
Sunday 20 January 2013

CBSE Class 9 - Value Based Questions (Social Studies- SA-2)

Value Based Questions and Answers
CBSE Class 9 - Value Based Questions (Social Studies)

In SA-II examination, there shall be 1 or 2 value based questions of 3-5 marks.

Here follows Value based Questions in Social Science:

Q1(CBSE Sample Paper): While analysisng the given table, which values you think are distrubing the balance of the country?

   (a) Gender Ratio (Female - Male) 46% : 54%
   (b) Occupation (Secondary - Primary) 55% : 35%

(a) Gender Ratio: Female-Male ratio as 46%:54% is a matter of grave concern for the country.
  1. It indicates how the girl child is neglected.
  2. female foeticide, poor medical care and poor nutrition to girl child are the possible causes for low female ratio.
  3. Society's gender bias towards girl has led to this difference and it will lead to dire consequences.

(b) Occupation Ratio: To ensure our country be economical sound, it is important that all job sectors must progress. The drastic difference between Secondary and Primay sector occupation indicates that primary sector i.e. agriculture, dairy farming, poultry etc. is not performing well. As compared to manufacturing and industry (secondary), the job opportunities in the primary sector are less. On the other hand, increased occupation in secodary sector raises concerns about the environmental issues and exploitation of out natural resources. We must ensure that there should be sustainable development.

Q2(CBSE Sample Paper): Ecosystem is very important for the living beings. How can you contribute to conserve it? Express your views.


How can we conserve ecosystem? Explain with three examples.

Answer: Ecosystem can be conserved by adopting the following measures:
  1. Create awareness among people about environmental issues and conservation of wild life and trees.
  2. Adopt sustainable development measures which creates a balance among environmental, social and economical needs.
  3. Check rapid growth and check population explosion by adopting family planning methods.
  4. Encourage people about 3Rs principle i.e. Recycle, Reduce and Reuse of products and our natural resources.   e.g. use empty PET bottle to store sugar, salt and pulses at home.
  5. Adopt efficient and Eco-friendly technology.
  6. Adopt indigenous agricultural practices, soil and water conservation methods (e.g. rain water harvesting)
  7. Minimize use of pollution causing substances. Waste material should be treated before dumping into ground or releasing to river or oceans.e.g. use CNG instead of coal.

Q3: Brandis set up the Indian Forest Service in 1864 and helped formulate the Indian Forest Act of 1865. The Imperial Forest Research Institute was set up at Dehradun in 1906. The system they taught here was called ‘scientific forestry’. Many people now, including ecologists, feel that this system is not scientific at all.

In scientific forestry, natural forests which had lots of different types of trees were cut down. In their place, one type of tree was planted in straight rows. This is called a plantation. Forest officials surveyed the forests, estimated the area under different types of trees, and made working plans for forest management. They planned how much of the plantation area to cut every year. The area cut was then to be replanted so that it was ready to be cut again in some years.

(a) In the above paragraph from "Forest Society and Colonialism", why "scientific forestry" is considered as a pseudo science theory? 

(b) What do you think such type of plantation can be considered as good forest management?

(a) Many ecologists truly believe this kind of theory adopted by Colonists has no scientific basis. It was meant for commercial purpose so that plants of one type be grown in the forests. It had adverse effect on the ecosystem and threat to biodiversity. e.g. medicinal plants were cut and replaced by commercial plants like timber. It also led to economic loss of nearby villagers who were solely dependent on these forests. No doubt it was a pseudo scientific theory.

(b) Planting one kind of plants cannot be considered a good forest management. It cannot be considered as sustainable development because it created an imbalance among environment, social and economical factors.

Q4(CBSE Sample Paper): The Pentangular tournament was played by five teams in India during colonial rule. They were i) The European, ii) The Parsis, iii) The Hindus, iv) The Muslims, v) The rest which comprised all the communities left such as the Indian Christians. Mahatma Gandhi condemned the Pentangular as a communally dividing competition that was out of place in a time when nationalists were trying to unite India’s diverse population. Give any 3 values which can be reflected from this tournament?

