
Saturday 19 January 2013

CBSE Class 10 - Biology - Heredity and Evolution (MCQs)

Heredity and Evolution


Q1: Which type of variation is inherited?

(a) Somatic Variation
(b) Germinal Variation
(c) Both Somatic and Germinal
(d) None of these

Q2: The organs which perform different functions but have the same basic structure are called:

(a) Vestigial organ
(b) Analogous organs
(c) Homologous organs
(d) Analytic organs

Q3: While digging fossils are found at deeper layers of the earth, we can conclude

(a) fossil is the most recent.
(b) fossil is very old may be more than thousand years.
(c) fossil may be recent or old, its position is irrelevant.
(d) fossil age cannot be computed.

Q4: Wings of an insect & a bird are example of

(a) Analogous organs
(b) Vestigial organs
(c) Homologous organs
(d) Analytic organs

Q5: Vermiform appendix is an example of

(a) Analogous organ
(b) Vestigial organ
(c) Homologous organ
(d) Analytic organ

Q6: A trait in an offspring is influenced by

(a) DNA of mother gamete
(b) DNA of father gamete
(c) both DNAs of father and mother gamete
(d) neither of mother of father gamete DNA

Q7: On crossing Tall plant with Dwarf plant Mendel found the the ratio of dwarf plants in F2 generation was?

(a) 25 %
(b) 40 %
(c) 60 %
(d) 75 %

Q8: Gamete cells are 

(a) Diploid
(b) Haploid
(c) Either Diploid or Haploid
(d) None of these

Q9: Human baby will be a female its 23rd chromosome pair is

(a) XX
(b) XY
(c) YY
(d) XYY

Q10: Who proposed the hypothesis that life must have developed from the simple inorganic molecules which were present on earth soon after it was formed?

(a) Miller
(b) Urey
(c) Darwin
(d) Haldane

Q11(TN Board): Mendel observed 7 pairs of contrasting characters in Pisum sativum. One of the following is not a part of that. Find out.
(a) Tall and dwarf,
(b) Yellow and green seed colour,
(c) Terminal and axial Flower,
(d) Smooth and rough stem

Available as Online quiz at
Read Q and A and study Notes on Heredity and Evolution

1: (b) Germinal Variation
2: (c) Homologous organs
3: (b) fossil is very old may be more than thousand years.
4: (a) Analogous organs
5: (b) Vestigial organ
6: (c) both DNAs of father and mother gamete
7: (a) 25 %
8: (b) Haploid
9: (a) XX
10: (d) Haldane
11: (d) Smooth and rough stem

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