that the gravitational force is a non-contact force? 

Q46. When an object is dropped from a certain height it comes towards the earth's surface. Which force is responsible for the same?

Q47. Can only earth produce the gravitational force?

Q48. Can gravitational force be repulsive?

Q49. Give two examples where the movement of an object is due to the gravitational force.

Q50. Up to how much distance above the earth's surface can we experience gravitational force?

Q51. Does gravitational force exist between tiny particles?

Q52. Earth attracts the falling apple from trees, does the apple also attract the earth? 

Q53. What do you mean by gravity?

Q54. Gravitational force can be exerted between what type of objects?


Q55. Define pressure.

Q56. What is the relation between force and pressure?

Q57. How does pressure vary with the area of contact?

Q58. Why is it easier to cut vegetables with a sharp knife?

Q59. Why the railway tracks are placed on broad wooden or concrete wedges?

Q60. Why are sharp nails easier to push into the wall?

Q61. "Shoulder bags are made with are made with broad straps". Give reason.

Q62. Why do the porters place a round piece of cloth on their heads? 

Q63. Why is it easier for the camel to walk in the desert? 

Q64. How can we increase the pressure? 

Q65. At what angle the force must act on the surface to get maximum pressure? 


Q66. Explain using a suitable example, the pressure of paper? increases with depth in liquids. 

Q67. What are fluids? 

Q68. Show that the pressure is exerted by the liquids on the walls of the container. 

Q69. Do gases exert pressure? 

Q70. Why does the water from a leaking pipe come like a fountain? 

Q71. Is it possible to inflate a balloon with a hole in it?  Explain your answer. 


Q72. What is the atmosphere? 

Q73. Up to what height does the atmosphere extend above the surface?

Q74. What do you mean by atmospheric pressure? 

Q75. On what factors does the atmospheric pressure depend? 

Q76. Does atmospheric pressure depend on the surface area? 

Q77. Why does a rubber sucker stick to the flat surface? 

Q78. Why don't we get crushed due to atmospheric pressure? 

Q79. Why do astronauts wear special suits in space? 

Q80. Deep-sea divers use some special suits while diving. Give reason. 

Q81. What happens to the atmospheric pressure as we move to higher altitudes above the earth's surface?

Q82. Is there any role of gravity in atmospheric pressure?  Explain your answer. 

Q83. Discuss an activity which shows that atmospheric pressure is huge in magnitude.

👉See Also:

Ch 11 - Force and Pressure (Q & A)
Ch11 - Force and Pressure (MCQs)
Ch 11 - Force (What is Inertia?)
Ch 11 - Force and Pressure (Assignment Sheet)
Ch 11 - Force and Pressure (Worksheet)
Force, Pressure and Pressure (Q & A-II)
Force, Pressure and Friction (Short Q & A) 
Force, Pressure and Friction (MCQs)

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