Answer:  Values which can be reflected from this tournament:
  1. This tournament introduced an idea of national integration and team work.
  2. It reflected a feeling of patriotism because teams are playing against the colonisers.
  3. It gave a secular platform where teams of different communities played together.

Q5: Hockey, like many other modern games, was introduced into India by the British army in colonial times. The first hockey club in India was started in Calcutta in 1885-1886. India was represented in the hockey competition of the Olympic Games for the first time in 1928. India reached the finals defeating Austria, Belgium, Denmark and Switzerland. In the finals, India defeated Holland by three goals to nil.

In the era of colonialism, India won gold in Olympic Games in 1928. What values do you see?

  1. It gave a sense of patriotism and nationalism among Indians.
  2. It gave an International platform to Indians to show their team work and sports skills and brilliance

Q6(CBSE Sample Paper): Which values should contestants keep in mind during the election campaign of a country (Any three)

Answer: Contestant should have the following values:
  1. He or She should be honest.
  2. He should be approachable, patriotic and should not favour people any particular community or relegion.
  3. He should have understanding about sustainable development and should promote it once elected.
  4. He should adopt non-violent measures and promote harmony among citizens.

Q 7(CBSE Sample Paper): Suppose you have attained the age of 18 years and you have been registered as a voter in the voters list. There are four candidate who are contesting elections from your constituency. They approach you personally one by one

I) One of them is a professor in the University who is contesting as an independent candidate.
II) One is muscleman of the area and people are scared of him.
III) There is an educated lady who is already helping the residents in various ways.

After meeting all the three candidates, whom will you vote for and why?

Answer: Although the the first candidate is well educated person, but there is no information available whether he would promote welfare projects once elected. Whether he is approachable or not to citizens. Voting to him is doubtful.

The answer is NO for the second candidate. We should exercise vote as our moral and social duty. We should not vote out of fear and must not elect anti-social elements.

Third candidate is educated and has been a social worker. She seems to be a selfless person and looks a promising candidate. We should vote in her favour.

Q8: Which values do the national parks of any country promote?

Answer: National parks must promote the following values:
  1. Ensures there is no threat to biodiversity. Ensures safety of forests and wildlife.
  2. Encourage ways to revive ecology and encourage afforestation.
  3. Respect neighbourhood tribals relation with forests. 
  4. Encourage sustainable development ways for the welfare of tribals.

Q9: "Mandal Commission recommended 27% reservation for SEBC in government jobs which became a hotly debated issue. It led to a widespread protest and violence in the country. 
Context Based Question:
      (a) How was this dispute resolved and by whom?

Value Based Question:
       (b) Mention three values which kept in mind while resolving this issue.

Answer: (a) Once Mandal Commission recommended 27% reservation for SEBC in govt. jobs, widespread protests were staged. Writ petitions were filed in High Courts and the Supreme Court questioning this measure. The Supreme Court examine the issue and permitted the Union government to reserve 27% of jobs for the OBCs subject to the exclusion of 'creamy layer' among OBCs.

(b) While resolving the issues, following values were kept in mind:
  • Social justice to backward community.
  • To ensure equal representation and opportunities of all citizens of India irrespective of caste or creed.
  • Socio-economic welfare

Q10: There are various schemes by the Indian Government to eradicate poverty directly or indirectly.
Context Based Question
    (a) Mention any three anti-poverty programmes launched by the government to eradicate poverty.

Value Based Question
    (b) What values can be added to improve the result of these anti-poverty programmes?

Answer: (a) Various schemes run by the Indian Government to eradicate poverty directly or indirectly are:
  • Prime Minister Rojgar Yojna 1993
  • Rural Employment Generation Programme
  • Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana
  • National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
(b)  Values that can be added to improve the result of these anti-poverty programmes:
  • Population Control
  • Create new employement opportunities
  • Education
  • Proper implementation and right targeting



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  2. i like the ques they are very intresting
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    realy the ques are very nice....................
    thanks for the ques

  3. thanks 4 the great's really helpful & make me hopeful 4 scoring nice marks...this will definitely work out 4 me...!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. It's really awesome site nd very helpful tq soooo much


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